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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. Holy c__p, my calender is filling up quick. Please, more invites, then I don't have to cut the grass.LOL:rotf:
  2. I'll set something up for the spring, meet, greet, ride & then eat.
  3. Hi Carl, was nice to meet you today. Thanks for the mini tour and the peperettes. They were great and my wife, Mary liked them too. Mary says about the meet and eat, we can do that here, but since you have your own meat shop, you bring the steaks. If the weather is warm, bring your swimsuit too. I look forward to riding with you and the rest of the local members soon. Thanks again Carl, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Taks care, Jopie
  4. That's unacceptable. I'll have to bring my own from now on.
  5. Hi Don & the rest of the great folks on this site. Since joining here 2 weeks ago, I have learned more about my RSV from the other folks on this site than I have from a Yamaha dealer. Even you Don, inviting me to your maintence day in June, I was impressed, but you guys are just very friendly and you make anyone fell welcome. I don't like to talk about politics, religion, sex or stuff like that, because it takes up too much time away from riding or working on my RSV. All you guys and gals and especially you, Don, keep up the great work your doing on this site, and I hope to meet and ride with some of you in the very near future. John.. :bighug:
  6. Waiting to order mine Zach, sent you an email today, indicating which ones that I want.
  7. This site is AWESOME!!!!!!! For any RSV owners, this is the place to go to for any new techs available for the RSV, 1st or 2nd gen. You guys are the best. I've learned more about my 03 RSV from this site than I have from the dealership and the owners manual. You guys and gals have me hooked. I log on this site a few times every day to check what's new and to chat with Yama Mama and Mini Muffin and Mother, just to name a few. I'm a new member here and I hope to be a lifer. Keep it up folks!! John, AKA Joopster:bighug:
  8. Rooster, good job. I like the patch the way you changed it. Keep up the good work. I've organized events before and I know it takes a lot of time and hard work. Thank you for all that you have done. AAAAAAAA++++++++++++++++++++++
  9. I have both on my 03 RSMV with the Star logo on the truck rack. No problem with space between them.
  10. What a terrible tradegy. Sounds like his wife was a beautiful person. Thoughts and prayers, and a quick recover for Gary.
  11. My version of a trailer is one that is pulled behind a large truck delivering boxed brand new Ventures to the dealships.
  12. Sorry folks, but been having some problems here.
  13. New Meaning Of Skid Marks.
  14. Hey folks, any suggestions on a bike jack to lift up the bike in my garage to clean and do minor repairs. Any suggestions and tips are useful. Thanks, John...
  15. Guys, I thank you in advance for all of your useful information. I have ordered my levelling links from Diamond R and I will let you know how I made out with them. Since joining this site, I have found a ton full of very useful free information that I may never get at a dealership. You guys keep up the good work and I look forward to riding with some of you in the very near future. Thanks again, John...
  16. As I driver trainer and educater, I've seen and heard this many times over. It's the same thing over & over again. People, the general driving public, both in the USA & Canada are not properly educated when it comes to motorcycles and large vehicles (trucks). I believe that our governments need to apply stricter laws and more education in obtaining a drivers license. Also, there are so many distractions for drivers, such as cell phones, passengers talking, radios, etc. As a professional truck driver with 29 years over the road experience, (now a driver trainer) I have seen my fair share of crap out there. The worst drivers out there are the young males & females because of their lack of experience. There must be more education for new drivers and stiffer penalties for drivers who are careless and must be held accountable for their actions and our governments must do something about it.
  17. Hey RedRider, are they easy to install or is it worth the money to have a dealer install them?
  18. Can anyone out there tell me more about Levelling links. Are they useful, do they make the bike more stable, easier to handle at low speeds? Please let me know, thanks in advanve for your input. Joopster
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