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Royale Rider XVZ

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24 Excellent

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Pittsburgh, PA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300cc
  1. Check our Rides & Events Page for upcoming ride information! www.urcpghinc.com
  2. Thank you .................
  3. There is a really great group of folks who ride every weekend in the spring and summer no membership required you are welcome to join any of the scheduled rides. Most rides can be anywhere form 4 to 8 hours on a Saturday or Sunday. ALL bikes are welcome. You will have a great time. Very well organized. www.urcpghinc.com
  4. just put one on my 1986 VR
  5. thank you for checking for me. This is my first VR that looks totally different then what i am looking for it crack were the screws hold it to the lower fairing panel thank you again for checking for me.
  6. Finding that out ............ been looking on eBay for a year now. Might have to use Plastex Repair Kit - Plastic/Fiberglass Repair Kit recommended by another member.
  7. My panel is cracked, i keep checking eBay but only come across the left side. If anyone has one, i would be interested in purchasing it for the right price.
  8. Left hand shift or right and where in the hell do you sit?
  9. added Chrome Grill cover
  10. 83-93 Yamaha Venture XVZ1300 FAIRING CB/ Air ride class TERMINAL ACCESSORY PANEL Mine isl cracked, i am going to try to use a resin underneath to bond and hold it together. If you have this part i may be interested in purchasing it just the panel.
  11. Wife & I are going up on Wednesday.
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