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Everything posted by r12guy

  1. yes its low and to the right, and there should be a little screw head at the top that operates a little wipper to clean the inside of the glass....
  2. I havent got the mailing yet....
  3. Oh boy I cannt wait to see this...It seems like forever when this first started.....
  4. It easy to Join and get in contact with your State Captain, just log on to www.patriotguard.org and read the mission statement and if you feel the same way, then join. your State Captain should then contact you and /or you can go to the forms and look for your state and drop a line and let people know you joined.
  5. I bet that be me...... I am the Delaware State Captain for the PGR, and was there. Shes an '06 and I love her to death. E mail me at rmoyerjr@yahoo.com and When I email you back you'll have my Cell. I live in Bridgeville Delaware and ride to a lot of the Missions .
  6. No, Pilot is in New York for a family function.... A new State Trooper.... And I have other plans or I would buzz on up... I enjoyed the ride last time, and Im sure I would this time also if I could make it. Ride Safe All..
  7. Great Ride, Good Food.... River road I think would be fun at about 15MPH over what we did on it....... ...... it Proved that they can take a lickin and keep on going...
  8. I have them on My bike, just a little over a year and with over 9000 miles on them. I see no problem with them.... A whole lot better then the OEM that came on here... Now I do know my back one is Made In Germany, and it looks like the front was made in Brazil...
  9. Just checking to make sure all is still on for this M&E on the 20th... and to place it back up towards the front.....
  10. You will love the horn, it does get there attention and I have gotten the finger and blown back at for using it... But the Rolling Phone booth didnt see me and started over on me but Im the one in the wrong.... trust me, The horn will wake up drivers not paying attention. Now if I could find the Goldwing owner with the Locomotive horn, now that would cause someone to crap there pants if dopeing off behind the wheel. I was even looking for the Train .... but Im sure it needs a spare battery to power it ...
  11. Yesterday, After returning from Pilots Home, Which by the way that Guy adjusted my Carbs and Its Never run that good, Thanks Jim!!!! any way, I got home and when I removed the Key it was pretty warm... Well an Hour later I started the bike up and reved it a time or two and put her away. Well the Key was very warm and the Ignition switch was also very warm. I removed the two allen heads and pulled the cover on the tank and the whole Barrel for the key was very warm, almost uncomfortable to touch very long. I left the cover off and in about 4-5 hours checked it again. It was cool. Now it did sit in the sun but i wouldnt think it should get that hot. Everything works so, do I have a switch going up or is it something I shouldnt worry about. Heat like that to me means a large Amp draw some place, but i could be wrong.. I dont want to end up like this...
  12. r12guy

    biker down

    They are both in our thoughts and prayers.
  13. This sounds doable for us too, would be coming from Southern Delaware..
  14. I put 880's on mine last year about this time. I followed the inflation that Metzler recommends and My tires look like new with 8k on them. I run the hell outta them and a lot of the riding is two up. I have kept a close eye on them and have seen no problem. The OEM Bridgestone rear was a piece of crap it was ready to replace At the 8k mark. I'm begining to think that maybe the tire pressure is what is causing the problem. Just like with the Firestones on the Ford SUV's. I know if I follow Yamahas tire pressure in the Metzlers, it is too flat looking, but pump thoses puppys up to the 47-49psi range and they look like a tire should. Now Im not sayin that tomorrow god forbid the tire wont go all to hell, but so far I have loved the way they handle all the way around.
  15. I also would be happy to view this video and send it forward, and I wont copy it nor will i receive any moneys for it.
  16. I caught it on mine after the dealer changed mine, and at first they told me it wasnt a big deal and that the arrow was on there for another bike...... two minutes later they told me to bring it in and it would be fixed..... Does it matter? is there another bike that uses that same wheel that it does matter on, I dont know... but one thing i do know its on there and on there for a reason so i would change it to the right way. all the ones from Yamaha on the dealers show roon floor had the wheel and tires mounted in the right direction.
  17. I was having a simular problem with mine. But mine would come and go as it pleased. it took a few trips to the shop before they took my word for what it was doing. What i came up with was the control head on the handle bars. Mine was replaced and its has been fine ever since.
  18. Mine would fade in and out, the display would change and i would have no control of the radio at all. The knuckle head at the dealer couldnt get it to do it, so i had to keep mental notes and keep after him. I kept telling him it was the remote and not the radio. well low and behold one day while taking it in for service it di it and i just parked the bike and left it running so they could see i wasnt dreaming. Seems they had to get the whole radio kit in to just replace the head. And Yamaha was a little upset with them because they are to send it to Clairion and get rebuilt. I didnt care, my tunes work again.
  19. well guys, it was a balmy 23* out, and from the slow turn over it just didnt seem to be firing on all 4. I would have to say, it may have been the gauge thing, cause my last fill up was in Reading PA, and I didnt really look to see how many miles i had put on it, but i would say at least 170, cause the zumo is set for that and lets me know with the low fuel warning. and she did take about 4.7 gals. so maybe the cold had my mind confused. Yepper, that California and Florida weather, is like year round for me, hell its year round for me now as long as there is no snow or ice out. And I do run Lucas in my tank, and have tried the Seafoam on the old wing.
  20. could be the Thermostat, she doesnt get that hot after a long ride. and with this being her second winter on the road, and only 12k on her, along with that wonderful 5 year warranty, looks like Yamaha can fix it. Thats if the Monkeys at the dealer can figure it out.
  21. I left My House early AM yesterday, with a little over a half tank of fuel, took the gal a few to run right and a bit to get her started, but she cleared up in a few minutes and went on. Now like i said I was going on a ride , and my ride was taking me to Urbanna Virginia, for a PGR mission. well that half a tank of gas didnt last no time at all, all in all about 47 miles. and since it was dark out and the sun coming up, i was holding back on the right hand , and not seeing just how cold i could make myself feel. The choke was off , and even after stopping her for a half hour rest stop i didnt need the choke to start her. no black smoke out the back.... so can i figure on her using lots of go juice on cold days, or should i have her looked at.
  22. And I too like them, and with 2500 miles on them they handle a lot better then the OEM tires. And even with some pretty wild riding they look brand new. But I do keep the air checked and up in them. Running 44 in front and 46 in the back
  23. I have the same problem on mine. Sometimes its so bad it will make you sick, and my clothes smell from it also. The MPG is in the low 40 range, the exhaust is clear, and inside of pipes are a nice light brown. But the exhaust smell is there and sticks. and I smell it more slowing down. I'll look for the leaks at the weld and see what i see.
  24. Jim, Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for your service, and the rest of our troops everywhere, as they defend our freedom and the freedom of others. May the lord watch over you, and bring each one home safe and sound. Being away from home and family on the 2nd best holiday is very hard, I know I spent 5 away and know the pain and thoughts that go along with it. Rest asure tho You will return to that table next year and go ahead have an extra serving........ God Bless
  25. and a lot of fun when on a ride in the back woods and some says "hey anyone know where the nearest Gas station is...... Now that is fun I always say I dont but Zumo does..... and off we go.....
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