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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Yep, you don't want those.... I think they are either 2006 or 2007. Anything before or after is OK.
  2. Pretty average. Nothing to be worried about.
  3. Condor


    That's gonna be my theme song.... Love it!!
  4. I think you missed the point of my post Bill. The point was whether it's 300 miles or somewhere in the middle of the US, it shouldn't present a problem. Just have the desire to do something for the board, which sounds like you already have. It just doesn't need to be in one's back yard any longer....
  5. That's my thinking also. On my 6x10 the RSV fits comfortably but not a lot of room to spare.... The weight would be OK as boat trailers usually have 3500# axles.
  6. Probably due for an upgrade anyway......
  7. Nice looking bike. Same color as my '87....
  8. You're definitely a rare bird.... Run thru a tank a 75+ in 5th and then let us know what you get.
  9. 5th gear, wind resistance, and load are mpg killers on these bikes. 1st or 2ndGen. I just got back from The Dalles with the '07 and got 47mpg on the Mt Hood ride, and the only time I hit 5th was going down hill. Pulled a trailer to Cody with the '99 and got 26mpg in 5th @ 75mph...until I dumped the trailer and then got 40mpg on a day ride to Shell Falls. With the '83VR I'd get 35-37 around town, and in the twisties in 2-3-4 gears only, never 5th unless downhill, I'd average 50. High speeds and 5th gear are the biggest mpg killers... Haven't rode the '04 trike any distance yet, but I'm not expecting much due to the Voyager Kit.
  10. It's gotta rain be4 it snows.....
  11. How many times do they have to do this to figure it out....
  12. For those on the board who are using the Voyager Kit.... How are you dealing with your exhaust?? The RK's on the '04 come back and exit about 6" in front of the mounting plate. Am I the only one?? On mine I can imagine the exhaust fumes not only cooking the plate, but also circulating back up toward the cockpit. I have picked up a set of RK turn downs to correct, but wondered if anyone else had the same problem....
  13. That's a Tow Pak Kit. Much like the Voyager Kit but smaller tires and different way to mount to the bike. With the smaller wheels they do look like trainers.... Don't like the look at all.. The website makes them look better, but in real life...not so. http://www.towpacusa.com/
  14. In '08 they started to place the cat in the manifold, so the slip-on's from '08 to pres are also cat free... Didn't take 'm long to figure out that putting cat's in the mufflers wasn't such a great idea... And.... I don't know what the dealer gave me for RK's, but compared to the sound of the RK's on the '07 the '04 trike are nasty!!
  15. I can't believe a P.O. didn't know that the spring was like that when he buttoned it back up. It may not have been of his doing... Keep an eye on it...
  16. I agree with everything you've said Carl...except the last bit about the rally needing to being close to an organizer's home base. In these times of the internet, and unlimited long distance phone, this shouldn't be a factor. Lone Eagle and I have done 4 long distance rally's. Cody #1, the Cody International, and recently The Dalles, plus a 300 mile away local, Morro Bay... VW5. We did have help from a resident member with Cody#1, but many of the details were handled long distance. Much like Ft Collins. So to wrap things up, I think there should be a reason for members to attend other than just to rub elbows with other members. Remember the rally takes a week out of those who attend and should have a vacation quality about it. IMHO
  17. My wife and I did DC several years ago, and stayed at a motel in Virginia. Left the truck at the motel and rode the Metro into DC... which was an experience in itself. Kinda like a bucket list achievement. Even survived a rush hour Metro breakdown. If I remember correctly we got off at L'Enfant Station and every thing was right there. We bought a couple of all day passes on one of those on/off tour jitneys. Two days and we had a blast. Didn't see it all, but went into every 'hall' and even did the Wall and Arlington. Hope you have the time of your lives....
  18. Nice pics of some good friends...
  19. Hey they's got a great Dairy Queen.......
  20. Mine is still without a knob so can't verify. Maybe another member with a good one will chime in??
  21. They're usually sold as one big assembly... Unbolt it and replace it. They can be found on eBay or check Pinwall in Ohio....
  22. Glad to hear he's still out and about.... The attached pic is from Cody #1. It may be the last time he was terrorizing on two wheels.... http://www.cast-aways.com/CODYPICS/IMGP2552%20(Medium).JPG
  23. Looks like your shift lever is all caddy whompus. Probably bent when it was layed down on the left side. Any shifter will be a bolt on from 83-93... If it were me I'd put the petcock on reserve and toss the messed up knob... Ride by the odo and fuel gauge. Good luck finding the fairing etc. Looks like it's an '87.
  24. I agree with Peter. The values there. The only thing I can suggest is when checking it out get on your back and take a look at the bottom of the motor. It generally shows how well a bikes been taken care of. Caked with cr@p and it's dickering time.....
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