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Everything posted by slowrollwv

  1. Why not just get a set from Diamond-R accessory?
  2. A friend of mine just got back from a trip to WY. in an f-250 6.2 . They were pulling an enclosed trailer. He told me the mileage was really bad, like 5.8 mpg. Had plenty of power but could not pass a gas station. I will need another truck soon but it will not be gas.
  3. Looks lie the Corbin that I had on mine except it was black.
  4. Nice color. I am thinking of repainting my bike also. What I am thinking is black with Purple pearl over that with pearl white cobwebs. Something a little different than I have on it now, without the girls though. http://s253.beta.photobucket.com/user/slowrollwv/media/DSCF2336.jpg.html?sort=3&o=13
  5. The best device that I have found to stop deer form running into the road is my 300 Remington Mag. It knocks them off their feet.:rotf::rotf:
  6. I have a set, send me your address and they are yours. slowroll01@comcast.net
  7. Is this going to be a weekly thing or just when the jackpot gets high? I'm in.
  8. It is a nice looking ride. I saw it on another forum and was interested for awhile, but allready had this one in the shed, so I passed on it. http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh64/slowrollwv/DSCF2336.jpg
  9. I am not sure I can get it done,but will try a set and see what they look like.
  10. Paul good luck on your surgery.Hope everything goes well.
  11. Here is a pic of the ones I make. http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh64/slowrollwv/DSCF2346-1.jpg
  12. I don't put mine away. It is ready to ride all year. the weather doesn't get ugly till Feb. and Mar. then it will set for a couple weeks till the roads clear up. I have had it out with temps. down to -3*.
  13. I had a 2000 xlt that I bought from the company that I work for in 2001, and ran it till this spring.It was a good ride till it got to 200k miles, then was getting too costly to maintain so I sent it to the junkyard.
  14. Don you sent me two flags but I only ordered one. I got one on Thursday and the second one today. I will send paypal on Monday for the second flag.
  15. Sorry to hear this. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.
  16. Hi all and thanks for the compliments on the carb covers. Jeff I will make that change on the next run I make. As for the "Twinkie covers" I have been thinking about them but do not have a set to work off of to get them started. I will contact a friend in Tn. to see if he can send me the info on them.
  17. I am ready today, but the billfold isn't. Guess I'll have to go to work instead.
  18. There is a Lehmans trike dealer here in Martinsburg WV. I don't know what effect it will have on there business.
  19. I plan to have two spare sets one on and one just before the ride across the country. Then put the set I will have now back on when I return. From pass experience I would think twice about putting a used tire back on the bike. I did it but I will not do it again. It did not give me any trouble ,But it wore out very quickly. It only had 1000 miles on it when I put it on and was worn to the cords within 3,000 miles.
  20. I did that weaving trick once, got a pass to the state troopers ball. They tell me that is reckless driving here in WV. So I put a headlight modulator in, took care of that situation in a hurry.
  21. A Friend of mine told me that someone here makes up a cable to use with the headset for blue tooth. I have a Nuvi 760 and would like to use the blue tooth without having two separate cables and mikes to deal with. Can someone help with this? Thanks Chuck
  22. Well lets see here. OH yeah I'm 57, been with the wife 36 of them, have an 03 Midnight Venture and love them both.
  23. Hi all I am looking for a venturedad hitch but lost his info. can anybody help? Thanks Chuck:bang head:
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