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Personal Information

  • Name
    mike reagan


  • Location
    highland, IL, United States


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  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 royal star venture
  1. amr

    rear tire

    what is the best rear tire for 2007 rsv
  2. i will take 2 of the 5 3/4 mike
  3. is there directions some where on this site for splitting the lower fairing thanks mike
  4. don't know where your at but if close to tampa,fl i have a 7 x 16 vnose we could see if 2 would fit
  5. amr

    online parts

    could some one tell me a good place to order parts like chrome acc for a 2007 venture and also could any one tell what is a good hot weather jacket with good protection pads in it for me and the wife mike
  6. baby setting my granddaughter
  7. don never tried it on a car or pickup i just always use the car mount to hear inside the pu but it works great on the venture pluged into the tape deck and set on aux.the only problem i have had is about every month or so i have to take the sd card out and then put it back in or it gets where you can not here the music but once you insert the sd card it works great for about a month mike
  8. amr


    guys how many of you are from the leesburg,fl area.i just moved down here a couple month ago and see a lot of ventures out but it is always going the other way when i'm in the pu truck mike
  9. does any one know of a company that makes a fork brace that will fit a 2007 venture mike
  10. amr

    fork brace

    does any one know who makes a fork brace for a 2007 venture thanks mike
  11. some of you guys from down in fl maybe can help me,i will be relocating to the leesburg are in the middle of sept so what kind of different test will i have to take to get a fl lic. cdl with mc endorsement mike
  12. Is there a way to print out the names and phone #'s of the people in the vr assistance list by state? Thanks Mike
  13. could someone tell me what maintainence day is,where and when.is it just a big party where everyone gets together and works on bikes
  14. amr


    does any one know of a ramp wide enough to put your feet down and weight rated enough to ride/load a venture up in the back of pickup and who would sell such a ramp thanks mike
  15. i'm thinking of getting a gps and i'm looking at the zumo 550,tomtom rider 2 or the garmin nuvi 680 for use on the scooter some and for the wife in her car,about the only time we rider in rain is when we get out and just get caught in it so i could stop and put it in the saddlebag to keep from getting wet.i ride a 07 venture and thinking about the bluetooth for phone and gps when i get one so can you guys share some knowledge thanks mike
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