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Everything posted by jdbaker.vet

  1. Domain is still good until 2024. However, it appears their hosting company BLUE DOOR CONSULTING is located, as you mentioned, is where it is suspended. Doing a deep check, everything is shuddered. Even email comes back undeliverable.
  2. CP, did you ever find the Darkside for the 1st Gen?
  3. Does anyone still have their Rides Darksided with the tires on it? And which tires do they have it right now. Pics plz?
  4. Hey Ya'll. Just wanted to let you know. I have quite a bit of parts available if you want to check them out in the Classifieds. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?143189-1st-Gen-Parts-for-Sale
  5. Hello, Everyone!!! Happy Friday! Below you will see an '86 Royal Venture I have that am parting out. Description: Mechanically complete 1986 Venture (Let me VIN it) for you guys Details: Main use as my parts bike for my Project '86. Remarks: Mostly have everything I need off of it. Special Notes: There may still be some parts I need to pull at my discretion. Unless I have made a deal with you already, please don't yell at me. That's just not cool. How much? Show me the part, part numbers don't always help me. I'm a quick learner, and not an expert on this bike. But I can find it pretty quick. Lastly, make me an offer. Shipping will not be included in offer. Parts pulled are AS-IS, No guarantees. Sorry, ya'll. Picture Legend: Red X = Items either sold or moved to my project bike. (Disclaimer: other pieces may moved throughout the restoration process. Although, if a deal has been and/or paid for IT WILL BE HONORED.) Shipping Details: Most will be provided via USPS Priority Flat Rate. So please use the calculator at USPS FR Calculator or UPS. Your Choice. Zip ship from is 72956. Either way please allow 2 weeks to remove, package and mail the part(s). I work full-time & have a senior in high school in the process of doing college visits. (and did I mention she is in marching band in the middle of fall competitions?) oO(Psst..Thank ya'll for understanding)
  6. Okay guys, make me an offer. Allow me 2 weeks to remove, package and postage.
  7. You Still need one?
  8. May have one for ya. Is this what you are referring to: Yamaha FJ1200 1986-92 Front Brake Light Lever Switch $25 includes free 48 Lower shipping. (2 weeks time for removal and shipping)
  9. Relay? Do I need to get a specific relay for the Bad Boy? If so which one?
  10. Doing well, Steadily work on my Project '86 Ride. Getting closer & closer to it becoming my daily rider. Checking the posts often for tips & tricks, and often provide some of my own. So proud to support a group like this & discover enthusiasts that live so close or nearby.
  11. Okay my visualization receptor must not be working today. How does this adaptor to a jack? And what kind of Jack do you need? Thanks!
  12. So, have you ever.. Been so happy you get this fixed, and that... and that.. and so on??? Only you kind of forgot something??? Yup that happened last night. Thankfully it was just around the corner.:sign brain fart: I've been working on the project for the past few months. It's fairly road ready and was going (being the optimal word) to ride it to a friends house. Only as I got it a little down the road, thankfully in the neighborhood, it started getting slushy. And sliding out on me. Finally I took one more corner, and Yup! you guessed it. I had forgotten to put enough air in the rear tire when I had it mounted/balanced. And then when I got it on the bike I was distracted from fully airing it up. Lessoned learned. Well, at least I know the process to get it off. I got this...
  13. I'm really going to have to take a look at it closer. Then the next question is. Where do I get that restrictor?
  14. Okay now that things are starting to come together a little more and more. I've got a chance to find out about something. There seems to have been a "valve connector" or "butt connector" joining these two tubes together. Can anyone tell me if it is imperative that they be rejoined? Thanks in advanced....
  15. Finally got my rear tire put back on..
  16. Don, like so many things that transpire being thrown at us. We can get through this with prayers and support. One note, if they haven’t checked already, double check your sodium.
  17. snyper! Come on man, you know better than that. You know that ain't no gun rack! That's a straight up mobile gun mount, BABY!!!!:sign woo hoo:
  18. You know what has gotten my attention on a lot of those bike ads on Facebook lately? "Automatic Transmission?" Really?! Automatic? Am I wrong, would that not make it one of those really funky scooters, or oddly shaped (although, TBPH, I would ride and own to save money) motorcycles? (Sorry, just totally odd 5am ramble). I'm Out...
  19. Yeah it's actually suppose to be Blue Angels Blue & Gold Here are the logos so far.
  20. This is purely a cost measure right now. I will be gradually adding to my garage the needed supplies.
  21. Now before anyway blows me up.. A little story as to why. I have been successful so far to either save or repair most of the plastics. However, there are a few including the trunk I am having to replace that are completely different colors. I also, have a passion for this scheme. The adjusted picture doesn't quite do it justice but you might get the picture. Well, you get the idea. Thoughts? Input
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