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Posts posted by slowrollwv

  1. Must be a Democrat :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::doh::doh::doh::ignore::ignore::ignore::ignore::ignore::ignore::ignore:


    Ahhh ohhh,, ol Pucster is going straight down the drain for that one :178:

    Sorry Roller,, sometimes I just talk to much :hihi:,, love me anyway will ya brother:rotfl:


    NO Way Puc no harm no foul. I thought yor reply was.:rotf::rotf::rotfl::rotfl:

  2. Personally I LOVE all this Political stuff and LOVE to :stirthepot: with em.. Get em all chasing their tails and :stickpoke: with each other!! If they are busy :stickpoke: with each other maybe they will not notice Tip, Tweeks and I sawing logs behind a hay bale out in the middle of nowhere and leave us alone :guitarist 2::rotfl:


    That is good for some but not all. The wife does not like sleeping on the ground so throwing a tent up some place does not work for us. :crying:

  3. Country music today "SUX" What ever happened to the sounds of the Mighty Merle, Clint Black, George Straight, Vince Gill and Alabama???



    And don't forget Mr.Jones

  4. The trunk on most of the 1St Gens are kind of flat on top . If the rack you have has four posts that will hold it up off the lid you should be able to mount it on the 2ND gen trunk. Just keep in mind that a lot of the racks do not have the flat pieces that the rack sets on. If your rack does not have the metal strips under the rack then you can crack the lid if you put very much weight on it. Here is a couple pics of mine. I had to make the plates you see under the rack.






    Me too brother,, ME TOO!! :think:,, unless I needed my heart rebuilt..:yikes:


    Tell your wife CONGRATS for me Roller:happy34:,, also please remember to tell her how nice of a persons Tip and I are just in case she finds a couple bikers sleeping in her store parking lot waiting for morning coffee and donuts:178::duck:


    Puc I don't think I would have to remind her of that besides I would join you in the parking lot for the wait. Don't think we would get much sleep though. :Laugh: :Laugh: :Laugh:

  6. Awesome news.

    Let the parties begin.......


    Erika was working for a cardiologist. So I had to go and end up needing one.[/quote


    Well heck Jeff I'll take donuts anytime over one of those.:Laugh::Laugh::Laugh:

  7. I'm going to say this one time, and one time only. Tonight, I am going to take my wife to see Barry Manilow (or, Barely Man-enough, as some of my redneck friends call him). I will not tolerate any discussions of me giving up my man card.


    I know where you are coming from . I had to do that same thing about 15 years ago and I survived the experience. :big-grin-emoticon:

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