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Posts posted by slowrollwv

  1. Well I am glad it is too cold for the bike. With all the snow and ice we have I am glad we cant ride or I would be furious. We have been working 60 + hours a week scene the first of Nov. 12 hours through the week and 6 to 8 on Sat. The pay is good but this old man is getting tired. Some of the extra :mo money: will go for a hunting trip next fall and the rest I will probably use for Christmas. :mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money:

  2. I didn't do very many trips this year. Just to the IR and then over to Branson for a few days. Lot of day trips with the SCRC group I ride with. I will not do any on the bike in 14. I will save the Vac. time and take my oldest son to WY on a two week hunting trip before I retire in 15.

  3. Dan why change the plugs??? You won't ride it so the ones in there should last for years.:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:

    When you change them use the iridium plugs there good for 100,000 miles but you should know that already.

  4. I have a really hard time "getting into the spirit". Something about spending more than you have made almost all year. All the family get together drama, scheduling whos gonna be where and spend what day with witch family etc. And not to mention the hours to dig the christmas decorations etc out, time putting them up, then storing the boxs again for 4 weeks when you repeat the whole process again to pack up. Grrrrr Taking a cruise to Hawaii would be soooo much easier.


    Who does all that??? I just pull the bike out of the shop and turn the lights on.:rotf: It is decorated all year long.:rotf::rotf::rotf:

  5. I got the backing plates for the passenger floorboards and horn brackets (they go behind and below the passenger floorboards) from Slowrollwv and with the shiny parts there.... figured the battery covers would give more flow to the chrome.


    I've seen the chrome battery covers on ebay for $190 but if I can get a better deal, I'd rather do that.


    As for chrome.... you have enough when it starts to take too long to polish the bike.


    OK I must have too much cause it takes me about 8 hours to was and wax mine.:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:

  6. A friend was bow hunting in WY a few years ago and had to go, so he squatted down under a pine tree and then he heard this rattle, he thought it was a grass hopper till he turned to see one about 3 1/2 ft long curled and ready to strike. He die have to go change his pants.:rotf:

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