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About htlal

  • Birthday 06/24/1966

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    moriarty, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    06 tour deluxe
  1. Ouch! I didnt mean to start a debate:whistling: I think that the vacume leak theory may be my problem. I was looking it over today, and I see that the rubber intakes are pretty badly cracked, and when I squirt a shot of carb clean on them the rpms increase slightly. So I will take care of that and see what happens. Thanks again for all your help.
  2. I just picked up the 02 midnight venture i won on ebay. I am going to be needing couple of things 1 The chrome ring around the headlight And 2 The chrome whatchamacalit on the top of the fairing that covers the windshield bolts. I also could use the front outer fairing but I think I can fix mine so not as important If any one has either of these laying around let me know what you want for them. I also have a question I live at an altitude of 6500 feet, and when I rev the bike and let off I get a popping from the stock mufflers, do yall think I will need to get the carbs rejetted? Thanks guys, I have been reading this forum for a while and will soon be following some of the advice I have seen here.
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