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Everything posted by dave_wells

  1. That's great. I have to get me one.
  2. Showers are open come on down. There were sites when I booked mine. I have room for ya if needed It will be good to see ya
  3. I have a site booked for 6/25 thru 6/28 at Snowden Lake in Albany Ohio 7 miles from Athens Ohio https://lakesnowden.hocking.edu/ Just putting it out there I will be on 98 in the hilltop section near the shower house. I anyone wants to camp we can make some nice rides. I can put one extra tent on the site They had a few sites available a few days ago when I made my reservation
  4. For our Ohio Members. Has anyone done the Ride n Roll that Ridin on Magazine Hosts? Robin and I like to get out and roll the dice. It lasts all season long and is a great way to find some new spots to visit. Here is the link =AT19I-JaAgbi4OQ8Zmu8XTP4hOLCkt864GWNduhcUvrzs06Zmir-23VSSAm8O6KjXy7WJYhmnofehrIFfB6GcFll33JQgLOADEJXSCDEpArd4YFutBnL5PXN2xTYTeksAA4FIuP1VJai2jgeG6Gdsli3c5Z0vBXlwJ3Z4Ohkgrk_JFglx9GbF_AZvTCseUaZ1dI"]http://ridinon.com/ride-n-roll/ If anyone is out doing this, Send me a PM it would be great to connect with some people. We are in Canal Winchester OH. We don't have a problem putting a couple of hundred miles in a day. Let's get rolling Be Safe
  5. I bought a Shark Evo One 2 from cycle gear in Columbus Ohio. Not online The sales guy was awesome he spent a good hour or so helping us find something that fit right. They have a great exchange policy I like the helmet. The chin bar flips all the way back and out of the way, it has the internal tinted face shield. Being a black helmet it manages to stay cool. I sweat a lot. That is not an issue I am not sure of the weight i couldn't find it in the paperwork. I have a small scale it came in at 4.5 pounds I would not recommend using the pinlock shield insert. Riding around in 90 degree temps with the shield up caused it to warp and scratch up the helmet. Cycle gear gave me a new helmet no problem. No pinlock and no problems since that. We are getting headsets put in this week. I am happy with the helmet https://www.cyclegear.com/gear/shark-evo-one-2-helmet
  6. I was thinking the same thing. You can use a USB drive I know the Venture GPS look for a folder called GPS. I have imported GPX files from google maps I checked the FAQ on the https://calimoto.com/en website and found this. I know what I will be looking at this weekend. Is it possible to import or export GPX files? Yes, you can export GPX files on our web site. You can export both planned and tracked rides.Exporting from the web site:1. Open the Trip planner here.2. On the right select 'My rides'3. Select the ride you want to export4. Click the 'export GPX' button5. Save the GPX file to your local computerImporting using the web site:1. Open the Trip planner here.2. Just underneath the 'My Favourites' is an up arrow, mousing over will reveal text 'Import GPX', click this button3. Find and upload the GPX file from your local computerYou can also open GPX files on your smartphone with calimoto. You can then convert it to a planned route and save it.
  7. Sorry to hear the sad news. I hope Eileen is doing OK.
  8. Please please. Make this in Sept. I miss making this get together. They moved schools start to mid August 😣 I have missed the Asheville get together. Carolina in Sept and October is so beautiful. Please
  9. Here is a copy of an earlier post I made about the GPS My big issue with the new Venture GPS is that you can not: 1. Save a location while out riding and store it for future reference 2. The lack of inputting locations and naming them 3. There is an option to Import way-points. This is not an import. The device just reads the file from the flash drive. 4. Way too many extra steps when putting in an address. I found a work around that has made it easier to manage some favorites. This involves : 1. Google Maps --- Search your destination - Select directions and copy the URL 2. Maps to GPX -- https://mapstogpx.com/ Paste the copied URL in the box To make it easy to find, Check the Route Name box and name it The GPS looks for a folder in the root of the flash drive named GPX. Create a folder named GPX and save all the files in that folder. The GPS will give you a couple of options. My choice is always the end point. I just leave the flash drive connected in the trunk. I hope someone find this helpful.
  10. I have not pulled the camper with it yet. Sad thing, The camper has not been out one time this year. I have the hitch installed .I need to find a wire harness for the lighting. Plug and Play. I am not good at wiring that stuff.
  11. I have 5000 on it at the moment
  12. Ride it and enjoy it. Its a great bike. I just traded my 06 in. I enjoyed it for 13 years and 56 ,000 miles I only had 2 issues with it the entire time. the fuel pump,the rear shock went Both were under warranty at the time. Other than that problem free Put a Battery tender on it. The battery will last a few extra years I have a nice Mustang Seat in the garage if it turns out you want an upgrade. Nice bike, Love the color Be safe and Enjoy It.
  13. OK I have had my 2018 TC for 5 months today. I am really enjoying this bike. I have mentioned my dislike for the GPS. That still stands. I have been saving location on a flash drive that i keep plugged in. It is what it is. With the exception of getting stuck in traffic in some 90+ degree days. The heat off the engine has not been that bad. Opening the lower vents helps with the heat. even when closed not horrible. I like the 6 speed transmission having power in every gear when i want to accelerate. I wish the rev limiter was a bit higher. I have hit it more time than I can remember. I have adjusted to it. If I can just break the habit of running in 4th gear all the time. My Gen 2 i ran in 4th all day. The 200 mile range on a tank is just sweet. The seat has been comfortable I see no reason to replace it. My RSTD and 00 Venture both stock seats were not to my liking. Robin has made good use of the heated seats and loves them. I did use the heated grips recently. On high without gloves they are hot. I look forward to riding this winter just to try it all out. The bike handles real nice on sweepers and twisty roads. I have scrapped a few times leaning it. I did notice a skid plate on the driver footrest. I took it as a challenge. Joking aside. The bike is a pleasure to run on any roads. You can just push it through a turn Power yes. The bike can get off the start very well I enjoy the Sirius XM - 1. I hate to many commercials 2. It saves me the trouble of always looking for a station when traveling. Being able to plug in a flash drive full of MP3's is nice. I have not use the CB or headsets yet. I have not switched them from my old helmet. Pretty much from the moment I pull it out of the garage until I pull it back in. This is a pleasure to ride Ride Safe and Have fun out there
  14. This looks like it could be a fun night. Old Bike Barn is hosting a "Ride In Bike show" Friday Septemeber 27th at the AMA Musem & Hall of Fame! This bike night, show, and preparty are celebrating the @aimexpo being in Columbus! You can enjoy FREE entrance to the museum, live music, food trucks, and of course, the bikes! The show is a great excuse to ride and show off your vintage motorcycle as well as see one of the country's best motorcycle museums and the AMA Hall of Fame for free! The museum features a number of awesome exhibits showcasing motorcycling’s history, including the early years with bikes from the teens, a storied Dirt Track section, and the incredible David Barr shovelhead that he circumnavigated the globe on as a double amputee veteran. The basement is an art gallery filled with cool motorcycle art and a long list of classic bikes from an eclectic group of brands. Truly something for everyone! We hope to see you there! Location: AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame 13515 Yarmouth Dr, Pickerington, Ohio 43147
  15. When they get to market, I may get one for the cooler months. That with the heated seat and grips should be a WIN I do like my short windshield in the warm weather and I do prefer to look over than thru. When the cold temp come in i'm fine with looking thru Thanks
  16. Glad to see you are riding. I have the same issue with the rev limiter. I hit it very soon when taking off. I am used to winding the heck out of my last two Yamaha's . I am getting adjusted to it. At first I was constantly maxing it out. The bike will get up and go thats for sure My other problem is, I forget about 6th gear sometimes 5th. Most of the time I ran in 4th on my 2nd gens Love My new Venture, Went out for 402 miles Saturday. I agree on the seat I was concerned I would need to replace it based on the previous two bikes. I am happy to say I think its a keeper. Did you every do the windshield swap? Wondering how that worked out Be Safe After reading about the dizzy spells you were experiencing. Its great to see that you can get out for a ride
  17. My big issue with the new Venture GPS is that you can not: 1. Save a location while out riding and store it for future reference 2. The lack of inputting locations and naming them 3. There is an option to Import way-points. This is not an import. The device just reads the file from the flash drive. 4. Way too many extra steps when putting in an address. I found a work around that has made it easier to manage some favorites. This involves : 1. Google Maps --- Search your destination - Select directions and copy the URL 2. Maps to GPX -- https://mapstogpx.com/ Paste the copied URL in the box To make it easy to find, Check the Route Name box and name it The GPS looks for a folder in the root of the flash drive named GPX. Create a folder named GPX and save all the files in that folder. The GPS will give you a couple of options. My choice is always the end point. I hope someone find this helpful.
  18. I have been pulling my Bunkhouse for the past ten years with both my 06 tour Deluxe and 2000 Venture. Anyone pulling a camper with a Gen 3. I have the hitch on. I have not had a chance to tow. My RSTD and Venture pulled just fine. Curious how the 2018 Venture will pull a load. Thanks for any input.
  19. Don, I hope they get this figured out soon. I had similar symptoms last year. I ended up in the emergency room. It turned out my Thyroid meds stopped working. They actually though t I stopped taking them. After a change in meds that fixed me up after a week or so. What ever your case, we hope they get they get it figured out. Fingers crossed Dave and Robin
  20. As for the windshield. We gave it a 150 mile test on Saturday. We rode at varied speeds up to 75 mph Windshield was in both up and down positions. Robin did notice the some buffeting in the lower position. She had no complaints in the full up position. I even noticed with the Windshield down, I did not get a face full of wind. Chasing Semi's we did not feel as much wind riding directly behind along with trailing one lane over. Passing along side was smoother than with the stock shield I do agree that a wider windshield can add may add to the resolution I am 5 ft - 10 in tall I do prefer to look over the windshield. with this lower screen in the full up position it sits around nose height. when fall comes I may decide to put the stock one back on. Don did mention a shield in development. I will be curious to see the results. we may just end up with that For now we are both pleased with the results. Enjoying our new ride
  21. Here is the easy solution I have used for the past 12 years on both my RSTD and my Venture. Sorry I can not find the article. Simple solution that has worked for me. Run the brake fluid a little low. What is happening is the fluid is getting warm and expanding. This puts pressure on the inner pistons. The don't release all the way. They wear in a wedge shape. By leaving a little room in the main reservoir allowing the fluid to expand into the reservoir and not put the additional pressure on the rear pad. I had the pads wear in a wedge twice. Then I started running the fluid a little low and I never had the issue again. The bike braked just fine all I can add is, it worked for me
  22. That is real nice.
  23. I am trying to stay positive. We will find out later if it helps. If not it goes back
  24. I ordered it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FXW3DSQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have not tried it out yet. I will be doing that today. A friend recommended it.
  25. 6 weeks in 2733 miles, Pros: I am happy with the seat. My old RSTD and 00 Venture both needed replaced. The seat does get rather warm from this V twin. I am looking for a resolution for that. Beads seem to help-- any suggestions, I am open to ideas The weight is balanced real good. The bike is not top heavy even with a passenger,full trunk and loaded trunk rack. I like that they added a skid plate on the rider foot pegs. I took it as a challenge. Yep it gets all the way down. At 960 pounds, It feels lighter that the gen 2 I owned The audio system is an improvement. The WB is real helpful The adjustable windshield is great The parking assist has come to the rescue a few times Shifting is different it took awhile to get up to speed and not hit the rev limiter. There are probable a few more likes. I am loving this thing Now what I don't like: The bike gets real hot. I knew that going in. Air cooled V twin The lower vents are a real saver on that. I went for a ride with shorts and closed vents, The heat on my legs was unbearable. I had to pull over and open the vents Robin complains about the wind buffeting on the passenger. It beats her up pretty good. --- I just installed a shorter windshield with an outward flip at the top. They say is should fix the issue. We shall see. I will update when we get out tomorrow. The thumb controls. They have put a bunch out there. Not really a con. It is a stretch with the thumb THE GPS !!! That is a real disappointment. I have had 2 Garmin's and a Tom Tom both real easy to use. They dropped the ball on this unit Not being able to save way-points for later use, What the hell My 12 year old ZUMO 550 was way better than this I put an address in my nuvi and the same in my Yamaha. The Yamaha required 10 addition steps to complete the same address The entire interface is just bulky. Win 7 vs Win 10 Importing a GPX file. It has an option to import, It does not import it only reads the data from a flash drive. The screen lags when refreshing seems like its lacking memory Maybe they will come out with a software update to over haul it. Doubtful... I am happy with the purchase. If it is as reliable as the RSTD I bought new in 2006. I should have many years of enjoyment
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