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Everything posted by Joopster55

  1. No need to say sorry, because everyone on this site is more than willing to help a fellow member, regardless of what the problem is. Since joining this site, I have learned more about my RSMV than I have from the Yamaha dealerships. Besides, what better way to make and meet new friends. Just my:2cents:
  2. Stopped in at Marcarl's today to say hello and to check on Scamper. Little Scooter was doing good, the Blonde was partially naked, but Scamper WAS naked!!!! All in all, things were looking good at Carl's, waiting on some parts to come in and for good weather to arrive. Bought some of Carl's HOT! pepperettes. Very tasty indeed. But holy crap, ate them on the way home, didn't have a drink with me, had to stop at the side of the road to eat some snow(no it wasn't yellow) to cool my mouth off. Futher down the road, stopped at a store for a cold drink and an ice cream:fnd_(16):. After consuming both drink and ice cream, my mouth and tongue felt better. All I can say is if you want to eat Carl's HOT pepperettes, better have a cold drink with you. Oh, did I mention, that they were the best that I've ever had. :ice_thy-vi101212101CARL
  3. PM Freebird or Squidley. They are the experts for that stuff on here. MamaYama is pretty good too. Or Wizard 765 he's a computer tech.
  4. Oversized tires, hydraulic or electric winches, my guess would be to haul concrete pipe. Yes, no? Nice looking truck.
  5. Who Is That Person Behind The Wheel? Truckers are found on highways, in truckstops, in service bays, on loading docks, on back roads and at fuel stops, and often they are the first at the scene of an accident. Their wives help them. Little boys follow them. Relatives don't understand them. Meals must wait for them. Weather can delay them. But nothing can stop them. A trucker is a paradox. He is a blue-jeaned executive with his office in the cab. He is a scientist who hauls dangerous chemicals and explosives, a purchasing agent in a baseball cap, a personnel director with grease under his fingernails, a poor eater with a fondness for burgers and fries, a student of geography and a weather watcher. He likes sunshine, children, smooth pavement, good traction, clean loads, dinner at home, weekends with his family, an unbuttoned shirt collar and country music. And there is a special place in his heart for his rig. He's not fond of city traffic, tourists who are rotten drivers, fuel prices, dispatchers, snarly recievers, kids in high-powered cars and least of all, drunk drivers. Nobody else can get as much satisfaction out of talking about trucks, truckers, good weather, homemade pie, strong hot coffee, kids, wives, sweethearts and the price of fuel. He is your friend and customer. He is your source of food, clothing, petroleum and natural resources. In fact, nearly everything in your life arrived in his truck. And when he comes home late at night after a long and tiring trip, the energy sapped from his hopes and dreams, he can be lifted up once more by those magic words, "DADDY'S HOME!" If you got it, a trucker brought it!
  6. Holy crap!. That was so cool. What man is willing to do to try and fly like the birds do. I'll think I'll stick to something a lot more solid underneath me like my RSMV.
  7. I've bought Larry's lift adapter with the free standing legs, and it has been the best investment I've ever made since owning a RSMV. So easy to attach and makes it safer to work underneath the bike using the free standing legs attachments. Good work Larry. What are you working on next to make it easier for us shadetree mechanic's while working on our bikes?
  8. OK, everyone, breakfast at Carl's. :rotf:
  9. Wouldn't you love to ride that??? The bike I mean, the bike.
  10. Gene, you're welcome. DiamondR Accessories have very good items. Top quality. You won't go wrong with any of their products. Let us know how you make out.
  11. Yes it does. I have one and my wife has no problem getting on or off. It folds in 2 different places. No problem. Very comfortable too, I might add.
  12. Well....I got the lid opened today. Using two pry bars, got them wedged in there. Damn plastic is tough, she popped open. Took the bag off the bike to have a better look. Mechanism was not moving when pushed in the button. Put the key into the lock, turned it and pushed, it moved perfectly. Soooo, all this time the bag was locked!!!!!!!! Thankfully, nothing broke, will apply white lithium grease, put her back together. While I was at it, I installed the HD lights at the back. Thanks to Freebird and Tarten Terror for the info on installation. Worked like a charm first time. Thanks guys.
  13. Carl, is this gonna be your new peppette making machine? And I thought I had a big problem not getting a saddle bag opened.
  14. No, not yet. I try it everyday for a few minutes. No luck. I even called a dealer in Hamilton. They don't even know how to get it open. I'll still try, I'm not gonna get the hammer out yet. Damn bags are to expensive to replace.
  15. Had one of my drivers who crosses into the USA regularly, hand me a flyer that he recieved from the USA customs when he crossed into the USA last Friday. Attention Canadian citizens travelling to the United States by land or water. As of January 31, 2008, if you travel to the USA by land or water, a US law will require you to present: A government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license; AND A birth certificate or citizenship card; OR A valid passport: OR A Nexus or a Free And Secure Trade (FAST) card; OR For those 18 and under, a birth cerificate. Canadian citizens flying to or through the US must present a valid Canadian passport. www.canada.gc.ca 1-800-622-6232
  16. :rotf::rotf:
  17. Thanks Doug, I'll work on that.
  18. Hey guys & gals, I was taking off my saddlebags today, got the right side off, opened the lid, took off the 4 bolts, no problem. However, left side, I couldn't get the lid open. Somehow, the locking mechanism has broken. Any of you know how to open the lid with the lock broken? I tried just about everything I could without taking a sledge hammer to it. Any suggestions?
  19. Carl, you've got way too much free time on your hands. I think, and I bet a lot of others here will agree with me, that we are all hoping that you are making enough of your famous pepperettes to go all :stirthepot:around at the Rally in Kitchener.
  20. Scott, I was looking for you, but there was a lot of guys 6'4" I even tried calling you on your cell phone but there was no service inside the building. My wife wanted to buy some pepperettes, but I said no, we'll get some from Carl's, his are better.
  21. I was there on Saturday from 10:30am - 4:00pm, never seen any other Venturriders. My wife and I even wore our Venturerider.org t-shirts. I was dissappointed at the very poor turn out or lack of Royal Stars or Yamahas. Lots and lots and lots of Harley Davidson's of course. Lots of vendors selling cheap off shore leathers. Almost every hall was an East Indian selling leathers from Pakistan. Very few leathers for sale that are made in North America. Bought my wife and I each a Frogg Toggs rain suits made in the good ole USA!!!!! Also got a bottle of Doc Baileys made in CANADA!!!!! Food and beer very expensive. $5.75 for a beer.
  22. Thoughts and prayers are with them both and I wish them both a speedy recovery.
  23. Wow, I hope that ain't your ride.:think:
  24. Very well said. Thanks, Randy, for sharing this with the rest of us.
  25. Brad, so sorry to hear about Sunny, your cat. Even though it is a pet, they are a part of the family. Our dog Skippy was very sick before Christmas, we thought we would have to put him down, the Vet put him on steriods, he came through, he's like a puppy now, even though he's 12 years old. Hope the rest of the year is a good one. Take care, Joopster
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