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Everything posted by sleadhed

  1. Thanks for the link FLB I have no prob with RF noise at all, head lamp is the only bulb on the bike that is not led. I need to change the light now because after installing these http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200407598_200407598?issearch=127757 in the driving light housings the headlight (silver star ultra) looks wimpy and yellow. Also, I am am watching the current draw on the system as both wife and I have heated gear. I know the HID lights draw low amps after fully warmed up. I just don't really want to wire in a switched HID light as the initial current to ignite them is high and could be a potential issue at start up. Switched to be turned on after running would resolve such an issue. I just don't want the clutter of another switch and the possibility of forgetting to turn it on. I know I sound just like a woman that cant make up her mind here. I'll up date if I decide to go with the LED and let you all know how it's working and if I get any RF noise.
  2. ditto I fought the same condition for quite a while under warranty. I finaly got them to change the #1 coil and I changed the other three for GP Now I can get it over 100 mph and depending on the sevarity of my wrist disorder I can get up to 40MPG
  3. I'm looking to replace my head light with an LED Have any of you installed one of these or anything similar http://www.truck-lite.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=92025&langId=-1 Do our head light reflector housing come out on our 2nd gens? I can get one for around $250 off of Amazon. My head light is the only light on the bike that is not LED at this point. I just changed out the passing lamps for LED's What a difference!!!
  4. Chinook pass is not open yet. Road is still closed at the Crystal Mt. cut off. I've been watching the progress of snow removall. DOT is hoping to have it cleared by Memoral weekend. That is my favorite ride. However I always return via I-90 and stop in to say hi to the folks in Roslyn. If you like chinese The Palace is good in E-burg
  5. Try plugup.com
  6. Thanks but that is not the same lid I have on my RSV. That lid has no latch mounting holes.
  7. I need a left side saddle bag lid, if any body has one to sell please contact me through PM
  8. signs that let any would be thieves know that there is nothing worth dieing for. Why .45 ACP because they don't make A .46
  9. I am looking for a part # for the front T/S bulb on mt 2007 RSV. I have the rear T/S, and brake bulbs but I need to find the LED bulbs for the front. these bulbs have 3 indexing pins spaced 120 degrees apart instead of 2 at 180 degrees.
  10. This would work well for coils that are dead through all RPM ranges. However It's been my experience that our coils tend to fail under high load demand ie 4th and 5th gear Goose has been looking in to this for quite some time. I think he is on to our common failure. I replaced all 4 of mine 1 under warranty and 3 I replaced myself 2 of the 3 I replaced had crrosion beginning to form. I sure would have liked to seen the warranty coil cap since it failed at around 600 miles and the dealer did not replace it untill the fifth visit and 9000 miles.
  11. I am looking for a set of stock RSTD bars for my RSV, I want the extra width of the RSTD bars that the Flanders dont give. Any one willing to part with theirs?
  12. Mustang Would you want to sell me your stock take offs for my RSV??
  13. Mustang Would you want to sell me your stock take offs for my RSV??
  14. Started out at 18 in the local Chevron (two years) Got hired on at a Dodge dealership spent 18 years at various Chrysler,Jeep,dodge dealerships. Have been in the independent world now for 7 years with the same owner ASE master technician L1 and certified emission specialist. currently I act as more of the shop foreman/ assistant manager/ service advisor. When I have to turn wrenches it is on the problem cars. just livin the dream or nightmare as it may be. If it were not for the great man I work for I would have gotten out of the industry 7 years ago. He truly is the greatest boss in the world!!!!!
  15. :confused24:WOW coil issues on a second gen. who would have thought. I,ve had to replace all 4 on my 2007 once already. only 14000 miles.
  16. Back off voltage moniter. It uses a single led indacator http://cyclegadgets.com/Products/product.asp?Item=BOVOLT Im looking at this one and the Kuryakyn voltmeter. PROS: Back off is a single LED very little space needed. Kyurakyn Shows accurate system voltage. CONS: Back off only gives you a general voltage range. Kyurakyn is a larger mount and adds clutter. Just wondering what you all would prefer? I want to have my cake and eat it too. No clutter and accurate volt readings.
  17. George We should get together and set out float levels. I have a home made sync. set up that works great. Ken C.
  18. I am going to be installing the flanders kit. Does any of our members run the flanders with risers? If any of you have flanders and used the barrons risers, will the cables and brake lines that come with the kit be long enough? I believe that I will need to use risers as well to get the arm position that I desire.
  19. George We should get in touch with each other for a ride I live in Maple Valley and work in Renton down on Park Ave by Fry's. wasn't It beautiful this weekend! I know that you ride a first gen. but I wont hold that against you:rain2:
  20. I have placed a set of Shogun turn out exhaust slip ons and chrome center stand in the classifieds. these are for a second gen. there are pic's. Both items have been sold.
  21. Yamaha only covered the #1 coil that I informed the dealer was a ignition problem.
  22. TYhat is why I posted the dealer by name.
  23. You are correct the wire is integral to the coil. 1st to 2nd interchange ???? Freebird would probably know.
  24. Well after 7500 miles the Venture runs great, no thanks to Yamaha!!! at 600 miles I picked up a miss/ rough run/ pop on accl. After 4 visits to RMC Motorcycles in Renton WA. they finally listened to what I had been telling them and replaced the #1 coil. While this did make a marked improvement It was still not running at 100 0/0. This was after 9000 total miles and a 3500 mile 10 day trip with my brother on his HD. I don't have to tell you how embarrassing it was to barely be able to keep up with him when we we're climbing the mountain passes we rode. So about 4 weeks ago I went to the South Seattle Sports Plaza web site and ordered the #2,3,&4 coils, Two of them we're on back order Hummmm. Yamaha do you have a coil issue???? I installed the three remaining coils. My bike runs great like it did the first 600 miles that I drove it out of the Dealership. My mileage has now come back form mid 20's up to 35MPG on the first tank. So it only took 9900 miles and replacing all of the coils myself. RMC kept telling me that that's how they run. I called BS!!! I belive that the #4 coil was the rest of the problem but I figured that if I am going to have to replace one I want to replace all of them. If they were easier to get to I would have gone with one at a time. I dont have a way to secure my Lab scope and be able to watch the ignition pattern while riding to trace down the bad coil. Man this bike runs!!! its fun to ride again! I am going to step down from the soap box now. Thank you for allowing me to vent
  25. done that too. does not help just continues to bog. Rich is what I say
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