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Posts posted by slowrollwv

  1. I did the annual GBA ride yesterday. I think there were 1,700 + bikes for the ride for Veterans. I did see three Ventures at the staging area,one red/black and had feathers painted on it. The other was a blond first gen. The third was a charcoal second gen. Anybody from this club?

    Almost forgot this ride takes place on the first Sunday in June every year rain or shine The ride starts in Waynesboro,PA. and ends at the VA Center in Ranson,WV

  2. light rails. I have lost some of the bezels surrounding them and wondering if they are led lights as I have only seen the complete lite and bezel similar design at Walmart in LED :confused24:.


    You can get them from Trucklights.com. That is where I got mine when I made my set. You can get them with the obround bezel or a pointed bezel.

  3. That is good info Eck but nothing in WV.


    It cost me about $1,200.00 last year to mount my tires. I bought a Gem-Mar tire changer so I would not have to run 40 miles and spend $40.00 to get them done. For three bikes it can get salty.

  4. :thumbsup2:

    They guy that lives across the street from me would probably be all over that option! Every time I see him he brags about his 2003ish [or whatever it is] anniversary edition Road King with ~1200 miles on it that he bought new. But he is a 'hardcore biker' (as he tells me). I will hand it to him, it is very clean and shiny!


    That thing is a typical LAWN ORNAMENT. I wouldn't take it even as a gift.

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