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About dr.nemo

  • Birthday 02/06/1969

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Niagara Region, Canada


  • City
    Niagara Region


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    My family, and Bikes
  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Harley FLHPI
  1. Sorry JT... You get the whole famn damily....and I am a good eater... Whats for dinner..?? LOL.. :usa:
  2. Exactly..!!!! man o man these polititions just don't know when to stop... Ok so one of them saw some young child on the back of a bike and started talking with the other idiots in Ottawa about it.... but to come up with with the age of 14..!!!???? Are they all drunk or were they remembering the age of consent for having sex..????(which was 14 till recently). THEY DRAGGED THEIR FEET ON THAT ONE FOR SOME REASON.... Hell thats pretty much the age I fully expect my daughters to start hating me because of all "MY" rules and regulations to safeguard their lives... Its probably too damn late to start building any relationship around touring with dear OLD dad on his bike at that point...!!! Yes we need a law to protect the innocent children from those few feeble minded parents..., but lets at least consult with "MOTORCYCLISTS" OR THE "CMA", and maybe learn that reaching the pegs safely is number one rule, and no we are not out to harm our own children, just to expose them to the joys of 2 wheeled travel.. ONE MORE STUPID POLITICAL MOVE/LAW AND I'M MOVING...!!!!! I have 2 daughters aged 4 and 2 1/2.....They soooo want to go for a ride, and I told them, soon, when you can reach the pegs and can hold on tight.... Now I will be made a liar... Geez they already have to ride in booster seats in the car till they are over 80 lbs.....for some that could be close to high school...!!! Can someone in Texas adopt me and my family..???
  3. Wow they never did that at my base when I was in...(CFB Comox). Have fun, you never know you just may like all that Torque instead of high rpm Horse Power... Check out their payment plans, they can spread out the loan term quite a while now.. Slow depreciation of the bike helps too...
  4. No problem, I found it quite amazing and knew many of you guys would too...
  5. dr.nemo

    What to do?

    Glad to hear you are OK.... I have just recently changed my insurance, and yours may be the same... There is a specific question on the policy questionnaire which asks for the value of your "extras" you have installed on the vehicle.. That is how my insurance company gets their value... So maybe you anticipated $2000 worth of goodies you were going to put on her when you started your policy..., but you actually put on much more value in add-ons...., in which case you would be much better off removing what you can.. Provided you are buying another RSV....and not some Voyager or Harley...:stirthepot:
  6. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: We are sitting around $1.05-$1.07 today.....but overall well said SilverT.. It depends geographically where your located as to what line of BS THEY CHOOSE TO USE... Geeze...what would it have been like over the past 90 years if the gov't was in charge of the oil/gas/diesel...??? If we are consuming soooo much of this oil, where is the proof that we are going to run out..? perhaps being known as a non-renewable fuel just adds to the value of it.. Was there really enough fossils to be crushed into all this oil we have consumed over the past 100 years..?? :think: :shock3: :confused07:
  7. I will look for your post Bob.. My friend and I loved NY state earlier this year and we are wanting to get back one more time this year.. A guided tour of some nice roads by a local might work.. Thanx Brian.
  8. I am getting a few guys together for a ride tomorrow Oct 11, meeting at "Stop Fifty" truck stop which is on the south side of the QEW at Fifty road in Winona..(just past Stoney Creek).. We are meeting there for breakfast at 9 am, then heading out for a good ride. Anybody is welcome to come along.. I will check this thread tonight in case of any questions..or if any changes happen.. Brian.
  9. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-UrLvYrKYVD8/1950s_italian_police_motorcycle_drill_team/
  10. exactly..!!!!
  11. Voyager-belt drive 103.7ci 107.8 lb-ft @ 2,750 rpm Compression: 9.5:1 09 Ultra-belt drive 96.00 cu. in. 92.60 ft lbs @ 3500 rpm Compression: 9.2:1 08 RSV-shaft drive 1,294cc, liquid-cooled, DOHC, 4-valve, V-4 98hp and maximum torque of 89 ft-lb @ 4,750 rpm( :stirthepot::stirthepot::whistling:
  12. video of the new Voyager....however why did these idiots not fire it up..!!!!! http://www.kawasaki.com/Products/detail.aspx?id=379&content=video Most certainly will need some aftermarket exhaust and computer mapping...just to be heard and be safe..
  13. I like the looks of this new Voyager, those smart folks at Kawasaki really took their time putting this one together, I can see styling ideas from Harley, Yamaha, and Victory.. Slap a nice set of pipes on this bike(for safety of course) and I think Kawasaki is going to have a real winner on their hands here.. All that stump pulling torque from the v twin feels great, its too costly these days for high horsepower I will take the high torque any day... I get in less trouble with torque than with high speed horsepower...
  14. 2009 International Venture riders annual meet WHERE OCEANS COLLIDE OMAHA NEBRASKA Theme could be, transport Atlantic and Pacific ocean water to Omaha, or Pacific and Atlantic Salmon(on ice of course), Swamp monster, or whatever..., so long as "the item" makes it to the centre of the USA to the meet in Omaha.. Why not start the 2009 rally on the East coast somewhere, AND the west coast somewhere...??? Have the two groups head to the geographical centre of the USA... My google map estimate is "OMAHA NEBRASKA"... Then have two planning committee's, East and West, and their job is solely to arrange the route from their coast in to Omaha, including sights to see(5 min. pic stops), an itinerary map so people can plan to join the group when it gets closer to their home/state, and assure that there will be enough hotels in the area where the group is spending the night... Then have two large groups converging together for a day or two, just to meet, talk, swap stories and whatnot... No rides planned or anything like that, the journey to the meet IS THE RIDE.. Everybody will be tired so just sit around, rest, and get to know everyone... T-shirts could have a list of the larger towns passed through to get to Omaha. Have an East coast and West coast version shirt..(double the sales...hehehe...) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=San+Francisco,+San+Francisco,+California,+United+States&daddr=Omaha,+NE+to:portland+maine&mra=pi&mrcr=1&doflg=ptm&sll=44.150681,-58.447266&sspn=25.257752,54.140625&ie=UTF8&ll=37.926868,-90.703125&spn=27.676481,54.140625&t=h&z=4
  15. very nice, show some pics after you get them back on the bike.., should look good..
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