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Terry Richardson

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Everything posted by Terry Richardson

  1. Man what a bargain you got. Yup she looks like an 87 all right. I have seen one like that somewhere too...oh yeah.. my garage.
  2. yeah Boo I found a small cut near the chunk that started it all. I heard it while crossing a bridge in the echo of the flapping. I was surely blessed that day to have not gone up on the freeway with it.
  3. I learned my lesson about letting my tire wear a bit too much. Dodge that bullet big time. I was supposed to get on the interstate in stead took some slow roads...thank God. I had two guardian angels quit that day.
  4. Hey guys, I just replaced my rear tire with Kunda Kruz and at 70 up she starts to wobble side to side,65 and below smooth as silk. Looks straight as an arrow in the stand. Im running about 40psi. Any ideas?
  5. Amen brothers...my bad boy sure makes people pay attention. Havent thought of two of them. Dont you have to join some kind of union when installing two of them? LOL
  6. I was going to start flying but just couldnt find a crotch rocket with a cup holder.
  7. WOW Jeff chalk one more up for didnt see that coming. Hey bro I appreciate all the info you have given me since signing up with VR these last couple years. You have been instrumental in keeping my old ventures alive. God bless you my friend and you will be in our prayers. Like the rest... if there is anything I can do for the man that has done so much for others... please let me know. Terry
  8. Hey bro.. do you wear colors for any club or organization? Usually if you are wearing colors of any acknowledge club or organization they have to show respect but if you are not wearing colors the 1 percenters can be disrespectful and vindicated in there eyes. I ride with CMA colors and have never had that problem since we are respected by most as a Christian organization that is help and service oriented. Im sorry you were put through that ordeal. As others have said... there are certainly people out there on the road that dont need to be. This instance is more of an exception to the rule than the rule.
  9. Shooooeee...thanks bro... scart me for a minute. I just started using it and it seems to perform well with the white Rotella.
  10. Uh oh I just changed the oil in my 87 Venture Royal with the white Rotella T oil, I havent had any problems with it. Does this mean I will have clutch slipage?
  11. I didnt lose my guardian bell, when I stopped at a light I saw it reach up with some wire cuts make a snip and leap into the storm drain. Third one this year. Whimps.
  12. Yama Mama, you are going to have to make all those wonder trip for me. Since being laid off in October there are still no job prospect down here in Florida so I am having to work side jobs where I can and stay close. Thank God my wife is still working though her employer cut everys salary by 10% and that didnt help either. I am going on short rides with CMA's, still able to go to Patriot Guard missions and Abate meetings and rides but longer overnight rides are pretty much out as a whole at least for now. Im just grateful I am able to keep everything. You know there is a side benefit to such a tough economy, neighbors are talking to each other again. Mainly because so many are out of work but when they compare nots and skills, they start to barter and you are able to get things or get things done cheaper than in prosperous economy. Maybe that is out problem, we need to get back to knowing the people around us as friends and not as "those people". Well thats my soap box for the day. Have or make it a great day. Terry " Big T " Richardson
  13. http://s726.photobucket.com/albums/ww268/trichar384/
  14. turned with a glean in my eye to my bright and shiney near mint 1987 Venture Royal ready for a beautiful long days ride. Aaaaaahhh... life is good. No payments (thank God, no job) and only 41,000 miles. She still needs to be broke in. Guys she almost looks like she just came off the show room floor. I sold my 84 and only paid $800 difference. :innocent-emoticon:God is good brothers and sisters.
  15. Terry Richardson

    Stagecoach Cafe in Stockton Alabama

    1200 plus bikes, only one lonely 1st Gen Venture
  16. Here in Florida we keep our batteries charge year round by riding our bikes daily. We only refrain from riding when it snows...which was.... Christmas 1997 I believe.
  17. Yeah.... I gotta go with a Tim Taylor grunt on this one. Makes no sense..but...its the power and testosterone.
  18. Many of those guys were alive when my 84 Venture was birthed...now not only do I feel old... but my ole venture got her feelings hurt too. Think I will go put a nice cold cloth across her gauges to comfort her.
  19. Yup....Ole Smokey of the Bone Breakers....(puffing up chest and sucking in stomach) SSSSSSSSSsssssssssss.......man that hurt. Guess the only bones Ole Smokey is breaking are his own trying to hold that gut in..lol:crying:
  20. Bongobobny, brother I truely appreciate that. I may take you up on it if the septic tank company cant find them. I worked on the bike yesterday and got her glued back together again but I cant help riding down the road and thinking of the patch work behind me. Again thank you. Terry
  21. Ok guys, keys are made last Thursday. Rode her Friday morning....how sweet that ride was since I havent ridden in two weeks. Now....my new home had a septic tank problem and Saturday morning I called a pump truck to pump it out. I went home to wait on him. He arrived and back up my drive....ALL THE WAY UP MY DRIVE...RIGHT INTO MY VENTURE. Man I was nearly in tears to hear that crunching sound. He promised to get the parts to fix it... but as you know 1st gens are not that plentiful anymore. Anyway.. I sent this afternoon patching her back together. My left blinker is now attached with a zip tie, my tail light is pieced back together and is adorned with 3M red lens repair tape, I was able to bend the crash bars back and bent pushed and straightened until she is now road worthy, not as pretty but thank God she was not hurt mechanically. You know... some years it just doesnt pay to get out of bed.
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