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Terry Richardson

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Everything posted by Terry Richardson

  1. Santa got mad when everytime she said what do you want I said I dont know. So.....she handed me a harbor freight flyer and said circle some stuff. So I did.....LOL... she fell right into my trap. I got everything I circled include a new motorcycle jack (a must with a 1st gen) She will lose me for hours in the garage now.(maybe that was her plan) MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD RIDE !
  2. Not long after picked up my 84 Venture, my transmission went out on my car. My wife keeps wanting me to share her car, I insist I am going to repair my transmission and drive my car again. I wonder how long I can stall?..LOL... love to ride.
  3. AWESOME WORD JEFF... and amen to that my brother. I am rather new to this site and brotherhood(and sisterhood) and wish to express my appreciation to Jeff and all the members that have been so helpful keep my tires down on my ole 84 Venture. Jeff, you are truely a ambassador for VR and I am blessed to know you. From my family to all of yours, may this be the happiest and most blessed Christmas ever, may our Lord be lifted up in the occassion of His birth and may we all remember the reason for this season. I cant wait for 2008 and getting to know you all better. Be blessed my friends. Terry
  4. I rode for 20 years.. had a friend killed on his scooter....next month laid my scooter down with wife on back...she got 3rd degree burns and said no more. 10 yrs went by... friends starting riding....it got back in my blood and back on scooter. Man...all I think about is the ride home or to work and on my day off.... a ride. Its like maximum freedom from the cares of the world. Its not a perfect cure for stress.. but what a great start.
  5. He owns a 1st Gen... he needs the money for parts..lol
  6. There always picking on the old 1st Gens arent they Jeff. They have no idea how many jobs we protect in the salvage and parts industry.
  7. I assume you guys are talking about the gremlin chaser bell?? If not, what guardian bell? Hmm..I guess I could put a steeple on my trunk and hang a bell inside...lol Actually I have an old brass tinkler hanging off my front crash bar on my 84 Venture. Works so far...lol
  8. Ok, now you have me curious. When I squeeze my front brakes only on my 84 venture it never has the power to lock the wheel (not that I want it to) but thought it curious it wont stop the bike at a slower roll with front brake only. Is this normal?
  9. Well actually guys.. turns out most of you were right. First of all... I did knock a plug wire lose. Cut the end and screwed it back in. Second of all, I fouled the plugs during this event, had to clean them up, and third had a little bad gas, used alcohol to cure it and high octane to cure the alchohol. Ran it tonight afterwards and she purrs like a kitten again. Thanks guys.. I really appreciate it and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.
  10. Hey guys, my 84 is giving me a fit. I had her out of the garage yesterday and was waxing her,added a little oil, fixed a broken side cover and just getting her ready for a ride. Before I did this I cranked her up and she ran fine. After doing her grooming and upkeep, I cranker her, she started very hard, reving the engine is very slow and she backfires a lot. She wont idle on her own. What do you guys think? I have checked over everything I did and cant find a thing. Thanks
  11. I have a nephew scheduled to be heading that way but the first of next year and one in Korea.
  12. Mike, thanks bro.. I appreciate the info and will get right on it. Man this ole girl is a pain to get into but well worth the work. Again many thanks my friend. Terry
  13. Well guys I just picked up an 84 Venture and I lost 2 cylinder and one of the working has weak spark. This bike has been left outside for sometime. I dread tearing down to the TCI unit. Thats a lot of labor on a guess. I also found water and gas in the block. Think maybe that was from sitting up. Flushed and changed the oil... not to work on the dead cylinders. Any suggestions?
  14. You will get used to it after a while. Hypertension and stress on the heart are just a couple problems that will get worse if you have apnea and dont use C-pap. With heart stints I learned the hard way. I still dont sleep but 5 hours a night.. but they are 5 good hard rem sleep hours. With a bad back I cant sleep on my side so the C-pap machined was a literal life saver for me. Welcome to the C-pap brotherhood...lol.. as you can see... you have lots of company.
  15. Thanks for the fast response guys. Yes PEIslander that looks like the one of the animals. I am not sure if the ignition coils are the culprit or the pick up coils. Need to try and find both. I have stong fire on one cylinder, weak in a second cylinder and none in the last two. Shes a sick little girl for sure. I appreciate the heads up on Ebay, I have been searching there but no luck so far.... looked a little late for that auction PEIslander.
  16. Hey guys, I just bought a 84 Venture, got her home, cleaned her up and serviced her, took her for a ride the next week and found a bad pick up coil. Any idea where I can find one? I have look all over the net and the dealer just laughs at me. Thanks for your help.
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