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Posts posted by slowrollwv

  1. I replaced my Zumo with the 665. Someone needed it more than me while at a lunch stop. Insurance would not cover it as it was on the Garman mount which is quick disconnect. I replaced it with the 660. and if I leave the bike it is with me.

  2. I don't have the satilight radio but I do run the GPS and heated jacket and gloves. If you are out on the road with the heat on high you wont have any problems but when in town you should turn down the heat setting to low and you should not have a problem. I have been doing it that way on my 03 for about 7 years, no problems yet.

  3. I don't think you will have any problems. If you are anywhere around the Hagerstown MD or Martinsburg WV on your trip down to the Skyline Drive give me a heads up and I will take a day off work and ride the Skyline with you. The Skyline Drive is from Front Royal Va. to Waynesboro VA. It is 108 miles long with a speed limit of 35 MPH.

  4. Your trip sounds like a good one but why would you bypass Gettysburg to go to Washington then backtrack to Gettysburg? From Gettysburg to Williamsburg,va is 382 miles via the Skyline drive. If you plan on a day visit to Gettysburg, you could put the visit to Washington on the return home.

  5. I can pull the head set put of the wife's helmet and send it to you to try. I just need it back before spring. PM me your address and I can have it in the mail on Monday. They are the J&M Elete sats.

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