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Everything posted by sleadhed

  1. Mike I'm in Maple valley, so I would be up for that idea. with only 700 miles on my 07 I'm not in need of any maintenance yet, but If you schedule one I would like to be there. as far as a maintenance day at my place I have enough tools for sure, space on the other hand. My garage will barley hold my RSV. Cozy to say the least. if people don't mind working out on the concrete driveway I'll host one too. I might even have a lift by then to. Ken C.
  2. Here it is. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=o2WYa3wV6EI]YouTube - Roll Me Away - Memories of 2006[/ame] if you haven't seen this yet it's worth watching!
  3. If memory serves me correctly there was also a link to a really good POV video link to youtube in the same thread. if anyone has this link I'd like that one as well.
  4. A few months ago someone had posted a link to a awesome slide show set to Roll me away by Bob Seger. if any body has this link can you please post it again it was great!!! I forwarded it to my brother and he loved it as well. we were talking about it tonight and neither of us have the link.
  5. I cant seem to find the thread I was looking at here. it was on replacing the two piston front calipers on stock RSV with R1 or R6 four piston calipers. I was at the dealer yesterday and looked at the new and R1 & R6 It looks to me that the calipers on the new models will not bolt up. they did not have any used ones in the store so I cant say about the older model years. however I looks like the FJR calipers will bolt up. If the R1 & R6 calipers will bolt on to the RSV, What year calipers do I need to find to bolt on to a 2007 RSV. There seem to be many to choose from on e-bay. If I up grade I want to be sure to get the ones that will bolt up. And I am aware on the difference in master cylinder piston size between the two bikes (R1 and RSV)
  6. Be cautious with pledge on the windshield!! It will soften the lexan and allow the windshield to scratch easy. I read a really good post on this somewhere about this. The author had worked with plastic's and lexan for years. he also stated that rain-x will damage the lexan over time. to clean your shield use very mild soap and a soft cloth using only vertical and horizontal motions. that way when you start to see scratches when the sun hits it just right it is much easier to see past straight scratches rather than circular scratches.
  7. Thats where I was thinking 2 - 2 1/2 from bottom. It looks like we're going to get two weekend's in a row to ride George
  8. what is the best starting point for the pilot screws? ie 2 turns from bottom?
  9. that's a good pic.
  10. OK since all technicians are lazy. Does any one have a pic of the covers for the PMS (pilot mixture screws) I am hoping that I won't have to pull the carbs to get the anti tamper plugs. I just picked up a set of Shogun pipes and the K&N's are on order so I'm going to have to fatten her up a tad. I haven't even looked for them yet so you can go ahead and laugh at me if it is obvious where they are. Like I said I'M lazy
  11. I've got a 3 led crank up flash light. $6.99 on sale at wally world. I've had it for 3 years and haven't had to replace the batteries yet:rotf::rotf:
  12. any time it will be dry no matter the temp. Or above 34 when it's going to rain. but of course I'm still young enough to be stupid. at least thats what the boss says.
  13. the description of said unit states this "the water resistant AP-1 fuse panel will provide reliable service no matter your application." Now what is their definition of water resistant? My experience tells me that a pc board is useless in moist conditions unless sealed in gel.
  14. well when I first saw this I thought that I was a little pricey too. I suppose even for the surge protection that they claim to offer It is at the higher end of the $$$ scale. What interested me most in this unit is that it offers 8 feeds (Generic picture? I only see 5 fuse cavities) and the compact size. the same company offers a unprotected 6 panel for $13 and a 4 panel for $10. After browsing the web and the rest of their site I think I'll opt for the $13 panel and apply the remainder the the exhaust fund.
  15. Hey guys! check this out. http://www.centechwire.com/catalog/panels/ap1.shtml have any of you installed this one? I think I am going to get it It is about the right size to fit right behind the battery under the seat on the 2nd gen. Not a bad price either.
  16. Rick I did run new wiring and used a relay, I also ran a second ground from the engine ground behind the right side horn to the frame. I taped into the pink horn wire the activate the relay to the horns. since there is such a low current draw on this circuit I used a 1/2 ISO relay to help save space. I wired the horns just as you said. It looks as if I'll be investing in the secondary fuse block that I've seen a few other members install. That will make adding/modifying much easier. Thanks Ken C.
  17. Boy not much get's by you
  18. I found the issue! there is a black 20 way connector under the tank along the back bone. there are poor connections with-in this connector. I'll have the local dealer address this when I take it in for the 600 mile first service. I used to work with the service manager in the past where he was a service writer and he knows me, so hopefully the issue will be addressed. Oh and yes the wiring will hold the load of the new horns. I checked this before I picked them up at NAPA. In case any one was curious the horn button supplies the ground to the horns and they have constant B+ with the key on. Voltage drop in the ground circuit showed a 1.34 volt drop (this was at the black 20 way) with the key on and horn's activated. I could get the horns to blast at full volume and get the volt drop to come down to 0.20v by playing with the black 20 way. If the ground was a snake I'd be dead!! It is on the engine behind the lower left horn. I also ran a second frame ground today.
  19. I Installed new Freeway blasters on my 07 RSV, but they are not operating at full volume. This morning I'm going out to the garage to test for ground resistance. and the voltage supply to the horn's. My question is, Where are the ground points on my bike? I have been through the factory manual and can not find that info. Thanks guy's Ken
  20. sleadhed


    Put A Set Of Freeway Blasters On Mine. One Lo Note One Hi Note. $18.00 Each At Napa
  21. I was thinking.... what if I lowered the front end instead of raising the rear? What would be the draw backs of doing so?
  22. Like American Express I never leave home with out it. I have never been in situation that I felt I might need it. Thank God!!!!!!! But I would rather have it and never need it, that need it and not have it.
  23. My old one piece don't fit no more! what size do you that have Frogg Toggs recommend I get (two piece) I am 6.0 and 190lbs. they must fit well over chaps and a armored leather jacket. Thanks All
  24. Utopia back rest, barrons risers, chrome bag lid gaurds, and a leather windshield bag. And if I'm really good Santa might leave me A HD license plate lighy kit.
  25. I rode to work today my first ride in the dark on the new RSV. the stock light is no where near as bright as i like. what have other members done to correct this issue. what replacment bulb are you using? What light bar are you running? thanks Ken
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