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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. Try this site: www.cyclepartsnation.com They are based in MI.
  2. That is realy cool! I love it!
  3. A big :ice_thy-vi101212101from me as well, Don. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're Jopie:canada:
  4. :rotf: Eck, you are right on. I agree with you 100%. Problem is, my wife agrees with me. Honey, you need that? Go ahead and get it. The following week she comes home with some new clothes, jacket, pants, etc. It never ends.
  5. It looks like the one. Looks like the same one that I have. It would depend on the type of helmut you are using. Full face, Half or bean helmut. You can also check out this site. www.wingstuff.com and then click on J&M
  6. Steve, look for a local bike dealer that deals with bike that have been involved in an accident. Scrap dealer, rebuilder, whatever. There are two dealers up here that sell used parts. What they do is buy bikes that have been in an accident and rebuild them.
  7. Hey Beer! After you give them a piece of your mind they remember. Had the same problem with my wife's car at the Toyota dealership. I let them know how badly I felt that I was treated by them with their bad service, told them I would take my business elsewhere. Now I go there and I get treated like a somebody. Joop
  8. Does anyone here have step by step instructions to installing these passing lamps on a RSV with any pictures? I know this has been addressed before, but I can't find much. Anything would be greatly appreciated. I have what I need for splitting the fairing. Thanks John
  9. Well, I guess then, we should keep this going.:rotf:
  10. Hey, hipshot, I have a very good friend who rides an 05 Honda GW trike. This guy will give you the shirt off his back, even to HD riders. He even tried to give me his underwear once...anyway, Jimmy will ride with anyone, as I will also, no matter what make of bikes the others are riding. At work, we have a group of guys that we all ride together. Big mixture of bikes, HD, GW, Suzuki, Vulcan and me with the only RSMV, but no one critizes what the other rides. We go out, enjoy the ride and each others company and help each other out if someone breaks down. I have met a lot of HD riders out there, and yea they won't give you the time of day. The riders that I have the most problems with are the idiots riding them damn crotch rockets. They seem to care for no one except themselves and how fast their bikes will go. As for the proper wear, I gear up just about everytime. I even have my own thermal underwear, up here you need it. I don't have heated gloves or heated grips, but I have a very good pair of winter snowmobile gloves.
  11. I took my bags off because I was doing a good cleaning of them and what was behind the bags. It's not neccassary to take them off but it does make it easier to get at the links. You will need a jack to get the weight off the rear wheel.
  12. Just my worth, I know a few guys this has happened to, but.. is your kill switch turned off? Just me asking.
  13. It looks like it. Low pressure. Got mine from Custom Cruising. Works very well. Careful when adding air to the front forks, only needs about 3psi.
  14. Excellant ride through there. Did it last September coming back from Lake George, NY. Very biker friendly indeed. Enjoy.
  15. Congratulations to both of you. 25 years, that's a 1/4 century. All the best, and to another good 25 years. Joop
  16. What I like best about my bike is that it is a 2nd Gen. :rotf:
  17. Steve, I work in the trucking industry, and we have 1 truck that goes 24-7 into both Stelco plants Hilton Works & Lake Erie. My understanding from what we're hearing is that US Steel is downsizing Hamilton and upgrading Nanticoke because of the age difference between the 2 mills. Also Nanticoke can hot roll the wider slabs of steel whereas Hamilton dosen't. Customers stamping plants are now being designed to accomedate the wider coils, to offset their shipping and operating costs. Also, I have a good friend that is a computer programmer working at both mills, who after 20 years, they contracted out the computer business and Paul dosen't know how much longer he will be employed there. We hired one of the foremen in the shipping dept. at Nanticoke, and he was glad he got out when he did. Things are going downhill. US Steel is a big company, I've been to a few of their US plants. It dosen't surprise me, however that they would be making major changes to be more productive and get rid of things that are not making money for them. Just my worth. Good luck!
  18. I agree with you!
  19. A dealer in Hamilton, ON., last week when I was in there he had an 2008 Black Cherry RSV and he had 2 - 2007 RSTD on his show room floor.
  20. Congratulations, Oopaa Carl. You just have to find time to keep making those delicious pepperettes. Jopie
  21. I bought my bolts today. Find it would be easier to remove and put the bags back on. Good idea.
  22. So, why,, then, would they be in a yard, not on the road like all the 2nd Gens? :rotf:
  23. Don, sent payment via PayPal, and sent you a PM. Thanks.
  24. I'm happy that you had the courage to not only walk into the HD store, but you actually rode your RSV to it. Good one! I know what you're saying about their prices, I paid $28.00 plus taxes for a plain set of visors for my HD lights on the back of my RSMV. Nice layout inside the store, I must admit.
  25. Sorry, but there is no antique dealer in my area to buy a 1st gen Venture. Couldn't find one. :rotf:
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