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Everything posted by cwtart

  1. Did you use hot air to remove it? I think I can take a faint rectangle over the warning sticker itself.
  2. I bought my 2008 RSV used and the warning sticker ("WARNING - be careful of everything") is still on the tank to the right of the gas cap. How can I remove this sticker without removing or damaging the paint on the tank? Likewise, I want to remove the built-in communication cord that is held in place on the tank with a clip. I have Schuburth helmets with Blue Tooth so will never need the factory comm system. I can remove the comm connector cable with no problem but also want to remove the clip glued to the tank without damaging the tank paint.
  3. Anyone have experience with this Show Chrome driving light kit? Show Chrome 61-117L - LED DRIVING ELLIPTICAL RS VENTURE KIT Show Chrome 62-112T - TURNSIGNAL ADAPTER (PAIR) http://www.bigbikeparts.com/templates/product.aspx?ProductGuid=61-117L&GroupGuid=137#61-117LGallery[pp_gal]/0/ It appears the Show Chrome kit number 61-115 is the same as above 61-117L lit but has halogen bulbs instead of LEDs. I have pretty much given up on finding the Yamaha OEM light bar - STR-4XY35-10-00 and STR-4XY35-40-00
  4. Hello All, I am looking for the trunk spoiler, Yamaha part STR-4XY62-03-BC, for my 2008 RSV. No luck on Ebay and the only web site I could find that had it was motosport.com - but they checked with Yamaha and it is no longer available. Is there anywhere on Earth where I can find this or do I need to wait for the next life?
  5. I am looking to buy a service/repair manual for my 2008 Royal Star Venture. The Clymer manual seems to be quite popular - my question is, are there better manuals available, and if so, which one is best? Also, does the online manual seem to be sufficient or is the printed manual easier to use? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the very good info and thanks to all others who responded. This should get me pointed in the right direction.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply but I am new here and do not know any of the members - how would I contact Mike Eykampand and Leo3wheel?
  8. Hello all, I have searched for info on driving lights for my 2008 RSV and have found plenty here - but not too much about the actual support bar for the lights. My RSV does not have driving lights and I want to add them. Do I need to replace the bar that supports the turn signals? If I need to replace the bar, there are a thousand (possible exaggeration) hits when searching the web - most say they will fit but I am skeptical. Any suggestions for a complete driving light kit - including the light bar, LED driving lights, wiring harness, switch, relay, hardware, etc.? Will I be able to use my existing turn signals or should I just put LED bulbs in the turn signals? As far as the headlight, it looks like just replacing the bulb with an LED bulb is the way to go rather than replacing the whole front light with a 7 inch LED. I can do any wiring changes myself. I also want to replace my rear brake light and side reflectors with LEDs - any suggestions on this? Would like to add a strobe for the brake lights - where can I find information on this? And finally, any suggestions for adding saddlebag guards - again, there are plenty available on e-bay but I am sure there are differences in quality. I don't want to skimp. Thanks for any suggestions. Chuck
  9. Hello All, I just purchased a 2008 Royal Star Venture - looks almost new with 21,000 miles - very, very happy with this bike. It will complement my other bike, a 2018 Triumph Bonneville Speedmaster. The Venture is for my wife to have a good place to sit. My Triumph is a great bike but definitely not a long-haul bike. Question 1: I purchased from a dealer who got this bike from another dealer so I don't know any of the maintenance history of the bike. I want to replace the front and rear brake pads and want to use top-end pads - I need suggestions for the brake pads. Question 2: Having no history of the bike, I do not know if I have a Royal Star Venture or a Royal Star Venture S. How can I tell? Question 3: The dealer key tag says this is a XVZ13TFXR model but I cannot find any other reference to this. How do I tell the actual exact model? Doing a VIN search was inconclusive. Question 4: I have a Corbin seat on my Triumph and am thinking about a custom seat for the Venture - Corbin, Mustang, or other? Any recommendations? Question 5: The only thing not near-perfect on the bike is the windshield - it is pretty foggy and scratched. I ordered an F4 Custom windshield, 19.5-inch wide with OEM vent. Does anyone have any experience with F4 Custom windshields on their Venture? Question 6: Other than the brake pads, what else should I be looking at for maintenance on this bike? It came with a new rear tire and a very good front tire so the rubber is good. The dealer changed the oil and gave the bike a go-over but what else should I check? Thanks for any information and thanks for this great forum - I look forward to having my Royal Star Venture for many years of great use.
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