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Poppa Phill

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Everything posted by Poppa Phill

  1. Howdee do to al of you. Old laptop died and really couldn't afford to replace it at the time. life issues covid etc just made a mess of things for a minute s I just chilled out and waited till things got better. Been missing the bunch of ya . Still riding the golden Girl and burgundy Lady. Im Hoping all of you are well and still on the right side of the grass. I will try and keep in touch in between medical stuff. Got myself in a pickle jar with another aneurysm growing, Cat scans and MRI coming up on the 25th so they can decide what to do about it. In the meantime God Bless the Bunch of ya and have a great weekend. Peace.
  2. Good Afternoon Brothers and Sisters. Been a Serious Minute or 2.. I hope all of you have been doing well. Issues tied to the aneurysm had me sidelined for a long hot minute but things seem to be on the upswing these last few months with a great recovery and a decent outlook. Had to park the bike due to not being able to safely hold it up coming to a stop. Couldn't do much of anything , No work done on the cabin etc. Full Stop across the board. Its nice to be mobile again and Great to return here to bug yawl to death!! Gonna Browse the boards and try to catch up on the goings on over the next few days/weeks. Opened a small engine repair shop in an old fire House in the Center of Danforth about 12 miles from the house. Gives me something to do and I get paid to break stuff etc. So much for yarning. Yawl Have a really Great day and I be seeing ya!!! Ride Safe!! and God Bless ya!!
  3. I aint mad or laughing. with the unrest came a lot of dirty looks and sideways glances. I carry my 300 blackout under my coat 2 point sling, if no jacket a glock 20. Carry that bad boy with a smile why dontcha
  5. drooled all over it but ya cant tell, Its raining mules an Mooses up here....
  6. thats is too messed up, did you Bolt for the nearest Lawyers Office?
  7. Good Morning to all of you. First I want to thank you guys that have sent email or PM,s about my absence. It fortifies the feeling of belonging that is a requirement of any Brotherhood. For that I am Grateful. Extremely! Winter is close and the back half of the cabin is still not done, the second floor deck is down but the frame and roof remain to be done. I have save all my hands on deck time for the build to get it this far which takes away my use of hands to type by the end of the day. At that point I cant hold my tools neither can I type. Needless to say, the prayer group that I run on twitter sideswiped me and called in the Calvary without my knowing it and all hell has broke loose up here in northern Maine. The power of Faith is unmatched when it comes to prayers answered. A Veteran Group Named FX3.org stands for Familyfishingforever.org Jumped in on my timeline feeds to tell me they were coming to Maine to finish my cabin. I didnt see this coming. There are a lot of questions I cant answer as of yet while they make continuing changes to whats going on. 4 Vets arrived Last Thursday to re organise things and make a drawing of the cabin. They set up a base camp and I fed them all for 4 days while they took care of business. Tv reporter showed up on Friday morning telling me a story would come out next month. After he interviewed Sonny Levins and myself , I guess it all changed. while we were at Chow friday evening, everyone's Cell phone lit up at the same time All the calls were the same, we were on television. T-Boned again, didn't see it coming. Here's the link. Ive now been resting for a couple days while they make plans to build a complete new home , well septic the whole 9. The cabin will be used as the classroom and teaching shop for a children's program that I run in the background not brought out due to this exposure. God Bless you all as I have missed you. I am now relieved of duty and ordered to stand down and be still.Having use of my hands again aside from work is a really good feeling !!! Again God Bless you all and I promise to try and catch up in the next couple weeks. https://foxbangor.com/news/item/veterans-helping-veteran-build-home-in-washington-county/
  8. I had not intended to reply to any of ther gathering posts as I was pretty much beat up that I could not attend. I feel you and promise to call your name each day in prayer for some peace and escape from the pains that rack your body. I have similar issues but thats another long boring story so lets just say I FEEL YOU and seriously hope you can catch a break and get better. God Bless you in Prayer.
  9. I stumbled in here the same day I brought the Burgundy Lady home looking for fixes and such things as make the bike work vrs being a ground mounted paperweight! Google Pointed the way..
  10. Brother Carl Gods wish and will on you is obviously apparent with increased beard length, Who Knew??? Happy Birthday Brother and Gods Blessings Be upon you!!!
  11. The 86 Has Dunlop Elites stock sizing front and rear. The RSV has Dunlops as well, likely get a new set next year as I practice more or managing the weight. Ive been working on steering lock turns in parking lots and its help alot. 15 yrs off led to serious issues with managing the weight as I only have grass dirt etc on my lot so I laid it over alot. Now Im turning sharp into steering lock with no issues, gotta get that confidence back. I hear alot being said about the 130-90 front tire size but havent looked deeper into it other than its supposed to help low speed maneuvering. I will make that decision next year as I am contemplating stripping this bike down to the TD style losing the batwing and trunk. I really could avoid all that by purchasing a raider but I havent hit the lottery yet. Lotta words for a what tire I got on it eh ??
  12. Pinwals sent me a cople centerstands for the price of shipping. I cut one down 1.25 inches and that ended up being too short to get the rear off the fround. I also found that I have lowering links on this Bike as well. Im going to increase height at 1/4 inch increments till I get a height I can deal with. The other thing I thought about is changing the angle of the Foot pivot to increase Lift values. That idea seems to offer the most promise. The current brackets under the bike and damper seem to be aftermarket. the rest damper runner grommet is a good 1.5 inches forward of the Gen 1 arm that would rest there. since I have 2, I am going to change the pivot angle on the second one to see if that works. If it does, problem solved but Im thinking its still going to be too high..?? Thoughts?
  13. My 03 RSV has a Pillow King and same for queen. I picked up a singer quantum to make masks and other goodies and Ive already ordered material to duplicate my seat cover in burgundy. If you dont get one by the time mine is done , I will make myself a pattern and palm it off on ya.
  14. The One and Only. Not Mansfield, Massillon close enough.. They supplied a lot of the Parts from my XS Eleven Build that made the record books in Norwalk back in 86. They are always nice via phone email whatever, and they strive to keep things as good as they can get! The wheel and covers altogether with bolts braces was about $150. I aint Mad!
  15. IN keeping with my really bad habit of hating all things stock. I decided to add some contrast to the Star. I contacted my goto scrap yard folks in Massilon Ohio and aquired Midnight star engine covers braces and front wheel. I removed the tank and some of the fairing trying to trace down the fuel indicator fault and have yet to find it, The fuel sending unit tests out ok so its in the wiring....SOMEPLACE....??.. Heres a couple Pics..
  16. Why People should Join ?? I would ask the question why not? Venture support aside, I cant think of a single reason why not to join after my little over a year of being here. It costs next to nothing. Folks here are better than solid across the board. this is one of the few places I will come to when my ptsd is acting up and just read the stories and the sharing without posting anything, All of the folks here jumping in and standing up to support one another regardless of who or what the problem is. You cannot find that anywhere else online that I have seen. yep I have to ask why not ??? Put your feet under the best table on the web and feed your mind some good stuff for a change. Make yerself at home.....
  17. Its Been a Minute, too much mess going on locally and I havent had an opportunity to transfer files etc. I swapped out the factory engine trim for Midnight Star Black, the front wheel as well. driving lamps ordered and also going to change out the sound system for a Syrius Radio with aux port. Here she is, not freshly cleaned but getting there.
  18. Camping for me has always been enjoyable at any level. and Like you, I feel a hotel is out of the question. The atmosphere up here is thick with political animosity. the influx of outsiders to Maines Playground has brought with them the attitudes feeding all the hate south of here. 12 -14 hrs of riding through small town areas when people are tagging outsiders is a concern. I have to factor in I might need to pull off due to flat tire mechanical problem etc, while the Bike is currently in excellent condition Murphys Law rules the day. I just dont see putting myself out there for the knuckleheads to try an take advantage of. A sign of the times.
  19. Good Morning all I hope all of you had a safe 4th of July. Given the current situation in the USA, I have decided not to travel. crossing so many state lines riding alone is not a good idea for me at this time. Everywhere I read, I see out of town people being branded as outside instigators or worse and have a really hard time. were there a second bike on the same route riding along not so much a problem. Too many people out there are looking for something to do and I would prefer not to be that something. Being pushed into a self defense fight is not something Im up to. Its Just not safe from where Im looking at it on the inside of the jar.. Wishing all of you who do attend have a really great time and May the Lord keep you all safe going to and from the event as you travel with friends and Loved ones. Poppa..
  20. Thanking God for sure that she wasnt there. The right leg would have been a bad issue for sure. IM thinking I will get a bigger horn. Mine isnt muich of a noise maker. Gkad you got out of it with just some Rash...
  21. Hmmmm, Im not sure if I should jump up and down and cheer or scream at ya for sitting there typing when you could be adding lies to it!! Nice Ride BirdMan Super Cool!!
  22. Most if not all of the above posts and replies are pretty much correct. Most if not all of our problems start with who we elect and how we continually support them as they do things that do not HELP THE PEOPLE. They help themselves first, big businesses second. Our stimulus for small business based on their definitions was a catastrophic failure here in Maine, and I dont mean that with any degree of sarcasm. The number of permanently shuttered and cleared out businesses is at the least appalling. Now down to the real issue and I have only one. Its personal. It is at the least half of how I became what is called a door buster. I didnt know tis term even exsisted until In my mid 40s. EDUCATION. EDUCATION EDUCATION. The United States for a long time enjoyed the number 1 slot and close to it for a long time some 40 or 50 years. The more politics became involved the more it was cut butchered hampered etc. A lot like police forces with 2 wierd differences and similarities. Both of them have a pay that sucks for what they do. Teachers face crazy budget cuts and are expected to excel, LEO have suck pay and departments budgets are through the roof and likely to drop after current fallouts. Why are we Killing the educational systems and why do we not treat Police forces like a business when It Fact its supposed to be a life saver ? Ok Now Im Taking a 90degree left turn on half flat front tire at 50mph wait for it ,,,, wait for it ..... Better educated people dont flood the legal system with ignorance and they dont over work the legal system. Well educated police forces give us better service. Maintain a higher level of respect among the populace they police. Yeah yeah I know whats all that got to do with socialism vrs democracy? With out current standards or either, it wont matter which system we have if the people are stilled all fugged up and ignorant. Door Buster, the term used to describe the first minority hired by a company in a non entry level position especially in the south. also called a Tokie. Jeezes, who knew... Ok I got my popcorn, Have at it!!
  23. Good evening Mama, Not at all. Im busy trying to get away from being homeless, ( finish My house) Joke , I just been busy as hell. It will change next week and I will be available for all the Yack attacks you want! You all are long gone when I chewck in most nights. The few evening I came in early , was a direct attempt to find out what the best times are to catch up with the bunch of ya!. I will be back around as continue to try and get to know you all. God Bless and stay safe!
  24. Touchy Subjects all. Being the only black man in my area I notice any changes in wind direction of people pretty much the same as I do taking a 1300 yrd shot with My Norma. Its instantaneous an dgives me pause to check it x2 to see whats coming. Is it a shimmer? Mairage? or just a puff. While I feel it on my face, 900 yrds downrange its not moving at all the flags are limp. On the other hand not paying attention to the puff to the point of slowing down and checking a flag thats gone stiff can lead to a sure miss and be way off target with no followup chances. With that said, many here in my town have stopped speaking to me. 6'3" 200lb glass walking around they look through me like im not there. I dont wonder why, as I already know. My relatives on the other hand and Im talking those from the white side of the family call every other day or so. We have had in are area those that post the flyers about clearing out certain varieties of humans deemed un desirable. I look at it all the same way I always have. If I leave this world by any un natural means, If it aint sniper fire, there will be some serious cleaning up to do. Ive been paying attention to the FBI and common LEO arrests of outside AGITATORS. Many of them. As for rioters. The first post doesnt do justice to what I got for em but not likely to happen up here Given the low minority count. People are scared to death everywhere but I can also see too much TV in evidence in the way some that used to smile and wave respond when they refuse to so much as glance in my direction when walking past. God doesnt like ugly and as soon as we get rid of ugly in the mirror the rest will sort itself out. We need to assist in the sorting. I use a Glock 10 for table sorting and a 300 Norma Mag for yard work. Lets get to sorting as the only agitator I like resides in my washing machine. No exceptions, No excuses. As previously stated I too in the presence of protests would sit on my porch cleaning something large visible and handy should the negatives decide to burn or Take from me that which I have earned and or worked hard for. Top Sgt T.D. Smart USMC said to me, we can handle racism pretty much in stride. we deal with it we take steps. we have a cop problem and as a former LEO I have to agree, God Bless you all. Stay safe. Harms Way is any way it can to get away with it.
  25. While My Grandfather served as Dad Father and God In my world, he never dropped us off in the deep woods as we already lived there. I can see the truth to what you say in that unless there was school in session or some church function. With that said, I cant count the number of meals caught shot or dug up outa the ground when I became hungry. Slingshots and BB guns were ourTools the woods as we called them were the grocery store. the creek doubled as a free fish market and anything that would cook and have so much and 2 bites left after removing the stick holding it was a good meal. Reading your post reminds me of a couple things and incites thoughts to others considering where our world is today. I dont think our society is smarter or better off. we learn less Do more for less and get almost nothing almost all the time from it. The Following is considered child endangerment. Whooping your kids for lying or stealing. refusing to allow them access to their electronics as punishment. I didnt know they were required as life support like food or air. we didnt have any. If someone broke a cardinal rule any relative or neighbor in good good standing gotr a piece of you on the way home, and your parents shared whatever meat was l;eft on your hiney parts as a snack. My Daughters do not speak to me to this day due to the process of making them earn every thing beond room and board after their mother died of Breast cancer. I said simply, I am raising you you for a world you cannot see and a life I cannot promise. I am still just that crazy. They would gag when I drank from a hose. I drink water from creeks, my water supply at my lake camp is straight from the lake. My visitors know they must bring their water or do likewise or without. I am not buying water for the average passerby to enjoy. I love your Post about your Dad. It so much remonded of the blessings my Grandfather taught me and the smiles My Granny gave when I walked in with a ground hog or rabbit. Fish I had to clean myself, I was an inept butcher. Time to sdfu and end this Im crying as I miss them so much and their world given and shared so graciously that saved my sorry ass life.... Ride safe....
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