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Posts posted by slowrollwv

  1. OK...looks like we have two firm possibilities for 2014.


    Eddyville, KY or somewhere in that area.


    Gunthersville, AL


    I've been to both of those areas and both are fantastic. So...should I start a poll or just make an executive decision. :)


    I actually lean more towards the Gunthersville idea because it sounds like the facility has everything we need. Rooms, restaurant, bars, etc.


    Those places sound OK but don't forget WV. Easy rider put his hand up also.

  2. I use the honda ones and they come unpluged regular, I tried a zip tie on them but it did not hold I think I will try a spot of superglue, what do you think?


    oh yea to stay on subject we use J&M and like them. :080402gudl_prv:


    When my Honda line broke the pin, I took them out and put them in my junk box. Put my J & M back in the helmets. J & M is hard to beat for customer service, I sent mine back three times and they fixed the cord under warranty and I know it was expired for a long time.

  3. Well just a little lucky. I got the Saddleman seat on the bike and like it a lot. The wife has not been on it yet. Here is the lucky part. Just after I installed the saddleman I got an email from one of the SCRC members that I ride with and he gave me a full set of Pillow top seats with driver backrest and a Corbin backrest for the passenger. Now I am covered if the wife doesn't like the Saddleman. I will know when we leave for the International on Sat. If she doesn't like the seat I will have to make a side trip to J&P Cycle to pick up a Gell pad for her while in the area.:cool10::cool10::cool10:

  4. Leaving Atlanta, Ga Saturday morning the 27th around 4:30 or 5 am for the International Rally. Riding interstates as much as possible to make good time. Does VentureRiders have a preferred CB channel and if so what is it? I would like to listen for other members on the road on the way up. Also if you happen to past a MM on the side of the rode it may be me so please stop and check if you see me.


    See ya'll Sunday the 28th.


    What is the route you plan on taking? We plan on leaving about 6:00 AM. from eastern WV.

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