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Everything posted by PreachJohn

  1. It's exactly the reverse. Solid state/electronic multi phase tenders are the way to go. It's the float ball trickle chargers that will boil your battery. It is a good idea to remove the tender every couple of weeks or so for a while. Batteries have to 'work' to stay in top shape.
  2. RSV-Have removed the rear seat in hopes of disconnecting the CB. Can I disconnect there or only under the fairing?
  3. Air Fork Balance Kit is the wording that is most promising.
  4. This thread has piqued my interest. I've been wondering of the 4 FB Sites for our Bikes, one day 1 of them disappeared from my group Shortcuts. Figured out it was Yamaha Royal Star. I simply reapplied and was accepted, tho' I then raised a query in a post that got no real answer. There was no trace of my old membership, no posts by me in Search. No explanation, nothing. Had I unwittingly made a reference to ventureriders.org and got cancelled without a single word?? Is this the home of the guilty party, maybe?
  5. 3:20AM;, burning the midnight oil to read thro' the 4 pages of this thread. Really interesting stuff. Some points made will stick somewhere in my noggin and come in handy on a rainy day for myself directly or for another fellow yokel needing a hand.
  6. If it is not an improper gearing issue, can 2 ignition coils have weaker output?
  7. Did you lose CB and Intercom functions with your wiring job?
  8. John Scribner on a thread in Yamaha Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe Fans, and Owners says that he talked to Edelbrock. And that they assured him that 17303 has a shutoff valve. That if for no other reason is why I am buying one. May save my motor.
  9. Worn full face, that saved my face once, 3/4, and settled for a year and a day on Police Style. Defined as White, 1/2 Helmet with zippered Neck Cover for the cool/cold, Vents and Vizor. And o, yes, clip converter always. The only drawback with this Helmet style is pulling in behind a string of cars, and they all slow down coz they think I am a Cop. It's happened a few times. Make of Helmet appears to be DOT..cause that's all I can make out.
  10. Is there no similar or even better footage of the Series 2 RSVs doing fine Motorcycle Stunting and such? Coz I figger that anything a GoldWing can do an RSV or RSTD can do as well or better.
  11. The Pics are dead Links.
  12. I have had matching sets of Longlife Metzeler MEs on different Bikes, including my 2007 RSV. I have no issues with them. Very good control and wear well. It may well be that they had a bad batch somewhere along the line, but it hasn't affected my purchases or riding.
  13. The Valkyrie Riders Site/VRCC has a very detailed, intense Article on CTs. I think Darkside may be your keyword in a general google search too. Interesting subject for sure. This is as worthy a piece as any on the pros and cons of perhaps going over to the Darkside: https://lifeisaroad.com/stories/2004/10/27/theDarkSide.html I 1st saw it posted on the VRCC IMO also an excellent Site, when I rode a Black Beauty 2003 Valkyrie; another worthy steed.
  14. Since my 2019 RSV purchase, I've enjoyed this 2007 Bike here in Calgary more than my other 10 Scoots, big or small, over 30 years; including even my 2 1984 Goldwings and 2003 Valkyrie.The 3 stator wires are easily accessible on my 3 Yam XS 1100s and said Goldwings and Valkyrie. Having one XS1100 with a serious starting issue that turned out to be melted stator plugs, I need to eliminate this standard bottleneck issue on all my Bikes up front. A standard prophylactic measure in the motorcycle world for good reason.I have scoured/ransacked the Net, 4 main RSV Sites to locate these plugs. I read, "pig to find; buried deep"; aye that they are. And "behind" or "under" the battery box. How many times now I've looked for those plugs; no prize. Contorting my body, flashlight in hand.Then I recently read, "near coolant tank clamp" on one FB Site for Series Two Venture aficionados and such. O, so THAT'S finally it. I will try this right side starting point as this comes from a highly acclaimed Venture "Guru". No, it turns out to be a very imprecise/inadequate instruction as the rest.This is what I finally did to locate and reroute those plugs in pics. Perhaps you can do it more simply with less work but this is how my cookie crumbled.It necessitated removing the seat, battery, battery box, side covers, the bridge/connector piece between the two side covers plus the coolant tank.FINALLY the 3 white wire/plugs in plain view as per pic. (right side/left pic). Moving the spark plug cable out of the way eases things a lot for the side cover connector.I then proceeded by feel to extricate and to feed the stator wires and their plugs toward the left side of the Bike rerouting them. Here the plugs overlap easily enough to snip and solder them if I can't pop them out from the plugs instead 1st. (centre pic) Easy to ohms test the 3 white wires here too if need be as easily accessible now. (right pic) Where Yamaha could have routed them in the 1st place, as a certain number of aggravating engineering/design issues on these stellar Bikes could with a modicum of effort have been tho't thro' to something approximating common sense. PS---FB ruined my formatting into no paragraph breaks. Billions of $$ but...
  15. Not Fair! Contests ends at 9am?? Wot? Only noticed and dredged it out from Google Spam when another Email got my attention when it entered my Inbox at 11:45 MST. But then life ain't always fair, is it? That's why I often find myself leaning on the everlasting arms. Long story. Bought my 1st Venture as my #11 Bike in almost 30 yrs riding. Which includes a lot of high mile-ing and ice/snow winter riding too up here in Canada; presently in Calgary. It is my best Bike overall yet. Aside of my 2 Goldwings and Valkyrie, etc. Yay! A 2007 RSV Midnite; a Black Beauty. Even better since I found the parasitic load/drain on my new AGM Battery that I battled with all summer long. Pulling the Memory Backup Fuse which saves the 2 trip meters, clock, radio/cb settings, resulted in night and day better battery performance. I have to sacrifice my beloved Music Radio use till I can figger why the load on that fuse drains the battery so much. Putting the Headlight and Passing Lights on separate switches will also help on the somewhat anemic factory output of the Stator/RR. Before I install Led Lights up front which I expect will really help. Anyway glad to now be part of the Yammy Venture Community. So; Howdy to you All.
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