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Everything posted by Ozmonster

  1. Hell, I'd take 59F anyday right now, we had 10" of snow on the front lawn yesterday, woke up this morning to a fresh dumping of another 8-10", and a lovely -10C without wind chill. Don't know the conversion on that, but I'm sure somebody will post it. On Friday I'm heading to the high artic, northern tip of Baffin Island, average temp during the day is -30C without wind chill, and only about 3-5 hours of daylight each day, and won't be home till end February. I'll take that Florida chill anytime, LOL. But, I guess that's why we're called the frozen chozen.
  2. Welcome, and I'm sure you'll get lots of views on this one, but judging from the photos of the root cause of the "second gear issue" included in Freebirds, very informative repair article, just swapping the washers is not going to help. If you check the photo closely, you'll see that the grove in the driven shaft were the washers ride, wears over time, he's got a bueaty shot of the old/new shafts side by side. If you're going to go to all the trouble to remove the power pack, strip 'er down, might as well change the shaft. I feel your pain on this one, I just picked up all the parts last week for mine, and will be gutting her when I get back from the Artic in about 7-9 wks. It seems that once the 1200's hit between 40-60K miles that's when the gear issue raises it's ugly head. Good luck, and enjoy you're machine. Here's the link for the repair with the photos. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=508
  3. This was passed around on the C.M.C. site, thought you'd all get some enjoyment out of it as well. http://www.whybike.com/biker Mine came back as; You are a Road Captain You live in the wind. You could be at home watching far off destinations on TV but you prefer to discover your own. You cross state lines like most people cross the street. When stuff happens people look to you for answers. You are a wiz with duct tape and bailing wire. Riding is not just a diversion but a way of life.
  4. I do quite a bit of work on stand-by power generators, which sit for periods without running. The batteries are kept at a constant charge by battery chargers. The most common problem I see, LOW ELECTROLYTE LEVELS. While the charger is on, and applying current to the battery, it will evapourate the fluid from the cells. If you're going to apply a charge to your battery, on a weekly or monthly overnight basis, I would highly recommend that you monitor the fluid levels, and top off with distilled water when needed. The chargers we use are industrial, automatic types, 10 Amps DC on high, 200 milli amps on low. A regular automotive type purchased from a local parts dealer, will probably be in the 6-10 Amp range, the higher the current the more fluid which will be lost on extended charges. Food for thought, and just my 2 cents. Jim
  5. We just had this very same discussion on the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers site, and the majority of the Ontario riders there use Riders Plus, a motorcycles, cruisers only insurance company. I checked their site out, and may be switching to them as well. I'm currently with The Personal, and pay $685/yr for a 84 Venture Royale, PLPD only, Riders Plus on-line quote for me was $516/yr full coverage. That's almost a $170/yr savings, I'm going to phone them on Monday, have 1 or 2 questions, if satisfied will be switching in a heartbeat. http://www.ridersplus.com/home.html Jim
  6. Thanks for sharing, and a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours as well. Jim
  7. Hey bud, found a set of 83's Yamaha emblems on Ebay, they should work on the 86, I don't think that the upper fairing parts changed between an early 1st gen, and the 1300 1st gens. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/83-yamaha-royale-venture-1200-goldplating-yamaha-emble_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35595QQihZ016QQitemZ260192589848QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  8. Hey Fred Sorry to hear that you did not have a truly enjoyable stay. You should have given us a heads up that you were in the area, I'm only 16 Kms north of Milton, and I would have set aside some time to meet up with you. I've been all over this country, from east to west, north, to southern borders, and the people vary greatly. What works in one area, can get you snubbed in others. I've also had many oportunities to work with Americans, both in the military and as a civilian, and have come across good and bad alike. I'm sure that in the future, you'll give us some notice, and some of the other venturers, and I can make sure you do have a much better time of it. As for the cost of the beer, all depends on the establishment you're at. If you can get signed in to a Legion, and don't mind the older crowd, the drinks are very reasonable, the "ripper joints" will cost you a fortune. The trick is, buy a case, start the party at home, hotel, then get a designated driver and take it on the road, that way you only have to buy a couple beers at the bars, to keep the buzz going. Take care, and don't let the bad experience put you off the rest of us, I'm sure if you're up for the rally in July, you'll get to see the other side of the scale. Jim
  9. This one will be of particular interest to the Ontario members, and any ex-service members, like myself, out there. As most of you have probably heard, the "Red Fridays" group has succeeded in getting the Ontario government to re-designate the 172 Kms stretch of Hwy 401 between Canadian Forces Base Trenton and Toronto, as "The Highway of Heroes". As this is the route the bodies of our fallen soldiers take, upon repatriation to home and their families. On May 17th 2008, Red Fridays, the Ontario Government, and the Canadian Forces is holding a Repatriation Memorial and Rally in honour of the re-naming of this stretch of the highway. I've already signed up to ride in the event, and seeing as the scoot is RED, have signed up for one of the 70 "Lead Vehicle" positions, one position for each of our fallen to date. I'm posting this to bring this worth while event to other riders attention, and hoping others will join me in honouring our fallen, and to show our continued support for our troops and the sacrifises that they and their families are making. I've included the link for the event, and look forward to seeing many others out there in May. I'm also sure that any of our American riders that are interested would not be turned away, as the overall message of this event is "SUPPORT" for our troops, all the troops involved in the war on Terror. http://www.redfridays.ca/rdr/index.htm
  10. I guess I got little luckier, one of the guys I went with had 8 comp tickets, so got in free, only got dinged $15 for parking, and $6 bucks for a bag of sugar nuts. Plus side, did get to meet some interesting people and signed up for the 30th annual Ride for Sight.
  11. Been there, done it, and felt completely stupid for it, and I instructed riding for 8 years, and have been riding in cool weather for 28 years. Yet every so often the excitement of a ride will lead me to forget the damn choke.
  12. Sounds good guys, sorry won't be able to meet up this time, but I'm planning on the January and the March shows, see if we can meet up at one of them then. Jim
  13. Hey gents, was wondering if anyone will be in attendance at the Toronto show this weekend, 7,8,9 Dec. I'm planning on heading out to the show Sunday, and if anyone from the group will be there we could possibly meet up. Now that winters locked it's teeth on us here, might as well make the best of it, bike shows, sportsman shows, fishing shows, then finally, spring arrives. Jim
  14. I have just learned of the passing of Robert "Evel" Knievel, on Friday 30 Nov 07. I remember as a very young boy, watching his stunts with awe, and developing a keen interest in motorcycles. I may not have tried his stunts, but I do enjoy the machines that he sparked my love of. http://www.evelknievel.com/
  15. Very well stated, I couldn't agree more. With all the PC BS out there, whatever happened to our ability to determine what we find acceptable on our own, instead of being TOLD by someone else what we should find acceptable. If you don't like something, that's your right, but don't you DARE tell me, how I should feel about it. LEARN TO LOOSEN UP, GET A LIFE AND LAUGH AT YOURSELF!
  16. Having been involved in 2 serious bike/car collisions in my 28 years of riding, both of which involved intersections, that video brought back some very scary memories. The one with the car who runs the red, was exactly what occured to me the first time, second was on a blind curve, only to have a car make a left directly in front of me. Both times resulted in hospital time, second much more serious than the first. If it had not been for the fact that I had been instructing riding for over a year, and made a number of moves to lessan the impact, the second one could have been fatal. I don't beleive in scare tactics when instructing, but I did use my experiences to point out the importance of "ALWAYS BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS". I get so P'offed when I see a biker do something blatently stupid in traffic, as they only represent a small minority of us who ride safely and responsibly. Jim
  17. Thanks for all the help on this one gents, the links will be great ammo for firing back if I get a lame excuse. I had contacted the Legion, and they had pasted the government reply they had received, and recommended that I persue it further with the Ministry. The Ministry's reply to the Legion basically said that they could not fit any images, and maintain lettering size, which you've all proven is just a load of bunk. Jim
  18. Need your assistance on this one, for those of you who have travelled into Ontario, you've probably seen cars and trucks sporting our Veteran's plates. As of now, the Ministry has no plans to introduce them for those of us who have served in the Military, and ride bikes. The reason I was given is that they cannot incorporate a poppy image on a plate that small. What I need from our riders is photos of any States/Provinces that have a image on their motorcycle plates, that I can use as examples when petitioning the Ministry to change their current policy. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Jim
  19. OK, I'm in Acton, Ontario, Canada, about 45 minutes East of Kitchener, 80 miles N of Niagara Falls, 45 minutes NE of Toronto, on the Niagara Escarpment. Beautiful riding in the fall when the colours start to come out, with a good mix of curves and straight-a-ways, when you get off the main highways. Activities in the area include fishing, water sports, hunting, hiking the Bruce trail, Skiing/snow boarding in the winter. For those coming to the 08' Rally, I'll see you there. Jim
  20. Hey Mother I'd check with Zdeno Cycle Salvage in Kitchener, they've got an absolutely huge inventory, was in there last week to look for an exhaust collector box for a 1st Gen Venture, he had one that looked new for $170. I'm sure I saw more than a couple of rads on the shelf. www.zdenocycle.ca If you need any help, either picking it up, or installing it, give me a shout, I'll be more than glad to give a hand. Jim
  21. I too am a newby to VR, and I've gotten a chuckle reading the good natured bantering back and forth of 1st Gen vs 2nd Gen. But I do have to throw my support in for Muffinman's opinion. I've been searching for a Venture for quite some time now, and have friends who ride 2nd Gen, and hound me when I tell them I want a 1st Gen., I try to tell them I don't like Harley's and I don't want to ride a Harley look-a-like. I found a beautiful 84 VR, and have purchased it, and am looking forward to many kilometers of riding yet to come.
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