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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. Mary and I will be there with friends and we'll be at Timmy's, At The Fringe, beer tent, Main St., etc. Hope to see some of you there.
  2. COCHRANE, Alta. - Officials say a motorcyclist lost a portion of his leg after the metal arm from a forklift fell off a truck and into his path Friday. Officials said the man was traveling eastbound with a group of fellow bikers, when a semi-trailer approached from the opposite direction along Hwy 1A. Cochrane Const. Francisco Ceron said police believe an arm of the forklift, part of a heap of scrap metal on a flatbed truck, fell into the path of the man on the motorcycle. As a result of the accident, one of the biker's legs was severed below the knee. No injuries were reported to the other bikers. "It is very unfortunate," Ceron said. Police are unaware of whether the driver of white, older model flatbed truck even knew he lost some of the scrap metal he was hauling and they are urging anyone who can help track the driver down to call (403) 851-8000. The injured man is said to be in his 20s and from B.C. nadia.moharib@sunmedia.ca
  3. American heroism not so rare. GREAT FILM!!!!! This is 16mm color (not "colorized") footage, that you may not have seen, of carrier action in the Pacific. There wasn't much color shot in the '40s - extremely expensive then, with a complicated and exacting processing process. Enjoy... WW II : RARE COLOR FILM : AIRCRAFT CARRIER IN THE PACIFIC
  4. If you like warplanes, not only will you be awed by the great photos of Edwards, turn on your speakers and click on the Play Button on the LH side under some of the photos for sound effects... Also, click on the AIRSHIP buttons at the end, you will be treated to a wonderful ride over the Bay area AND some nice detail shots of the ship itself. (It’s the small photo – bottom right.) I have to admit I spend nearly one whole morning with my face glued to the Monitor screen....I really enjoyed this one and hope you do too! WARNING: Once you click on the website be prepared to wait. There is a big file downloading Check out 2009 Edwards AFB Open House Click here: 2009 Edwards AFB Open House
  5. Joopster55


    All of our US bound drivers are required to have the TWIC card, on top of the FAST card and/or passport to enter the US. They are to have the TWIC card because we pick up a lot of steel coils at US ports. On top of all this, they are also required to have steel coil securement training and proof with them at all times when transporting steel coils through the state of Alabama. All of this extra training and obtaining certificates is paid for by the company, but it takes time and valuable resources to complete. Both Canada and USA governments are making it very difficult for our truck drivers to earn a decent wage because of all of the new rules and regualtions that some fat ass sitting in our government buildings keep coming up with. There...got that off my chest...feel a bit better now.
  6. Here's our new addition to our family.
  7. SHOW YOUR STUDENTS I like this teacher. A lesson that should be taught in all schools . . And colleges Back in September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a social studies school teacher at Robinson High School in Little Rock , did something not to be forgotten. On the first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks out of her classroom. When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that there were no desks. 'Ms. Cothren, where're our desks?' She replied, 'You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn the right to sit at a desk.' They thought, 'Well, maybe it's our grades.' 'No,' she said. 'Maybe it's our behavior.' She told them, 'No, it's not even your behavior.' And so, they came and went, the first period, second period, third period. Still no desks in the classroom. By early afternoon television news crews had started gathering in Ms.Cothren's classroom to report about this crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of her room. The final period of the day came and as the puzzled students found seats on the floor of the deskless classroom, Martha Cothren said, 'Throughout the day no one has been able to tell me just what he/she has done to earn the right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this classroom. Now I am going to tell you.' At this point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened it. Twenty-seven (27) U.S. Veterans, all in uniforms, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk. The Vets began placing the school desks in rows, and then they would walk over and stand alongside the wall. By the time the last soldier had set the final desk in place those kids started to understand, perhaps for the first time in their lives, just how the right to sit at those desks had been earned.. Martha said, 'You didn't earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes did it for you. They placed the desks here for you. Now, it's up to you to sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to be good citizens. They paid the price so that you could have the freedom to get an education. Don't ever forget it.' By the way, this is a true story. Please consider passing this along so others won't forget that the freedoms we have in this great country were earned by U. S.,Canadian, Australian & British Veterans.)
  8. For step by step instructions on installation go here; www.venturers.org Buckeye performance recommends to solder the wires. I've ran mine all spring and summer pulling a trailer without any problems.
  9. We'll be there. Wayne, maybe we can meet you & Robin at your place and ride up with you. Jopie...
  10. Congrats, Wayne & Robin. Enjoy the next 25 years of riding. Mary & Jopie...
  11. I'm a firm believer of Larry's adapter. It's a great product. Would not lift my bike without it. And I have the legs as well and leave it on the legs all winter. However, I have been told that if you leave the bike on the stand for a length of time, over the winter months, that it will cause stress on the frame. Has anyone heard of this before? I would really like some input on this as I do keep my RSV on the stand all winter long. Thanks in advance, Jopie...
  12. Wayne, you know the rules. We want pictures when you get back home. Mary says so.
  13. We had a very nice visit yesterday from Marcarl (Carl) and his lovely wife and nurse, Marca. Carl had called me in the morning, he was bored, wanted company, so we invited them over for dinner. We had a very pleasent evening with them. I've known Carl & Marca for just over a year now, been on a few rides with them, and let me tell you, they are the most friendliest, caring people I've ever known. I hope that our friendship with them continues for the rest of my life time. And did I mention that Carl loves to eat? Steak, corn, green beans, potatoes, and mushrooms. I'm surprised that we had a few leftovers. Mary and I had a great time with Carl & Marca, and we look forward to their company anytime. Now, about his knee and his story about baseball. Marca told us that she told him not to play because of his age..... Jopie...
  14. Kent, how would you know if you had a bad coil?
  15. Hank de Konings, Hwy. #6, north of Port Dover. Wally Parr Custom Meats, Hwy 6, north of Caledonia VG Meats Woodhouse Rd. Simcoe Wayne's Meat Products, Hagersville Nighs Of Jarvis
  16. Weather is not very good here. Already rained here earlier. I think we'll sit this one out. Hopefully next Tuesday will be better.
  17. We'll be there. What time? Wednesday morning or Tuesday evening?
  18. Carl, Wayne, I just passed this idea pass Mary, and she's all for it. You can count us in for the Tuesday night rides. Jopie...
  19. Welllllll............. Mary got back on the bike yesterday. No hesitation. Bravely, but carefully, with my help and guidance, she got back on. And off we went, to Wasaga Beach and back, 485 Kms round trip. Had a few stops along the way. Her butt and leg held up, never heard her complain. She really enjoyed the trip. We had 22 bikes in all, even Greener briefly joined us. We had a great time. Bikinis are out already on the beaches of Wasaga Beach.
  20. Carl & Marca, have a good safe trip.
  21. Okay, Are you two trying to say something, you both beat Joopie too it. Hey!!!!!!!!!! I was being nice by not saying anything this week. I said enough at Carl's. lol:rotf:
  22. The Carbon1 RSV stand is one of the best investments that I've ever made. Well worth every cent I paid.
  23. I'll be meeting and waiting for the rest at Wayne's place in Caledonia.
  24. Carl, I'll take a few cans.
  25. Yep.
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