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Posts posted by slowrollwv

  1. I agree cowpuc, and maybe I should have mentioned that I've spent most my life riding dirt bikes and quads, so manual transmissions aren't an issue...


    You will not have any trouble with clutch and shifting if you have ridden dirt bikes. I don't think you will have any trouble with the weight of the Venture. I am also 5' 10" with 30" inseam. When I bought my 03 from my brother I hadn't been on a bike for 18 years. I did take it easy with it till I was comfortable with it before I let the wife ride with me but that didn't take very long at all.

  2. Ahhh I never could get that Garmin stuff to work rite for me. I started before I had the GPS making routes on the microsoft streets and trips or whatever its called. Then when I got the GPS I learned about TYRE. It was similar to the way Streets and trips worked so I guess for my feeble mind an easier transition. You use to be able to use goggle maps and make a route and import. But now they have changed that all up and have a "new version" and I dont know if you can still do that as I have not tried. Actually google maps was pretty easy. Put in start and end point and drag route to roads you wanted. TYRE works kind of that way still.


    That is just about the same way the HD trip planner works, you just have to change the destinations to waypoints if you have more than one stop.

  3. Well, in all fairness Yamaha's plan with a sight gauge was for it to put on the center stand to check oil level and/or conduct maintenance.


    A dip stick is still going to have to have the bike upright to check proper level so a dip stick isn't really going to get you any further ahead.....:confused24:


    Give me a sight gauge over a dipstick any day.


    Not intirley true, if the dip stick is set to read full while on side stand.

  4. Very nice Gary. I stopped a Twiggs today and they had one just like yours. I hope you didn't let all that CHROME go with the Venture did you? You know I wanted the rotor covers and maybe the breather covers also.

  5. Seeeeee there ya go, I'm getting dragged into it again........


    Tomorrow is pretty short notice for SNOW, especially in Florida.........:snow::snow:


    Maybe I can hit West Virginia, not so far away.......:snow2::snow2:


    That's fine with me. Its hot down here and I would like to cool off.:rotf:

  6. Chuck, try the Harley Davidson trip planner, it lets you upload a route to your GPS. Works pretty good and has info on the best roads to ride.

    Jay I tried HD trip planer a few years ago. Put a long ride together and it did load on my garmin but in short segments and loaded the device full. Had to go to the next segment when finished with the first. I don't know if things have changed since then or not.

  7. I have been using MapQuest for a long time now but MapQuest has quit using the Garmin communicator to connect with Garmin. So what maps and software do you use to download routs to the GPS? II have tried Basecamp and it STINKS. Any help is appreciated.:bang head::bang head:

  8. I have had my Venture a little over 6 months and had planned on keeping the Road Star too. I had read that the Venture was top heavy and didn't maneuver well in tight places, so the plan was keep them both. Well after a few months it became clear to me that the Venture did just fine around town and the guys that thought it was too big were probably just little scrawny guys too little to ride a big motorcycle. So the Road Star was sold and now any time I ride the Venture I just call my wife outside to help me lift it off the kick stand and away I go.


    You can do what I do and you don't have to call the wife. :no-no-no::no-no-no: Instead of lifting your leg over the pillion to get on. Lift your leg straight over the driver seat and when your bottom hits the seat and your foot hits the ground on the other side it rocks the bike off the stand.

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