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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. Hey, that's how I get out on the golf course whenever I want to. :rotf:
  2. Red was one of a kind. I remember watching him every week on TV with my Mom & Dad. Thanks for sharing...
  3. Damn, Gary, very pretty bike. It's great to see you coming back. Hope to see you again soon. Take care, Joopster...
  4. I got mine from this place. www.cyclepartsnation.com Just click on Yamaha and go from there. They are located in MI. and will ship it right to your door. Joopster
  5. She be yours.
  6. I have a used but in good condition rubber gas tank bib that I took off of my 2003 RSMV, free to the first person who PM's me. The cost of shipping, however, please be kind and make a donation to VentureRider.org. Thanks, Joopster
  7. Why Fathers Should Not Buy T-Shirts For Their Babies!
  8. Very nice choice of bike and color. You won't have any regrets with this bike. Like you, I find the members here on this site very helpful, they speak from experience. I have learned more about my 2003 RSMV from the members here than I have from the local Yamaha dealers or "stealers" as some of them are referred as. Welcome to this very large extended VentureRider Family. Joopster55
  9. Hey Oz, good for you. I did the same yesterday, only went around the block, testing the new levelling links and the TBS Brakesaver. Everything AOK.
  10. If your worried about a tall shield looking through it when it:rain2: rains, fogs up etc., there are a good few products out there to prevent it from that happening. I use RAINX on both sides of the shield and the rain just beads up and blows off the shield. I have no problems at all and I have a stock tall shield. Waiting to get a few more:mo money:so I can put on a tall, wider clearview shield with a vent. We guys have to keep Moma happy when she is riding with us, we don't need her or nagging when she's sitting behind us because she's getting wind in her face and messing up her hair. Also it's hard to ride like this when she's nagging you in your ears. Personnally, I don't want to end up looking like this.
  11. Uh, Don, I clicked on the video and it says that this video is no longer available. I guess it was really bad.
  12. The passing lamps are not hooked up to the headlight. I've got a seperate fused wire from the battery to the relay, from the relay to a switch, from the relay to ignition key on. The switch operates the passing lamps indepently from the headlight. I can turn the lamps on or off whenever I want to.
  13. Not at all Craig, thanks for the info.
  14. Brad, is there anything that we can do for the family? Send flowers from the VentureRider family, trust fund in memory of Mark, donate to his favorite charity, etc. Anything?
  15. Well, I got my wiring woes all figured out today. Turned out it was a wire in the left front turn signal that was bare and grounding itself on the metal. Wrapped a good piece of electrical tape around it and it works perfectly. What a relief when everything works the way it is suppossed to.
  16. It's so sad when someone passes away. I never met Meandog, but I feel like I lost a very dear friend. Rest In Peace, my friend. Jopie...
  17. Wizard765, who do you deal with? Jopie
  18. Gary, you can't go wrong with much of anything that is published by Reader's Digest. I have several books from them.
  19. How about these 03's?
  20. I hooked up my passing lamps today. Found the wiring diagram here on this site, followed it, now here is what I have. With the lamps turned on, right turn signal works fine. Turn on the left turn signal, both turn signals and headlight flash and the radio goes dead. I have gone over the wiring to make sure everything is hooked up according to the instructions that I have, but still the same thing happens. I have my power from the battery through a fused wire to a relay, from the relay I ran another wire to a seperate switch, from the relay another wire powered by ignition. Any ideas guys, sure could use some. Thanks.
  21. When not required it comes off very easily. You do not want to have it mounted on your bike when riding. It does interfer with the kickstand when it is on, but riding remove it. Only 1 slide on bolt to keep it attached to the bike. You only want to use this adapter if you are going to use your jack to lift the bike up off the floor to do some work on the bike. Hope this helps.
  22. Gary, I'm happy for you. It's good to see that you are moving forward with your life. I'm looking forward to the day when we can go for a ride together. Take care, Jopie...
  23. Larry's lift adapter and free standing legs was the best investment I have made since owning a RSMV. It makes it not only easier to work on the bike but it is also safer for yourself with the legs attached. And it is not expensive, Larry ships it right to your door. Buying one you won't regret it, you will kick yourself later if you don't have one.
  24. Can you supply a phone # and address, please and thank you.
  25. Joe, I have the DiamondR backrest and I love it. It matches the seat with the lines as well as the studds. It does have two areas of adjustment. You have to remove the drivers seat to install the backrest with two bolts that hold on the passenger seat. Easy installment. If I can do it, so can anyone else.
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