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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. Just a little update on Mary... Welllll.............she went to school today. There is a great big bruise about the size of a XXL half helmut on the back of her leg. Still has some pain, but she says it is bearable. So she is coming around slowly. Thank you all for your concerns and well wishes. It is greatly appreciated. Mary sends her love to all... Jopie...
  2. Bob, Mary is looking forward to MD at Freebird's. She was so very dissappointed that she couldn't go on the ride yesterday.
  3. For those of you that were at Marcarl's Venture In, on Saturday, May 23/09, here's an update on Mary's condition after her fall with my bike. There is no bruising, but there is some swelling. She is feeling much better, thanks to Marca's "Tender Loving Care". She is only taking regular Advil for the pain, and is putting on ice packs. She is moving around unaided on her own. She had a good sleep last night and is now resting comfortable on the couch watching TV. Thank goodness it is only a pulled hamstring on her right leg, it could've been worse. A very special thank you to Marca and Carl, Sonny, Wayne, Robin,and everyone else that were there to help yesterday with her mishap. It just goes to show you what a great, big, loving, caring "FAMILY" that Venturerider.org members really are. From Mary and I, a great big "THANK YOU" to all. Jopie...
  4. Bluesman, try this site: www.sixnationschoppers.com I've dealt with them before. Pay no taxes. They can get whatever you want. I live a couple Kms from them, let me know if I can help you. Jopie...
  5. I replaced my tires last week and while I had the wheels off I went ahead and lubed the splines. There was very little greas on them. I also replaced my brake pads. I took my rear caliper off completely. I cleaned up the caliper with brake cleaner several times and wiped it clean. I then used some emery cloth and gently cleaned the exposed pistons of the caliper. I was able to push them back in using only my fingers. Then I used a little of brake anti-seize lubricant around the outside edge of the pistons as well as the back plate of the brake pad where they make contact with the pistons. Put everything back together, bled the brakes several times and now they work better than ever. Did the same to the front brakes, but did not change the pads, lots of miles in them still. No more front brake squeel.
  6. First trip was a 4 hour ride home when I picked it up, half loaded, I had to re-adjust my mirrors so that I could see it behind me, because I certaintly couldn't feel the trailer behind me. Very smooth trailer with lots of cargo space. As far as dislikes,,,,don't have any.
  7. My new 2009 Sarasota Silhouette ST pull behind motorcycle trailer. Built by BuiltRight Utility Bodies Ltd. of Frankville , Ontario. Weighs 135 lbs. empty, 23 cu.ft., will hold a load up to 500 lbs.
  8. Joopster55


    SKIPPY August 1, 1995 - April 29, 2009 With great heartfelt saddness, Mary & Jopie painfully announce the passing of our beloved little Skippy. Mary's little baby, Jopie's little buddy. He will be greatly missed by all that knew him. We love you dearly.
  9. Cassette player is still where they have it. I was at a dealer on Saturday, and they told me that there will be no changes to the Royal Star Venture until 2011, and that includes the cassette player and fuel injection.
  10. I would love to join you, but business calls me to Sault Ste. Marie until Wednesday. Ride safe...
  11. I've been out on my RSMV now for 5 great rides already. 3 weeks ago, I told my wife that I was going around the block to make sure there were no leaks, etc., since I upgraded my stator. Well 200 kms., 4 hours later, I returned home. I got an ear full. Yesterday, my wife and I went to Port Dover, Simcoe, Waterford then returned home. Wife was cold, but I was toasty, just hugged the engine, kept my legs warm. Today, I left home at 10am, got back at 5pm, got another ear full. Went to Hamilton, Stoney Creek, visited a good friend in St. Catherines, stopped for lunch in Welland, got gas in Dunnville, toured the countryside at a nice lesurily pace.
  12. Bob, you got it wrong. It's expensive to get them their favorite drinks.
  13. Zdeno Cycle in Kitchener has good prices as well as a place in Guelph, right on Hwy # 7, just on the west side of town. On The Fringe. www.onthefringeleather.com
  14. I got mine from On The Fringe in Port Dover, ON. They will custom fit you. They measured me up, and custom made them to fit. $200.00, all leather with zipper and snaps. The zipper they will replace them if they fail, no questions asked. Their main store is in Toronto with a very busy store in Port Dover.
  15. Flower salesman and landscaper Ice cream shipper and reciever Milkman delivery Heavy equipment operator Ice cream truck driver and salesman Apprentice butcher and deliveries Insurance salesman Greenhouse labourer Mechanic's assissant and parts manager Truck driver Fork lift operator Truck driver, forklift, heavy equipment, bus instructor Driver trainer/safety & compliance
  16. When I bought mine, I had a choice of an 03 RSMV or an 05 silver RSV. Guess which one I picked? The Midnights will always be the fastest.
  17. The only thing is, I kept the bike inside my heated garage all winter, and I added some gas stabilizer and engine tune up additive. That's it, nothing else.
  18. Yes, I still have stock pipes on. I've been thinking of replacing them with BUB slip ons, wife dosen't want anything that's too loud. But that will be next year, or if I come acroos a good deal that I can't refuse.
  19. None, no re-jetting, just install and go.
  20. Try this site, it's in MI. www.cyclepartsnation.com I believe the seal part # 93108-23007-00 $10.18
  21. Had the first ride of the year yesterday with the new K&N air filters. Made a big difference in performance. Instant reaction from the motor as soon as you turn the throttle. Went for a ride around the block, turned out to be a 4 hour ride, 200 kms. later. The reaction from the bike was soooo sweet, I left quite a few HD's behind me. When I got home, my wife could not slap the smile off my face. Had no problems with the new high output stater as well. I think it will be a trouble free riding season. Will be picking up my new trailer May 1. It's going to be a nice week too.
  22. Ed, you won't have any regrets with Larry's lift adapter. I use mine all the time. Hope to meet and ride with you soon. Jopie...
  23. We got there after 5:30 pm, seen a member "Austie" there with his "07" Blue RSV. A few bikes, but not as many as there was last June 08. Seen a couple of 1st Gens there. We left after 9:00 pm, OPP had a "Ride" program set up north of the bridge on Hwy. # 6.
  24. Bob, when are you gonna start collecting, rebuilding 2nd Gen parts?
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