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Everything posted by Drake44135

  1. Good morning everyone. Im sure this is an easy fix. But I’m lost. And you all know damn near everything. The chrome trim under the windscreen on my 2010 keeps popping up. It seems the only thing holding it from flying off are the two side screws. I did put double sided tape down. But didn’t hold. just curious. Am I doing something wrong. The tabs are not broken. But they are not holding in place.
  2. Where did you get the led for the side reflectors? Thanks for the response.
  3. The torque wrench part is accurate. I made a mistake.
  4. 1. Why replace pads that soon, when you can just extend the life to normal mileage by not wearing down. 2. You are right, I should pull the other bag off, I am not a human Torque wrench. 3. I am a amateur mechanic, trying to save myself some money. I agree with your critique.
  5. Yep, I did put a new tire on. I was just trying to be helpful. I took it all back apart and did the tire too. I am sure this website will not beat me up too much. but it appears I might not be right. lets see.
  6. Hey, look at that good looking guy. Looks like me. hahahahahahaa
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