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mark reed

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Everything posted by mark reed

  1. Remove the circlip and separate the spline from the wheel. It has 5 round pegs about finger size that fit tightly in steel collors in rubber in the wheel. These will click for sure when dry.They have to be greased at every tire change.
  2. I ride an 83 Venture with a heated vest and heated grips daily on my 60 mile comute to work. There was an article on this site under Poor mans fix on how to make a vest. Pretty simple for a shade tree guy. A bit of sewing is really the most time consuming part of it. You can make one for about 40.00. Look on ebay for "heated vest kit". If needed email me for info.
  3. Did the new carb diaphrams make a big differance? My 83 just had some small pin holes in the diaphrams when I inspected one of them. Thanks,Mark Reed.
  4. Be sure and find a cooling kit. It was an up grade Yamaha put on the later Ventures to sling more oil on the stator to keep it from burning. Thers usually one on Ebay.
  5. My 83 requires manual greasing of the drive shaft splines that connect to the pumpkin at every tire change or about 9,000 miles. Didnt know this at first and had to replace a ruined drive shaft and reciever splines in the pumpkin. Pack the cavity at the end of the drive shaft full of grease.
  6. Their is an article in the "poor mans fixit" on this site on how to make your own heated vest.I did it,cost less than 50 bucks. With the vest and heated grips I ride comfotably to work daily down to twenty degrees.Also one of those collors that velcros around the bottom of your full face helmet is worth it.Its a chore to get suited up in the morning,but with fuel prices,the savings add up.
  7. The only spacer on my 83 is in the right side of the wheel.Not really visable when assembled.It is against the bearing with the seal around it.It could possibly fall out when disassembled.
  8. Calling any riders in the N.E. Tx area interested in the Stampede.I think I will be camping.I dont think the wife will be making this one with me.Email back, maby a few of us could meet somewhere and ride down together.I would be able to leave Sat.Morning.Thanks.Mark.
  9. I might look at the stator.My 83 has had to be replaced twice. The second time I put a cooling kit on it that came on the later models.It just gets too hot and burns itself up and quits charging fully and then stops charging complety.
  10. I live near the Paris area.Just had a little wind.Thanks Mark.
  11. The end of the driveshaft that goes into the differential has to be greased at least every tire change.I learned the hard way,had to replace the shaft and the part it fits into in the differential.The shaft has a cupped end,it must be packed with grease to last from one tire change to another from 7000 to 10000 miles.BUT Im guessing the noise is coming from .Ill try my best to explain.Remove the rear wheel.The teeth that mate up to the differential need to be removed.A clip is around the center of it.Remove the clip and pull the gear out.It has five or six pegs that fit into round steel holes mounted in rubber.These pegs have to be greased at every tire change,sometimes more often.You will notice a big improvement in the smoothness of the bike.One more thing.The grease fitting on the diffreential is usless,It just dont get grease where it needs to be.Hope I helped.Feel free to email,I maintain my 83 for 60,000 miles.
  12. From my expererences on my 83 over 60k miles,this is normal.I finally went to a paper filter it helped somewhat.The oil from a foam filter eventally runs to the bottom an gets a bit messy.I found a cheaper alturnative to the K-N filter from Bike Bandit.I thank it is EMGO brand.Hope to see all you Texas riders at the Stampeed.Thats my neck of the woods.Mark.
  13. My 83 developed pin holes in the bottom of the tank.The paint was still appeared almost new on the outside of the tank and bike is kept in a tight shop.Removed tank and did the KREEM treatment.A big job but its fixed now.
  14. I cant recall having any trouble installing mine.But you wont notice alot of difference until you put on a new front tire,then it will keep the new tire handling like a new tire for a longer period of time.
  15. If it is the bolt conecting the bracket to the swingarm,mine is stuck too.But it is not nessary to remove it.Just remove the calaper and swing the bracket out of the way and tie up with a piece of wire.Hope this will help.Mark.
  16. On an 83 xvz1200.Wandering how long water pump seal last.I replaced mine about eight or nine years ago.It wasnt leaking them.I had just bought the bike and gave it a good going through.
  17. I have an oil leak somewhere one the left side around kickstand.Any guesses? Could it be the o-ring around the clutch slave cyclinder?Also cant seem to stop a leak around the bottom allen screw around the middle bearing cover.Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mark
  19. I have an 83 Venture.Should I be able to slide the rear wheel under full braking? I know it only has single piston calepers.I can put as mush pressure as I can on the petal and it stops pretty fast,but it wont slide.
  20. In rare cases the pins that hold the pads in place can get grooves worn in them where the pads hang on them.On road racing bikes the pins are replaced every time the shoes are.Just my 2 cents worth.The other guys have given some very good advice also.
  21. I got countless parts from BikeBandit.com. It has parts diagrams showing nearly all parts including rubber grommets that hold the side covers on.Can ups them to your door in about 5 days.
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