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Everything posted by slowrollwv

  1. I had a Vulcan 900 also, great bike . I bought it for the wife to ride but she said she would rather ride with me so my son and his wife road it for two years. Then we traded it for the V Star 1300 we have now.
  2. While you are in the area of the Dragon take a day ride up to Marion,va and take rt 16 to Taxewell,va 33 miles and it is the back of the Dragon before you head back to WI.
  3. Steven the gen 2's do not have a compressor or lines to the forks. But they could have damaged the caps on top of the forks where air is put in them.
  4. If you had the bars tight then they broke something in the tree when they strapped it down.
  5. yeah I guess there is a few that still want them but far and few in between.
  6. Thanks Don he is doing better every day. His face is swollen but he is starting to talk some and not in a lot of pain. The worst is that he is on a soft or liquid diet for four weeks.
  7. Bob Larry sent me the last set he had so that I could finish them for my bike. But they will not work with the passenger back rest that I have so they are still out in the shed on a shelf somewhere. I have not seen any posts about armrest in the WH for a long time.
  8. If you have stray cats in your area do not leave the shed or garage door open for any length of time. Those cats go crazy when they are confined and can't get out. Had to tranquilize a couple that got in mine to get rid of them.
  9. I would check the steering head for cracks. If he strapped the bike down with the bars he could have done some damage to the tree.
  10. Well I had planed to stay at the Pond Monster beach but with the accident yesterday of my grandson and the fact that we are buying the property behind me next week I will have to cancel MD this year. I hope everyone has a safe trip to and from Don's and a great time while there.
  11. Update on the grandson. He got to come home today. No broken bones in his ankles. But does have two brakes in his jaw. One at the corner of his mouth where they put the plate and the other one is high close to the left ear. He will be sore for a while but doing good.
  12. My 6 year old grandson was riding with a neighbor girl yesterday in her yard and they had an accident. She went to make a turn and lost control and it flipped throwing her free and not hurt. My grandson was not so lucky. He was transported to the hospital and found that he had a broken jaw it two places and maybe broken ankles. They put splints on his legs. He had surgery this morning on the jaw and had a plate to hold the bone together. They were both wearing half helmets but the ATV landed on top of him.
  13. Nope Carl there is nothing wrong with you. But that is just MY opinion. I do the same thing but mine are not stored frost free so I do add a little Seafoam to the tanks.
  14. Safe travels Steve. Hope to see you at Don's.
  15. How do you get 6 gal. in a 5 gal. bucket (4 gal. gas+ 2 gal water) Then drain 3 quarts of liquid out. What happens to the other 5 Quarts of water?
  16. I do my own tires and a lot for other people that bring them to me and charge $20.00 a wheel. $35.oo a wheel if I have to take them off.
  17. Jeff we had the same grinder that you have in the department I worked in. We also had a larger one it the machine shop that run automatic like you are trying to do with yours. Good luck and with your endeavor to make it work.
  18. Cha the traffic is not bad on the two lanes but can get a little crowded on the four lane. The Tail of the Dragon is not fun on the weekend at all.
  19. I tried to google this question. The only thing I could find is that 30 states only require a drivers license but that doesn't mean you don't need a helmet in some states.
  20. Congrats Jeff. Now does that mean you will run for Gubner in a few years?
  21. Cha if you decide to go east and do the Tail of the Dragon go into Va. to Tazwell and take RT.16 to Marion Va. That is the back of the Dragon. 33 miles and you can't find a 1/4 mile straight in it. Then go into southern WV. and ride some of those fantastic roads.
  22. I do not disagree with you Carl. I don't plan on running those tires. My left shoulder is messed up and the Doc said stay off the bike as much as possible. So I am not in a hurry to change them. If I did that I would be riding and the shoulder would get worse.
  23. I have a set of EIII's on my bike that are 6 years old and look like they were out on last week.
  24. Thanks I have not been over to talk to the owner yet. He works crazy hours but if I get the bike I will let you know.
  25. If you all can remember a few years ago the mid west was in one of the worst droughts of this century. Now they are having record breaking floods.
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