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Everything posted by jlh3rd

  1. mine is a ram mount....not exactly what u show...but mine is 3yrs old.....but i think "ram mount" is what most everyone here uses.....mostly...
  2. no matter how well you stick the suction mount...it will come off when you least expect it....then the cord will pull out of the back.......then you grab the mount and the gps pops off the ball socket......all while riding the bike in traffic...............mine never fell off my truck's windshield either...... there is a lot more vibration on the bike than a car/truck.....our windshield's are plastic ,so there is more flex....and the surface is curved, or mostly curved, hardly any exactly flat spots.........get yourself the dedicated mount....
  3. sylvester i didn't/don't care about any royalties......i did what i did and was happy to share it with anyone on this site......i suggested that fabricating a metal faceplate and using a triangular pattern would be the ideal way to go and could allow one bigger gauge to be used in the same space.......i didn't have the capability to fabricate anything beyond what i did........ponch took it and made it a reality.....good for him...good for people on here..........
  4. yep....go to the vr tech section on this site.....then go to 2nd gen section.....then go to ther ( i think its called) lights, electrical section.....then find the added gauges section.........there is a lot of info in there........if you read all of it....it will probably answer all of your questions.....if you still have some...just let me or anyone else know...
  5. the design/idea is mine.........the manufacturing is ponch's........
  6. yes i bought electric heated gear for cold riding....i tried the layering, thermal underwear, silk liner, all of that....i bought this and that highest rated gloves, dry liners, silk liners, gortex this, insulated that......and i could never go more than an hour before cold crept in.........aside from feeling like the sta-puft marshmallow man............i'm not talking about riding down to get a beer,......i'm talking about really riding...hours on the bike ......so.......i have heated glove liners, jacket liner and pant liner.....and any type of neck warmer........
  7. the antique motorcycle foundation is opening an exhibit in sept 2012 - aug 2013 in newburg,ny.....they are looking for motorcycles to exhibit.....among the list is 1983 venture royale.....it's called the Kaizen exhibit....
  8. i land a cessna 172 in a crosswind the same way i land my airliner...it's not that an airplane is heavier, we have spoilers that kill the lift upon touchdown, so we get the mains on sooner, but it still is the same technique.....also, a 20 knot wind affects a 3000 lb airplane more than a 34,000 lb airplane , so your "flying" the smaller plane longer until it stops flying....but you never let your attention wander when landing no matter how big your airplane is...
  9. you are absolutely correct.....
  10. the best procedure is to fly level , crabbing into the wind to keep the aircraft lined up with the center line of the runway.....when you begin to flare, you lower your upwind wing into the wind, and use your rudder to now bring your nose onto the center line of the runway varying the dip of your wing to stop the plane from drifting off center...you will touch with the upwind gear first, then lower the downwind gear onto the runway, finishing with the nose....this is not uncomfortable for the passengers because the aircraft is flying level until right before touchdown....if you fly the approach with the wing down into the wind, using opposite rudder to keep the nose straight, the passengers will feel as if they are being pushed sideways in the cabin.......you don't touchdown in a crab position because of the side load generated on the gear and it makes for a rough touchdown for the passengers as the aircraft will now kick itself straight.... i should add that using differential engine thrust will also aid in touching down straight without having to dip your wing as much....
  11. some of the new water heaters are plastic lined....( expensive)...changing anodes and flushing does make me feel good about my water heater going on it's 22 year...
  12. hig4s you can have multiple runways but crosswinds can still exist..wind can blow from any direction and speed.........all aircraft have a manual that lists limitations for that aircraft....every aircraft has crosswind limits that are to be followed....so, as bad as a crosswind may seem to the non pilot.....as long as the flight crew is adhereing to the manual, there is no worry...
  13. don i'm not an expert, but i do have an electric water heater, 50 gal., 2 element , built in 1991 and still going. It is/was built by "STATE"...this 50 gal. heater was always more than enough for me and my 3 sons, even when they were teenagers ( 20 min showers) .from your statements it appears you know what your doing....it seems you do the maintenance needed to maintain an electric heater and i wouldn't spend the extra money for elements...but maybe you could consider a smaller one...also,,no one mentioned replacing the anode rod on a regular schedule...if anything extends the life of an electric water heater, it is doing that...plus flushing...
  14. i converted my stuff back in the 80's using a vcr camera and ,old screen and a dark room, and my old projector......then 2 yrs ago , bought a vcr to dvd converter today..( and this is a guess on my part)...you could get the digital camcorder.....record the films on it .....of course you'll need a dark room, white screen ,wall, sheet etc., old 8mm projector...then transfer from the camera to dvd also, there are little businesses that will do it for you....
  15. LSU playing Oklahoma State..........if i wanted to be guaranteed a win, that's the matchup i'd want.......but i wanna play the best team , and that's ALA...I'm not crazy about rematches either..especially ALA., cause they CAN beat LSU.....i hope the tigers can keep their players outta trouble until Jan 9...... geaux Tigers !
  16. unless you are close to a large airport that has regulated airspace all the way to ground level and would have airspace control horizontally up to so many miles....he is probably operating in uncontrolled airspace....and VFR ( visual flight rules) ...and the FAA does have certain rules when flying close to certain obstructions.....but it sounds like you are rural...
  17. i spent all kinds of money buying this "best" pair of gloves or that guaranteed best jacket or pant .....doing the layering thing , silk liners, wicking material, eventually feeling like a stay puff marshmellow man you hit the nail on the head, once you get cold , your done do yourself a favor....bite the bullet... and get heated clothes, the 12v stuff.....i used heated glove liners, pant liners and jacket liners .....so, jeans, a sweatshirt, the lioners and a rainsuit worked 99% of the time...
  18. " each and every deltran Battery Tender will , regardless of it's size , charge a battery and maintain it" the battery tender i have will charge a battery........ i guess there are just maintainers out there...that will not charge
  19. in my definitions, a battery maintainer and a battery tender are one and the same...they bring a battery up to a full charge and keep it there without over charging...and they also ,when charging a battery, monitor the charge rate so as not to damage the battery by using too fast of a rate a charger simply throws a charging rate into the battery until you turn the charger off...possibly damaging the battery by over charging...
  20. all the cars i have owned and driven regularly.....72 monte, 77 monte ( 2 of them), 87 monte, 92 aerostar ( still have with 259,000 )......went as far as their "rating" and failed usually right at or right before......same with my girlfriend's car, who i've been with for 9 years, ( 98 mazda)......the 08 siverado has factory battery....so it's still going........but none of these cars have had battery tenders...except the camaro......so i'm sold....... 101/2 years and same battery , thats da*# good....... oh, i had 3 sons living with me so that's how all the cars were driven regularly......
  21. if you read the posts for installing gauges...and i'm assuming that you mean installing gauges where the cassette player is.....i stated that i would not install an electric oil pressure gauge again..... i would install a mechanical..........the problem was finding a sensor/sender unit that would fit in the space by the right foot........i found one but the ohms rating has to match the gauge's rating or it will not work. ( $50) wasted) .....so if the sensor is mounted in the fairing....you gotta run a 3/8's inch line to carry oil to it.......a heck of a lot bigger than a thin 1/8 line.........
  22. have an 02 camaro.....on a battery tender.....still using the original battery..........i gotta add that i've only got 16,000 miles on the car so the battery hasn't seen lots of cycles.......but almost 10 years ?.... ...i say it's because of the tender....
  23. have an 08 silverado , long bed (8')......my ( former) 08 venture would load up completely and i could shut the tailgate if the bike was loaded at an angle....the tailgate supported any weight fine........i will say, it was very interesting....
  24. jlh3rd


    how do you put a youtube video in a post....or....put an email in a post that contains the you tube video
  25. when i went down in july.....the outer and inner fairing, and everything inside the fairing, and headlight were smashed and totally destroyed.....my F4 windshield had four hugh gashes on it.....but it did not break......even at the mounting tabs.....
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