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Everything posted by John.

  1. Flushed it and its good... Happy happy 💥😁
  2. Not sure last time I picked up this bike in April it has 53000 miles on it and I seem to be moving from one issue to the next I figure at this rate I should be very familiar with it..lol ok I will drain tomorrow and refill tomorrow.
  3. When at a stop and clutch is pulled wants to go like I am releasing clutch. Very hard to shift down I changed engine oil a few weeks ago rotella 15w40 oil.
  4. Anyone know where I can get some basics on adjusting the clutch on my 83. Thanks
  5. I did numerous thing last time cleaned the jets where the air flows, polished the slide, tightened the cover carefully and evenly and the prayed.
  6. Got it working thanks..
  7. Was dumping fuel thought float was stuck like last time. Cleaned again by just spraying in a little carb cleaner. Noticed slide was not moving so pulled diaphragm and it was shot. So replaced diaphragm with new and cleaned slide. Slide still not moving. Bike actually runs ok at idle but slide not moving it will move freely with my finger. What next had a big group ride planned for tomorrow. I am at a loss?
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