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Everything posted by slowrollwv

  1. Here is another one for the Bosch filter but I use Mobil T4 oil. Yep! big can of worms if you let it.
  2. Sounds like the main jet is clogged.
  3. You can also try Mc Master Carr.
  4. Don I had one of the CD run/brake lights in the main tail light and it quit working. I put another one in then I checked the bad one. It worked fine when I hooked it to the battery with jumper wires, but would not work on the bike.
  5. The only thing I can do is look at mine right now as I have a Scag Super Z setting in front of it. I am putting a new engine on it. Was 20 HP but the replacement is 25HP.I just about have it running bit have to wate on some parts to come in.
  6. I use the EBC pads and they have been doing good for me.
  7. Jim with the risers it will hit the switch cover. You can get by without an problem as the cover will move a little. If you have access to a heat gun you can heat up the area that makes contact and put a crease in it.
  8. Don I think we all feel the same way when it comes to working on our bikes. Let a friend stop by and need some help on their bike and it seams that we jump right into it. :beer:
  9. Use some WD-40 and spray the pivot bolt. That is what I do to mine when it gets a little stiff to move.
  10. Dan if you plan on keeping the mower go ahead and put tires on it. you will need them in a year or two anyhow.
  11. Welcome Joe. I am not sure of the T-bars but a member did put a set of 10" mini apes on his.
  12. It was hiding waaaaay back in the closet in a trunk. He bought it new.
  13. I have a ruptured ear drum. and get very dizzy when I get up. I have to set there with my eyes closed for a little while and it goes away. If I stand up I lay down very quick and sometimes that hurts. Nothing meds can do for it. Doc says that he can operate but no guarantee that it will help. So I will just have to take it easy till I can stand without getting dizzy.
  14. Art what is Vimeo and how can I get it for hosting my videos? What size and length video will it hold?
  15. Or just one shield that alternates between the colors.
  16. Steve I have one that I took off my bike. Get me his info and I will send it to him.
  17. WOW! hope she has a speedy recovery. Prayers up.
  18. Thanks I will check them out.
  19. Sounds like a nice trip. Have fun and be safe.
  20. Nice rack bag. What brand is it? I may have to get one myself.
  21. Bob I am not sure yet but I am going to try to make a couple days of this one.
  22. I have a small leak. It is not much, I do not see any drops on the ground but can smell it at times. No sign of it coming from under the fins or water pump. I did have a leak like this once before from the temp sending unit and fixed that. I have no clue as to where to look this time. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  23. The go pro that I have is the Sesson( little black box) it is in MP4 format. Maybe the vid I tried to upload was too long. I will try a shorter one tonight.
  24. Sorry to hear of your accident but glad you are still around. Deer can make things ruff on a vehicle of any type.
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