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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. Brad, check to make sure your license plate is secured properly. Better yet, check your wive's plate as well. No plastic bolts ok.
  2. I've already been in contact with him and sent the info to Jim.
  3. Hi Don, yes we are checking out the classifieds and sent out emails to some of the sellers, but sometimes someone might pull their ad because of no response so I'm just putting feelers. Jim is very serious about getting a Venture and he likes the Midnight.
  4. Sent you an email.
  5. Hi Guys & Gals, I have a very good friend that wants to buy a Royal Star Midnight Venture, 2003 or newer. Price is negotiable with low mileage/kms. If any member/s out there have one for sale, please email me some details of the bike as well as your location and an email address so that he can contact you. Jim is very serious about obtaining a Venture and he wants one before the riding season is over. He rides a Road Star now and he wants to upgrade to a Venture. He has seen my RSMV and loves it, so now he wants one. We have checked out the classifieds but not much info on them. Thanks in advance, Jopie...
  6. I've heard that Bosch 3323 is a very good filter. Anyone out there using it?
  7. Is there a way to adjust the rear brakes on a 2nd Gen? I've checked my manual and searched here, I can't find anything on rear brake adjustment. When pushed on, my brake pedal goes right to the bottom with very little braking. I've checked the pads, lots of pad left. Only have 10,700 kms on them. Thanks in advance.
  8. I did it!!! :clap2:Tried to download too many pictures at once. Wouldn't let me, but I think I have it figured out now. Pictures with all the kids, is from the school where my wife teaches at. For two days the bikes were rumbling past in all the directions but none of them stopped, so my wife called me before we left and asked us to stop in. So we did, the kids were esctatic! It was like they never seen a motorcycle before. Picture #2 , lady in blue is my wife Mary in front of every guys favorite booth. I believe the organizers set a Guiness Book Of World Record with 25,000 bikes that came through.
  9. Where can you get the Dyna 3000? Website somewhere?
  10. Just a few pics.
  11. This is my nephew Geoff, who owns his own fishing charter. He fishes on Lake Erie & Lake Ontario. This is what Geoff catches on average. He goes after Walleye, Salmon and Steelhead.
  12. Bought an Odyessy PC680 battery for my RSMV. The battery I got with the bike when I bought it in November/07, crapped out on me. Left me and the misses stranded in Port Dover on Friday the 13th in the pouring rain, mixed in with the thunder and lightning. Motorcycle people are great people, very friendly. A complete stranger from Alberta, visiting relatives, pulled his BMW MC up to mine, pulled out a set of booster cables and got me started. Gave him a big hug and a thank you, rode home in the rain. Today, pulled the old battery out, drove to Great Northern Battery in Hamilton and got myself the Odyessy. Hopefully no more problems for a while. I'm tired of the garbage that goes up for sale from places like China that dealerships dump into our bikes because they are so cheap. Made in North America, that's what I like.
  13. Anyone out there with instructions on how to wire up a Stebel horn for a Honda GoldWing Trike? A good friend of mine has a trike and wants me to install his Stebel horn for him. Any help is very much appreicated. Thanks, Jopie...
  14. Peggy, after I met you, I just relized what a lovely lady that you are, I just did not have the heart to spank you. It was great meeting you, and having that nice conversation with you and your husband. I do hope to see you again real soon. Jopie...
  15. Don, thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful event. I thank you and your lovely wife, Eileen for being such gracious hosts. It was great to finally meet you and a lot of the other members. I have finally met the 2 QUEENS of the chat room, Yama Mama & Mini Muffin. In the chat room, they are two busy bodies, typing up a storm, keepnig the chat room going, but in person, they are two very nice ladies. And Mama gives very nice hugs. Thank you MuffinMan for carbtuning my bike for me, runs much better now. It is nice to finally put a face to the name on this site. My riding mates from Ontario, a BIG THANK YOU, you guys are awesome to ride with. I just hope that next year, BradT puts steel nuts and bolts on his wife's bike's license plate.
  16. WOW!!! I joined this site in November 2007 and knew about the rally right away from the posts and the banner at the top of the page. I recently signed my wife and I to attend the rally to meet some new friends and to enjoy what we like to do...riding on our RSMV. I do hope some cooler heads prevail here among all of us here and get together and have a good time. To me, it dosen't make a difference where the rally is being held, here in Canada or the USA, if I can make it I will, if I can't, too bad for me! I see the numbers for attending are up, so no matter how many others join us in July, I know my wife and I will have a fantastic time. Just my worth. See ya all in Kitchener.
  17. Guys & Gals, how about Hewitt Dairy's famous ice cream. On hwy # 6, just north of Hagersville.
  18. Ok, how has these spacers, and will they ship to Canada? I've been in touch with BMW and he hasn't shipped to Canada. BMW, if you're going to Freebird's Maintenance Day, can you bring one with you? Just asking, thanks.
  19. It sounds like Mama is trying to get members on her side to avoid THE spanking, tatooing and body piercing for that H.O.G. prank that she pulled on us.
  20. Carl, let me know when and where to meet up with the rest of ya's.
  21. So did I and they never responded to any of the emails that I sent them regarding shipping. For them it's UPS or nothing.
  22. 7 more days to go. Looking forward to this.
  23. Steve, the air at the steel plant getting to ya?
  24. Guys, any idea where the best place to mount a Sirrius radio on a 2nd Gen?
  25. Mama, no can do. There are a lot of members going to Don's just to witness your spanking, tatooing and piercing. I believe that this will be the highlight of everyone's trip to Oberlin, Ohio.
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