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Everything posted by slowrollwv

  1. Sorry for your loss, you have my condolences.
  2. Try to give Wiz a shout, he has the Daymaker headlight and driving lights on his RSV. I am thinking about going to that set up also.
  3. Jeff I have a question. You say that the original pipe is 6" and you are trying to go with 4". Is there any reason that you can't go with 3"?
  4. I retired last year, the first of May , and started digging out for a garage slab in June and poured the slab in July and the garage was put up and finished by the middle of August. Early this spring I was given a mobile home if I had it moved. I have it setting in the yard and will set it up above the one we are living in the spring when it dries out a bit. Then the real work will start. I plan to build a new home where my older mobile home is now then remove both trailers.
  5. Jeff that is the very reason I have my driving lights hooked to a different circuit from the head light. OH BTW my 2 gen does have a tach.
  6. Sorry to hear that you were clipped and went down but glad you are ok. The bike looks like it can be fixed and back on the road soon.
  7. I have had the HID head light for a long time and it went out at MD last year. I put a Silverstar Ultra in to get me home. I thought it was a joke compared to the HID. I was thinking of going to the Daymaker LED but haven't yet. One thing I have found is that on the HID a 35 Watt bi-xenon H-4 6000k is much brighter than the same bulb in 8000k ice blue bulb. No need to go 55W.
  8. I kind of like the regular stuff Seagram's, Jack Danial's, Jonny Walker Rea and Black. The half gallon that I have had stored in a closet from the day the wife and I got married may be great or it could be trash. I am not willing to find out. This August will be 46 years.
  9. I kind of like this one too. And this one.
  10. Orlin sorry for the loss of your brother. You did not say what kind of diecast cars were left to you and your other brother. If they are Mattel Hot Wheels look at them very closely. Some of them are very rare and could be worth big bucks if you decide to sell them.
  12. Thanks all. I will check the stator and get a new R/R the one on there was a replacement that Bob had not new but checked out good.
  13. In the snow bank you were crawling through.
  14. I am not good at electrical problems on these bikes at all so I will ask here. I had to change the battery and R/R at the WNY rally and the meter I have on the bike showed 11.5 to 12.4 at idle. The bike ran fine coming home and up till yesterday when I started it. It started fine but when I looked at the meter it read 16.6 and when reved up to 3500-4000 RPMs it went to 17.4. Is it the R/R burnt up again or the stator? I do not want to burn up a new battery or maybe something else.
  15. Looks like they may have been drawn down too tight or a bad set of gaskets. I do not think they would deuterate from heat.
  16. Yes it is. Just about any two lane road in WV is great MC roads. And some of the county roads are even better.
  17. Glad you guys got a chance to ride. I haven't had mine out since the WNY rally, been too busy or it was raining. Did get to start it a few times or take it to the store about 5 miles away. :crying:
  18. Well Puc, the Fool missed me this last time. Fool must of had the power turned up too high and the white wash went too far south to cover me. We haven't had any for a month or so and another four months would be fine with me.:banana::banana:
  19. My oldest son left here about 1:00 am Sat for Paridice along with a few others from this area. He got there yesterday and set up the trailer for camping there. Today he is going in for orientation and training for FEMA. He thinks they could be there for 6 months.
  20. My 03 has just under 100,000 miles and the only two things that I have changed is the R/R and the clutch lever other than tires, oil and brake shoes.
  21. I have a new one in my saddlebag if and when I need it.
  22. WOW! They look to be burnt up. I think someone said that they can be replaced and be good as new, not sure of that. I still have the original pump in my 03. It has never given me any trouble yet.
  23. Looks like this one is going to stay south of us. My oldest son and a few others left this morning for northern Cali. to help FEMA with some clean up after the fires they had. He said he may be gone four to six weeks or longer. They were thinking about a southern route but I told them to take I 70 at least half way.
  24. Glad it wasn't too bad and glad your wife is ok. WV is #1 state for deer collision and the area that I live in has a lot of corn fields and apple orchards. perfect for deer and the land owners will not let but a select few hunt.
  25. Totaled 4 vehicles that way, NOT fun. Hope they don't total yours.
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