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Everything posted by GreenMtnHunter

  1. I hear ya' and can appreciate that, but at least in my case, That's a two and a half hour round trip. Part of the reason I hung out in the shop for the build was so that I could do work just like that - 15 minutes and no need for parts, as the relay was "in the bag". It helps to have a dealer who does not "pocket" that stuff, but rather handed it to me, and said "extra?" My bike was my dealer's first new SV or Eluder, and we learned together. While not for everyone, I'm sure some wish they had a dealer they could just call and get the over the phone assistance I have been blessed with since the early 90's. I'm not special; they treat all their customers that way, and there's always a couple bikes in their shop bays...usually "otherwise" branded ;-)
  2. I posted to their Fb page late Wed; they got right back to me, Thurs. AM. I'm looking forward to your slightly tinted version, two inches lower, like the shield I "cut and pasted' back in July. It's narrower, but I'm short, and I like being able to look over the shield at slower speeds, so I am taking the good with the bad as is still deflects air over my passenger at highway speeds.
  3. I should think that once you install the module, the rest would be the same as what was done to other SVTC's. Buy a 16G finger drive, format it to FAT32, go to the Yamaha website, enter your "key" and download the data on to the finger drive, and then plug it into the bike. I did it myself at the dealership while the bike was being assembled from the crate. Formatting the finger-drive on a PC, in FAT 32, was the important step... Use this thread as well... https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?138405-Yamaha-Navigation-Update
  4. Wash-n-polished Artemis this morning. Arrived back home last night after a three day, 800 mile loop: Vt, NH, ME, NH, VT. Great first road-trip on the SVTC with my passenger of 35 years! The bike was awesome! But I'll admit that I was sitting on a gel pad that has ridden on the back seat of the R*, and also the sheepskin that I have has since the RSTD. For the very first time, (or since the '93 FJ,?) we were stopping because I needed the break! Tho I have not had success with uploading destinations to the Nav, it otherwise worked great; the "scenic" option knows you don't want the interstate! Great ride - the only negative is that Conway, NH seriously needs a "bypass"...that was the only time I heard, "My left foot is getting hot..." I felt it too. The change in Conway since I first ran through there in the late 70's is just wild...I can't believe the city folk who come to the White Mountains to....hangout in a "town" that is completely congested for most of the day. We averaged 41mph and 47mpg over the 800.3 miles. Rockwood, and Jackman, ME were the far points from home - second Nav issue: the map page indicated I was crossing into Canada for minute. I knew I wasn't, so it was funny...but I also did not have my passport, so I did do a double take... I should have stopped for a screen shot, but I'm too old to think about those kind of things... ;-)
  5. Thank you! I have tried other apps: "Ride with GPS" and "MyRoute-app" and the GPX reader "TrailRunner mini — GPX Viewer" in combination with my Mac, seem to have been responsible for the main page "locking up" on my 2018 SVTC. "Navigation not ready" remained on the screen until I performed "delete all personal data", twice.... I began to experience issues shortly after uploading a GPX file, and within an hour, the main screen would not move from "Nav. not ready" The GPS knew it's location the: the street and speed continued to display on all pages that it should have, but I could not create a new destination or see the Nav "Home" page.
  6. Outstanding! Maintaining my faith in the Star that goes back to 1993. Enjoy the ride!
  7. I have friends who begin every conversation with "Ummmmmm..." Now I know why! ;-)
  8. While the trunk and bags are accessible if you just walk away, neither the fuel door nor the ignition switch will operate if the key is out of range.
  9. I have seen this technique on the u-tube...from big rigs to bikes, people swear by them. Pour the correct weight in at the install, and the tire "balances" itself for the life of the tread, right? Are there "downsides"? Do you purchase new beads with every tire or are they re-usable? Do they get stuck in the valve stem? I have a 90 degree bend at the rear valve stem, if you pry open a spot on the tire, do you need to re-seat the bead of the tire to the rim? Thank you,
  10. Jeese, I'm interested in the lower wings - I hope to hear they work great at moving the air below your thighs...
  11. Thanks! This is just to hold me over till your prototype becomes reality! I like the lower Eluder shield, but I'm waiting to see options before I spend cash... Next, I plan to get the heat gun out and put a little bent in the top three inches...back to work tomorrow - next weekend...
  12. Right after I got the lawn cut, it rained cats and dogs today...so, I went to the Sugar House (garage) and dug out an old, heavy, Memphis Shades windshield I had removed from my R* when I bought a full fairing. Cut, drilled, used some leftover tinting from my son's truck (he's gonna get ticket someday...) and this is what I came up with. It DOES not solve any issue for those who want a wide shield....Down, up, front and back, then with the stock shield resting atop the modification.... Eye level
  13. I have not tried it myself, but if I understand correctly: put your original fob away, out of range. Then, using the code under the spare key, follow the emergency start instructions in your owners manual. you'll be pushing that button in the front of the right(?) saddle bag up to 54 times if your key number is 999999 (6 numbers times nine corresponding entries). I am pretty sure I read about it in this forum - if it's here, FREEBIRD will provide a link when he has a chance. Anyone else have their key number memorized? I got lucky with a number that has an easy, biblical reference. But I also have a picture; it's written in the manual, and like a phone number in the tour-pack on top of my trunk rack....
  14. No apologies Jess; while we feel your pain, we also appreciate the information and details. I wish I had the confidence to dig into something like that, and I know we all hope this leads to the resolution to the issue. My shop is two weeks out, but if I have the same issue, knowing what and where to look, for a job like that, might mean they'd squeeze me in a whole lot sooner! Thank you! Rich
  15. I have heard that they will work....so I clicked on your link! Good grief! I was bamboozled by J&M! For that price, I'd ride to a HD dealer and ask the first person with a headset to plug into my bike! I paid almost that much for just one of the cords! Life's a song, and Smokey Robinson is playing in my head right now....where was that two weeks ago!
  16. Hey Jesse, Keep the faith! Yamaha is gonna be running this bike for the next three or four years, even if it's a sales flop - they certainly don't want to have much negative publicity this early in the game, and they want to maintain their reputation as a company that supports its clients...that said, they probably won't give away what hasn't been asked for...check in with your states A.G. office to find out what protections you have, and maybe even call the office to ask a question or two, just so you can calmly say, "according to the A.G.'s office, this is what is required..." Lots of international companies have their contract, but they also know that state law is the final word. Work in stuff like, "on the Yamaha forums to which I post, there are lots of people who are interested in what this is all about..." At the same time, ask the dealer if he's been in contact with the regional rep. regarding your issue..."is this bike one of the units that was returned to the factory for a rebuild? Maybe it should have been?" (I can't prove that, but I have read about here and on other forums) Tell them you're significantly alarmed and concerned, but don't show it. Good luck; we're pulling for you, and because, to a significant degree, what you are doing is pulling for us! Keep the faith! "Resolve this issue, WE will! Rich
  17. I'm sorry your question went unanswered for so long - Yes...you need the two headsets, the two standard cords and one extender for the passenger. List is just under $650, but as I was also buying the bike, and a luggage rack and bag, I paid much less; he took $140 from the list price on the cords.
  18. Finished installing the Auxiliary Driving lights this morning - Started last night. Long job for a shade-tree mechanic, but it's done, they work, and having cut the lawns today, I'm ready for a ride after dark to check'em out.
  19. I'd be interested to hear from others who shell out fot the Royal Purple... I have heard their 10W-40 performs in a similar manner.
  20. That's great news! When I mentioned this case to my dealer/mechanic/shop owner, he was shocked! We're hoping you'll be told what the issue is, but no one is holding their breath... Good luck with the new ride! Remember to format your finger-drive in FAT32 before you attempt the GPS upload. I've forgotten who posted that first, but it was the deal-maker for me! edit to provide credit: The FAT32 suggestion was in a GPS thread to which Bulleod contributed the idea.
  21. I'm at 10% of your milage on mine; I have only owned it for a week...so please, a grain of salt with my comments - they are not to be confused with someone who knows what they are talking about... I have read that using a 40 weight oil reduces heat and engine/tranny noise. I plan to switch to the Shell/Rotilla, 15w-40 after for the second oil change. I have swapped out the original oil(10w-40), as it was already two years old when we unboxed the bike at the shop (Frame sticker indicates a Mfg. July of 2017). I was amazed at how that smoothed and quieted things. Totally agree on the heat and the lower vent; I ran a similar scenario. I have found that I notice the heat much less to not at all with my chaps on. I have not touched the wear-bars on the floorboards, but I did ride with my son yesterday. He was on my Road Star and said he dragged them on a couple corners trying to keep up...His personal bike is a Warrior, so he was intentionally less aggressive than he normally rides. I tend to set my GPS to a general destination and then ride where I want, using the map to show me where I am and how to get back on track when I need it... I like that the indicated speed limit does not flash, beep or wail when I exceed the speed limit - like WAZE.... Speaking of "beeps", I disconnected the alarm, re-inserted the blank plug and greased/covered the open end of the harness. How about that "Smart Key"? I gotta replace the battery (two years - again) - If you turn the key off and walk away, the bike won't do a thing for anyone unless they find it....just don't leave it in one of the lockable boxes ;-). What's the new windshield you swapped in? Inquiring minds are eager to know!
  22. This morning after reading about oil changes and oil choices, I drained the back tank on my SVTC (3 qts) and replaced the stock 20w-50 with 10w40. As the author of the post promised, engine noise was significantly reduced, shifting changed from clunk to click, and the motor was noticeably cooler. I'll be doing the first 600 mile service in a couple days, and I intend to go with a 10w-40 synthetic. Worked for me; your results may vary.
  23. I gotta remember to check dates...thank you!
  24. Took off the front panel, and seat; checked out the CB antenna connectors...no CB traffic yet, but I have not been in a populated area. Showed it off to some friends. Wowed them with the "Sure-Park, GPS, Stereo, etc. Checked out panels around the lower bars - highway pegs are on the list....
  25. My dealer filled it with "low test" I don't really remember the sound, but it improved when I filled it with HiTest. For the heat, be sure your lower vent is open, and I have noticed it's only bad when I am not in my chaps or riding pants. It's also nice when in the mountains in the early morning or at night.
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