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About Thistledown

  • Birthday 12/14/1942

Personal Information

  • Name
    Edward McChain


  • Location
    Saluda, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Sail boats,Tug boats, Motercycles, airplanes
  • Bike Year and Model
    06 RSV

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  1. I am thinking of buying a scooter, about 150cc just enough for riding two up with maby a top speed of 50 MPH. don't want to spend a lot of money and some of the chineese ones look good but I am told to stay away from them. Would appreicate any infor on good ones to buy. No , I'm not getting rid of the RSV, the scooter will live on the boat for shore trips.
  2. Well I know that the shock thing is an on going problem with the 2nd Gen, so I just thought I would pass this along to say that I have ridden a couple thousand miles and it works very well. From the factory setting was perfect.
  3. Called Dave Quin Motorcycles and ordered the hagon shock product ID HA M62097U with 300 KG spring. $464.00 plus 17.70 shipping gave him rider 220, pass 180, 20lbs each bag and 20 lbs in trunk. It is an 06 RSV with 81K on the clock and the second factory shock just went. took about 3 weeks to get. As suggested in some of the write ups, I cross tied the bike to plumb then remover passenger foot rest on right side and the plastic underneath. loosened top and bottom bolts then raised on jack stand to rear wheel just off floor. whole job took less than an hour. did the test ride, I think it will be just fine, It's as sport as an RSV gets solo and perfect 2 up. The adjustments on the shock are just as the factory set it, That is red spring all the way to the top (loose). I think it's a winner
  4. Well the second shock in now gone at 81K on my "06 RSV. I have read what i could find on the Works and called them yesterday for a price. they Quoted $799, Is that a little high? Is there some one discounting these or is that it. Would like info on what to buy from those of you who have been thru it ,, Thanks
  5. We will be heading out soon for the Georgia area with the RV and RSV. Since the wife will not tent camp we like to take the RV to some state camp ground them hop on the RSV and ride from there to see the area. We might do an overnight in a hotel if the loop is more than a one day ride. Generally we haul the unigo with the 2 Border Terriers, they love to ride. We did 3k in the west last summer this way. I was hoping that I could get some suggestion on where to go in in the Southern mountains, we will end our trip with a stay at the Vogel event
  6. 74k on my ’06 RSV and running great, but time was long past due for the valve adjustment. I have done all maintenance work in the past but the valve adjustment with shims and special tools seemed a little much for me, and wow, did I guess that right. After reading a post a week or so ago and seeing Muffinman’s comments I decided to give him a call and make an appointment to take my RSV to his place in NC. He was great, ordered new plugs, gasket set, fuel filter and he had the shims we were likely to need. He said something about color tuning and I said ‘what’s that” I balance the carbs my self. He said we should do it. What a difference. Here is the story, my RSV for the first 50K or so always went to reserve tank at 200 miles, like clock work, almost never varied more than a mile or two, last 10K or so it was looking for the reserve tank around 175 miles. Fuel mileage, was always 42-44mpg for the first 50K the started dropping to 38-42 lately. Well we did the valves, one intake tight by .001 and two exhaust open by .004, not bad enough to cause any damage yet, nor would I think any effect on mileage. The carb balance was off a little but not too bad, but the color tuning really made a change. Here is what we have now, noticeably more power in 2nd,3rd &4th and get this, mileage very, very carefully checked and getting 46.8 mpg, ½ of the mileage check was with two up and the other ½ solo. Now the bike was looking to go to reserve an 214 miles instead of 200 miles as when new, 175 miles lately. We spent a solid 6 hours, and we both worked, I don’t believe any one could do the job in less than 8 hr, Muffinman did a fabulous job and although a lot work I had a good time working with him, and I would say that unless your really good it’s not a job to mess with by your self, there are some parts that I doubt one would ever figure out with help. Great job, thanks Jeff
  7. Went to Americade last week, great time. Rode the new 2012 wing and I just got to have one. I especially want the ABS. Since it does not look like Yahama is interested in any thing new to replace the RSV this I guess the wing is the other choise. The price makes me kind of sick and I think the cost of maintaining will be a lot more, Am I right ? Well , I am rambling on but I think I want the 2012 and not the 2010 because of seating position, and other refinements, some comments here please? Price wise look like I could buy a 2010 for 20K and keep my RSV or give them my RSV and 20K for a 2012, My '06 RSV has 74000 miles on it and is very excellent condition, any one interested, I hate to give it to a dealer, but I would like some comments and suggestions on the 2010 vs the 2012 and any thing else any one wants to comment on.
  8. What I find works out very well is to attach a tie to the underside of a harness you have the dog ware. It should be attached to the center of the floor/ seat/ or box and just long enough for the dog to stand. It should also have a swivel on it. I ride with a dog very often Two in the trailer or if only one dog, then in a box on the seat. He must have gogles,(dogles) to protect his eyes from the wind, ( If you rid a Harley then he need ear plugs too)
  9. great idea,WHEN
  10. Just paid my yearly fee, best $12 bucks I ever spent on a motorcycle,, Thank guys, this is a great site
  11. Thanks so much for you responses, this site is buy of the year for only $12 bucks
  12. The plug that one would plug the headset in located on the gas tank is waring out from being connected so many times. Babbits wants $50 some bucks for it and the Yama dealer wants $80. Anyone now of repairing or installing a new 5 pin socket or a less expensive place to buy the part, J& M would need a part # which it don't have. Any suggestions?
  13. we are in the Keys now and heading up to Rainbow Springs state park tomorrow. Any one know of a good Dealer anywher near there, thanks for the help
  14. Took everything apart today, checked all the connections and then I removed the mic mute, still no audio, I think I have verified are no fuse or connection problems. I don't think that the amplifier is putting out. 1st question, how can I verify this ? I feel sure that the CB, CD player, tape deck radio ect are all working properly, there is no sound in either the head set of speaker, Now maybe if i tell when this happened it will give some one a clue, I'm stumped, I have had a Sibel horn on for some time and the other day it quit working, audio still OK at this point. Removed the horn and found the + wire from the relay burned thru on a hot exhaust pipe, Taped it up and replaced the 30 Amp fuse. Not this is where the fight started. I forgot to connect the ground from the starter that goes on at the same bolt that holds the horn on. Tried to start the bike and the solenoid just clicked, with sume searching I found the problem and started the bike but the audio has never worked since. Any more ideas, please
  15. Thanks for your input, will check it out
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