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Venture Wannabe

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Chuck Hahn


  • Location
    Norman, OK, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Venture
  1. Well we fumbled and stumbled and discovered that it was the starter selenoid. Apparently once the battery cable feeds power the selenoid feeds juice to the other components that have to do with ignition. Anyway the Yammy dealership had a "universal" kit and I wired it in and now the pump runs and it starts everytime off the starter button. All is back to normal. Got a 6 mile test ride in at 60 MPH and not one hickup to be had. I wish to thank all here that had pointers to give. Soon as I can im gonna hit the membership button and be a paid member. Im sure you guys all have different bikes and I am almost 1000% certain i am gonna be a pain in the rump yet again...LOL
  2. OK..so again let me clear things up. The bike started and ran with the gravity bottle to the carbs. The NEW pump was plugged into the connector BECAUSE I WANTED TO SEE IF it was working right BEFORE i put it all back together to find that something OTHER than the pump was an issue. Being its a new pump it cycled on and off with the key as it normally should. It ( the pump ) stayed running when the bike was running with the gravity bottle too...so it was acting right by all accounts. NEXT, we decided all was good so we shut the bike off with the key. Proceeded to install the pump, hooked up fuel lines, and bolted it in. Turned on the key to restart the bike to ensure it was gonna stay running with the pump supplying fuel instead of the gravity bottle. It was at this point there was no starter button and no cranking. Now for tonights update. I thought maybe the main ignition switch was wanky like the switch bypass tutorial explains. I turned the key to the ON position and there was continuity between the red and the brown/blue wire so i am assuming the switch is sending power to the relays and ignitor. Next i turned the key on and checked if there was power at either of the kill switch wires and neither had anything. Checked all the fuses by taking them out of the fuse box and checking continuity across each blade..all good. Im gonna next check all grounds and clean the connectors as good as I can. Nothing was touched when we turned the key off that last time.....and suddenly no starter button response. I even took a known good plug and stuck it in all 4 wires and shorted across the selenoid to crank the bike and there was no spark on any of the 4 leads. Its just dead and Im stumped as to why. Like that other guy said about taking it to a shop. If any of us were cash flush it would have been there already. Unfortunately noones rich around here so we gotta fumble till we stumble on whats wrong.
  3. No shame at all...just send me a wad of cash and I will do that.....
  4. Im at my wits end with the fuel pump ( and now no starter button operation and no spark ) on this 2008 RSV1300. As you may have read in my other thread about fuel pump smokes, bike started 2 or 3 times off the starter button tonight and ran great off the gravity bottle straight to the carbs. Then like out of nowhere theres no starter button but the dash lights dim like the buttons trying to send juice. In any case I am in WAY WAY over my head here. Im ready to beg for a rescue party to show up and help me out. I am in Norman Oklahoma. I can gladly pay for your services and have your favorite beer in the fridge for you. If your interested just PM me or call my cell....254-251-6288. Leave a message as I may be tied up at work but I will call you right back. Thanks, Chuck.
  5. Anyone have a PDF file or viable link to a service manual for the 2008 Venture 1300??
  6. HELP HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!! So we got a new pump and plugged it in. Before hooking everything up and placing covers on we ran the gravity bottle straight to the carbs. Hit the ignition switch and it cycled for about 5 seconds and shut off..which i read is what should happen. Next, I started the bike and the pump chattered away like normal. Hit ignition to off and retested..exact same things happened. So we decided we were good and hooked the gravity tank to the fuel line where it would go to the petcock. Hooked the line to the carbs back on. Turned on the key and nothing!!! Press the start button and the dash lights dim a bit like the switch IS contacting and trying to send power to the selinoid but it wont crank. OK...so lets jump across the post to see if it at least cranks the starter motor. Cranks great but bike wont start. Pulled a plug wire and used a know good plug to hold against the engine and no sparking. Im stumped as the bike was JUST running and had a working starter button, seinoid was doing its job, and we didnt touch anything other than the plug for the fuel pump!! Im using search feature and have read many things about a diode and a starter circuit cutoff relay. I have no clue where any of these things are at, what they look like, what colors they are. I really want to get the bike done so Jim can ride this weekend before his surgery. This may be his last riding day for the year and if I can get her to crank off the starter button and restore spark I think we got her licked.
  7. I will try a little gentle clean up of the points. I assume you are talking about the rounded tip that i see sparking every now and then when it decides to "try" to come on...yes??? Is there a gap setting for them that i can check with some feeler gauges???
  8. Just got home after 4 hours of tinkering with absolutely no gain. The box the new pump that started smoking was indeed marked EFI on the end. Took the black cap off and it was pretty well scorched all around the points and where the wires went into the pump body. So we put the old one back on and it would click every now and then when turning the key on and off. So then I took the plug off the EFI one and stripped the wires so I could use the multimeter at the plug to see what voltage was getting to the pump. Turn the key on and 12.74 and then it drops off after a few seconds. Put the gravity bottle straight to the carbs and started the beast. Now with the bike running the voltage at the plug stayed 12.85 to 12.95 consistently for as long as the bike was running. After 4 hours about all I have convinced myself of is the relay is indeed working or else I wouldnt get any voltage. Secondly, i know that there is a constant 12 volts plus at the plug so its not a voltage issue. Jim wants to ride saturday before he goes under the knife so I am asking for suggestions for a two wire pump from an auto parts place that will fit . I saw the Mr. Gasket write up. Is there a more straight forward mod other than doing all that plumbing?? I think I know where theres a stock one off a Vulcan or a Shadow and they have the nipples on the end like this bike has. Any thoughts on if a shadow or Vulcan twowire pump will work???
  9. I should also add that we are feeding fuel with a gravity bottle and the tank is off. Having the plug that goes to the tank undone, will that cause any eletrical issues with the cycling of the fuel pump???? I am thinking it isnt cycling and just staying on making the points get hot and smoke. Least thats my conclusion. I am also assuming the relay is working or else the pump would turn on at all..correct??
  10. I have the old pump still. As i was using the search feature i noticed threads about points. Wonder if I took the black cover off the old one i could see if the points are smoked?? maybe some 1500 grit to polish them and see if the old pump comes alive again??? He was riding the bike and it started acting up and died. let it set awhile and it would start but go a mile a die again. Wash rinse repeat.
  11. I have no idea what the PSI on it is. I was just wondering if the pump was for a FI system did they give Jim the wrong pump when he needs one for a craburetor bike?? Is there a difference? If so I will have him get one for a carb setup.
  12. Buddys fuel pump quit so he went and got a Quantum pump from the local shop. Plugged it in and it didnt click so we replaced the relay thats right under the front middle cover. Had the numbers 5EA-81950-00 on it. We assumed this was the fuel pump relay. Now the issue is the pump gets really hot and there is smoke coming out from the vent nipple and from the edges of the black plastic cover. Ive changed out pumps on shadows and vulcans ive owned and never have I had one heat up and smoke. My buddy noted that the box the Quantum unit came in said something about fuel injection on it..would a fuel injection pump over pressurize itself on this carburated bike and thus heat up and smoke?? Im not the dullest tool in the shed but this ones got me shaking my head.
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