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Everything posted by Dhansonrrt

  1. So I am about to get my engine parts and the stainless trim below the windshield done. My question is how did the stainless pieces on the Air cleaner box and the other side come off and what did you use to re-attach?
  2. I bought the map update and it wouldn't load, tried a few times. So therefore I couldn't load the software update. Had it at the dealer getting a new front put on and they tried as well and couldn't get either to load. They were going to check with Yamaha to see if there is a fix. The update just came out last month so it may have some bugs
  3. I have 12000 miles on mine, no issues at all, some GPS quirks that I have worked through and I wish the VOX actually worked. (hard to believe that with all of Yamaha's electronics knowledge that the VOX doesn't work). I have totally reworked the stock seat, twice. I had the left saddlebag lock stick. Yamaha replaced lid and re keyed new lock to original key without issue. Mechanically, I broke mine in fairly hard as I do with any new motor. I run Yamalube full synthetic and change it between 4-5K miles. I went through the rear Bridgestone Excedra at about 8K miles. Wasn't a great fan of it only because of it's squarer profile. I replaced with a Dunlop Elite 4 with MT tread. I always rode the E4 on my wing so I am familiar with it and trust it. I have ran it at 80 mph all day long without issue. Love the bike, hated the seat and the lack of VOX communication considering a Goldwing has had trouble free VOX communication for like 20 years. Having to push a button to talk to your passenger is archaic. The stock seat is a poor design for the rider. You sit on a pad that ends at the backrest. This creates a gap between where you sit and the backrest. I originally filled that gap and used stiffer foam in the saddle and recovered the entire seat in new leather. ( you can see it in another thread) initially is was comfortable, then I got tailbone pressure issues that I have never in my life had. A tweak here and there and still issues. I realized that any tailbone issues that I had were being magnified buy the seating position on the bike. Having your feet out in front of me might have seemed comfortable at first but that position puts all the pressure on my tailbone and right up the spine. The BMW, Goldwing and even HD's have your feet set back under you more, supporting more of the weight of your body. I used to race bicycles and still ride many miles. I am using the idea of pressure relief on the seat now. I have removed the sliding adjustable backrest and am having the seating surface and the sliding backrest turned into one piece of foam and I am using a pressure relief groove much like you see on some bicycle seats to relieve pressure on my tailbone. By using a stiffer foam which I like, I should take the bulk of pressure on my sit bone area and not so much (hopefully next to zero) on my tailbone. I'll post a pic when it's done (again) this weekend.
  4. It does help with glare a little. But im looking over it most of the time. I tint it mostly for looks.
  5. Which trunk rack did you use and do you have a pic of it? Thanks Dave
  6. If you're asking me, mine is gray tinted
  7. If is is 4" wider, it will be 4" wider when completely lowered and cover some of the mirrors on both sides, when raised obviously there will no longer be that 4" width down low. But up higher there will be. The extra width and re-curve keep a lot of the wind from getting to the rider. Keep in mind that anything left of about 10:00 and right from about 2:00 can still get to your passenger. The two pics below are from mine, Mine is 1.5 inches shorter and 3 inches wider. One pic is all the way down, and the other all the way up. I just sent mine back to have the black extended up in a curved fashion to cover the dash when looking straight from the front.
  8. The wired headsets are made by J&M Corp. I tried Wireless on my Wing and hated it, The wired sounds better, works seamlessly, no battery to run down and have to carry spares on long days. The SVTC is kinda nice for the driver that the cord connection is center mounted. If Yamaha would only update the software for the VOX.... *siggghhh*
  9. I have the Dunlop Elite 4 MT on my rear. I didn't put the radial on which is a 60 series, until I wear out the front and change both. I like that the the Dunlop has a rounder profile from side to side, helps immensely in cornering, not having to come up over and off the edge of the tire. I worn the stock Excedra out in about 7800 miles. Always been a dunlop guy from riding My Wings. Interesting about the Darksiders. When I was having the Rear changed there was a Yamaha warranty rep looking at another bike and was asking me how I liked my SVTC. He asked what I was doing on I told him I was changing the rear. I am sure you guys already know this, but if you Darkside and have any warranty issues being done that are related, Kiss your warranty goodbye
  10. Yep, happened to mine too and a few others, take it do the dealer, they'll order a new lid (or complete bag) If they can only get the lid like mine, they'll cut the stuck lid off, and put the new one on. I also had them re-key the new lock to the old key so that I wouldn't have two different keys. All under warranty
  11. Actually you can chrome Stainless steel, many shops will chrome plate Stainless. Some even Nickel Chrome it. Nickel plate it, then chrome after, produces a bit better finish.
  12. So on both side the ugly yellow plate on the Covers is made from metal? So it could be chromed as well then. Makes the engine and the whole bike look much better
  13. That looks great, So I know the cover on the right side is a cast metal, but the cover on the left side is plastic no? If it is Plastic where did you send it to get chromed and black coated again?
  14. This is exactly what I want to do to mine. I can't find a chrome shop around here at the moment. I like the air cleaner cover as well. What did you do to the other side of the engine and the plastic cover? (piece looks like the air cleaner cover). Also where did you get the passenger floorboard bottom piece from if you don't mind me asking?
  15. Here is my review I sent to Craig as well as pics of my Clearview shield on my SVTC This is a review of my new Clearview Windshield for the Star Venture Transcontinental. I got mine 1.5” shorter, 3” wider, tinted gray with the re-curve. The windshield looks great on the bike especially when it is down all the way. It gives the big Star Venture a Sporty look. I ride mostly with it down all the way because I do like some air on me. I am 5’11” and I can see over it easily. Around town and at less than freeway speeds the recurve takes most of the air over my head. At freeway speeds in all but the nastiest cross and head cross winds (9 o’clock to 10 o’clock and 3 o’clock to 1 o’clock) I can raise the windshield 1.5”, basically the stock height, and it gives me nice protection from head buffeting. I can still look over the windshield too. When raised all the way I look through the windshield about 2 inches below the top and there is virtually no air on my torso or head at all. I Also like the extra thickness of the Clearview windshields as the shield itself does not buffet especially all they way up when it can distort your vision a bit. I had my girl on the back for a 250-mile ride through varying conditions and winds. Her head sits about 2-3” higher that mine. Her eyeline is just below the top of my helmet in my normal riding position. If I slouch a bit, she can just see over my helmet. Riding with the shield all the way down and at normal around the town driving, she didn’t notice any difference really. When we got on the freeway and were in the 75MPH range with the shield all the way down she would get some head buffeting. When I raised it up about 1.5” to stock height about 50% of the buffeting stopped. When I raised it all the way she barely felt anything on her head at all. The extra width helps me in the riders’ position immensely as it directs the majority of wind completely around me. My girl could feel the wind on her arms a bit but not bad at all. We both noticed that we weren’t getting that bit of wind noise that we used to get (even with full face helmets on) in our headset mics. Also, for me the extra width fills the gap between the shield and the mirrors where the wind comes through and hits my hands. I wore my vented gloves and never felt the need to change them on temps that day all the way down to the high 40’s. I also never felt the need to turn my grip heaters on. This was not true with the stock shield. All in all, it is a fantastic shield and does exactly what I was hoping it would do when I ordered it. First three pics are all the way down, Fourth is all the way up and the last from a distance is down Dave Hanson
  16. My new Clearview shield will arrive this Friday. It is 1.5" lower and 3" wider, gray tint, black band, and re-curve. Look forward to putting it on and taking it out for a ride. I'll report back after with some pics as well
  17. I was going to get the Corbin but wasn't a fan of not using the factory heater controls or those pointy passenger armrests. I think they take away from the design of the bike. As an update, my overhaul of the stock saddle works very well. I have been on several all day rides with it
  18. Headsets are fine, can talk with passenger, make calls, etc. Could just be no one is around. The truck stop is a good idea. The squelch, I turn until I get static, then go one setting the other way. Is that correct? Thanks
  19. I know the Corbin seat has it's own controllers on the side of the seat
  20. So last weekend I went on channel 19 for awhile, but still heard nothing, of course I like to spend less time on a boring slab of concrete, so I am guessing my route wasn't privvy to many with CB's. I had it on while I was on the freeway, a few trucks around but no chatter. Does all other media need to be off (i.e. music, intercom)?
  21. And really that is the only reason I would probably use it, traveling with the group. Thank you!
  22. Yes I only use the wired headsets. Like I said I have never used a CB before, so I did not know that CH19 was the universal travel channel. I'll have to try it out on that channel. Thanks!
  23. Is anyone with a SVTC using the CB? I can't seem to get mine to work ( admittedly it is the first time I have ever used any kind of CB) I even put it on the universal emergency channel (9) as a test and couldn't get a a hold of anyone. I have it turned on in the settings, I can hear myself through the headsets, but going through the channels and trying to adjust the squelch, they are either static or quiet. I am doing a two trip to Alaska this summer and the guys I ride with use CB's to communicate out on the road. Any ideas? I'm probably doing something wrong, but not sure.
  24. Respironics makes very good machines and a variety of different masks/interfaces (like Nasal Pillows). Make sure you get the humdified version as CPAP/BIPAP can dry you out pretty fast. While going to school to become a Respiratory Therapist years ago, I administered sleep studies for about two years. Losing weight may help yes, sleeping on your side can help too. But don't be surprised if you lose weight and still snore. In any event when you become accustomed to it, you will feel 100% better the next day. The benefits of consistent airflow to your cardiovascular system can do wonders for your health and general feeling. While you may not die from sleep apnea, 38,000 deaths a year are directly related to the effects of sleep apnea. If you have heart disease, high blood pressure, your heart is already working overtime, combine that with a lack of oxygen and stress the heart function even more. Risk of stroke (or another) is greater. Losing weight is even harder with sleep apnea. In short a lack of oxygen to the body's vital organs (Brain, Heart) disrupts the way they function and can have life altering consequences
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