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Everything posted by slowrollwv

  1. Condor I just checked the link you Posted a few minutes ago and the last bid was $3,900. :mo money::mo money:
  2. The 25 H Koler courage that I have was bought new two years ago and I put it on the mower that I have. If they quit making them it had to be very recently.
  3. I have the same motor on my Scag zero turn but it is a 25 horse. I mow about 3 acers for the past two years. No problems yet. I am not sure if they make a different motor for commercial use or not.
  4. Yes the carbs will probably need cleaned if it has set for long periods and not run by the PO. Mine is an 03 RSMV with Barons 4-2-4 Pipes and have not done any thing to the carbs. I do most of my own wrenching and have 95,000 on the clock. When you get it running right it will be almost trouble free for many miles of smiles. If you have any questions about the bike don't be shy and post it here and someone will give you an answer.
  5. Glad you finally got your TC. Now enjoy it.
  6. Welcome to the site. These bikes are on the lean side from the factory changing the mufflers should not cause the lean carbs. Sounds like it just needs a carb sync and ran. Adjusting the PMS screws will help with the lean carbs. Add some Seafoam to the gas will clean the carbs and keep it running great for a long time. I add a 1/4 can to mine every 3rd fill up.
  7. You do know that anything found is yours after 45 days if not clamed.
  8. Don now that the owner of tank bib has come forward. Did you find the owner of the flashlight?
  9. LOL! I don't have to go out and get some. The wife bought a bunch last night so I had some for a midnight snack and more after breakfast this morning.
  10. I must have missed it also. I do not have or want Amazon Prime.
  11. Mike thanks for sharing your trip and am glad it was a safe one.
  12. Why don't you come to the rally and do your own test of the TC? I will bring my heat temp gum for you to use.
  13. I am glad your hard work on the rally is coming to gather for the attendees. The new bike for test rides will make some very happy.
  14. I do have one ugly shotgun that my son gave to me but I can't post pics. It is an old Mossberg bolt action that I was going to build a super shoot gun off the action. That all ended when I had shoulder surgery in 2011.
  15. They did that here in WV. a couple years ago. Before it was only legal for handicap people. In Maryland they have hunting areas just for people with a handicap.
  16. That is close. Same thing happened to me at the Ill. Rally a couple years ago.
  17. I like to shoot also but don't shoot the two 700's that much as I have others for shooting in the hot months. Like I said in the other post, If you decide to rebuild your 7MM I have a stock I will give to you.
  18. Jeff I use to shoot field archery at our Izaac Walton club many years ago before 3D archery became the norm. I still use a bow for hunting and enjoy it more than with a rifle.
  19. Jeff is your 7MM factory or custom? I have a synthetic stock here that I took off my 7MM because the wife liked the wood stock better. As for grouping shots at 100 yds. I have two Rem.700 that do less than 0.600 at 100. both are factory. I did pillar bed both guns and reload all of my bullets. The 7MM does 0.528 and the 300 does 0.375. I do not shoot them at all during the summer months. Only a few shots to check scopes before hunting season.
  20. David I have no idea of the gun laws in Canada but I use to shoot sporting clays and trap on a weekly event at a few clubs near me. A lot of the shooters used O/U but I had a Rem.1100 with a modified chock that I got for $125.00. It looked like someone used it for a boat paddle for a while. I took it apart and had all the metal parts blued and refinished the stock myself. This was done in the mid 80s and I still have it. If I was to start shooting today and had to buy an O/U it would be a Ruger Red label.
  21. Very nice gun Jack. I almost had one like it but was talked into a Weatherby 30-378 mag. I should have gone with the Western but I am happy with the 30.
  22. Very doubtful if you will take delivery tomorrow. Maybe the middle of the week. It seams to take a few days to uncrate and assemble them.
  23. Maybe that your dealer didn't get more money, He is dragging his feet about getting it in a hurry.
  24. Bob the bolts should have been in the mount.
  25. Bruce it is a Utopia.
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