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Everything posted by 2Whlsrollin

  1. Installed a set of bubs last night. Now the question is should I rejet the carbs. A friend told me to run it 100 miles at Highway speeds and then look at the plugs, if their white in color it means she's running lean and I should rejet, if not should be OK. What do you think about that? And has anyone put on bubs and not rejetted and had zero problems?
  2. Well, put on the bubs last night and took a brisk ride around the block a time or two. All I can is SWEET:)
  3. Roger that. Will do.
  4. Looks like I shoud have them on Monday. Is it hard to install them?
  5. Not able to make this one, but glad to see someone making the effort for a M & E in this area. Looking forward a North Texas M & E. Let's do one in the early Spring.
  6. Ordered mine from West End Motorsports today. Ibsaw was right, cheapest price out there. I will keep your comments in mind if they are a little to loud. Thanks
  7. Thanks, I'll order them and get them on there way!
  8. Well, I thought I had spent enough money on bling for my "06" Venture. That was until I did a favor on Sunday before the game for a member from Indiana wanting me to go over and check out an 2000 milemum edition Venture near my home in Texas he is wanting to buy. I took it for a little ride and fell in luv with the Bub slip ons. Great sound and not to obnoxious. Got to get me a pair. Where is a good place to get them, and do you have to rejet?
  9. I would sure like to put mine back. How did you do yours??????
  10. Yes, this is it. Lot's of good desktop backgronds. Thank you sir.
  11. Last week I saw some cool photo's of an Air Show in San Francisco with the Blue Angels. Can someone help me find that?
  12. A friend of mine who rides an "06" midnight Venture took a wide turn on a country road on a toy's for tot's ride and got into some trouble and went down. His stock shield cracked. I know he would be grateful if I could get one for him. So if anyone has a standard stock sheild they need to get out of the garage I'll pay the freight. I let my stock shield go last year in the same manner after I got my new clearview.
  13. It was a great day, wife and I rode up into Oklahoma. That wind was fierce. Hey, but this warm in January, I'll take it.
  14. OK brother you got it. Will head it your way on Monday.
  15. Have a pretty good used MT90 B16 74H. She could go another 4 or 5 thousand miles easy I would think. Thought someone who was thinking of trying the thinner front might be interested in it. It's yours for the shipping. I had it on my "06" and went to the standard Avon Venon front and installed the leveling links. The thinner front was a big difference, but I wanted more meat up front when I took my summer trip so I changed it out. I am going to stay with the standard front. I also have a used Dunlop 404 150/80-16 71H front that is in real good shape. It is also yours for the shipping. I changed it out when I put on the Avon Venoms. I just have both tires in my garage just laying around and thought I would post this to see if anyone was interested in them. I would not even have bothered it they were not in good shape.
  16. We went down to the Big Bend Easter weekend, stayed in Alpine. It rained, sleeted, freezing rain, hailed, snowed, thundered all in the same day. Crazy weather, the next day was beautiful 65 degrees and Sunny. Texas Weather, go figure. Did not see the Marfa lights, we tryed though.
  17. Ken, Thank you for taking the time for this detailed responce to both issues. Jerry
  18. My buddy has an "06" Venture as do I. We took a 350 mile trip together today and he got noticable better gas mileage that I. One tank we had 139 miles and I put in 9/10 of a gallon more that he did. He was telling me about how he modified his air box making the air intake hole larger. Also he took off the cones in the back of both tail pipes and drilled four holes in the baffell on each side. Will both these things increase your gas mileage and why?? Are there any posts here regarding both of these modifications. He was saying less back pressure from the modification on the pipes increases gas mileage and the carbs beathing easier from more air helps. Both kind of make sence to me, but I bow to the infinate knowledge of those here that live and breath this stuff. Thanks in advace for the responce.
  19. Thanks, if it ever happens again I will have a plan.
  20. On the way to Branson, MO. I went to downshift getting off at my exit and Hmmmm my foot couldnt find the shifter, I finally had to look down and it was laying on the floorboard. Slid it back on and held it on with the inside of my boot unitl we fould a Yamaha Dealer about an hour later who fixed me up. Just wanted to throw this out there, ya'll might just want be sure everything is snug down there.
  21. I was up at a Honda Dealer who sells the Gerbings, several folks in our group have gone with the Gerbings. I looked but did not buy yet, nice to know of a different brand and reading you comments I will check them out. Thanks again
  22. Bill, I'm Interested in getting a spacer. Let me know the details of how to go about it. Thanks
  23. Is that 5 amp fuse for the extra outlet behind the faring inside the faring or is with the rest of the fuses. Mine is not working now. I just had it replace a few weeks ago. I was thinking it just might be the fuse this time.
  24. Well, mine came in today and it works great, and is sturdy and well constructed. Great to finally have one like this. I made one from wood that broke, tried the hockey puck method. So for me this is top notch. It was good to get both wheels off the ground at one time. First project is to give her a good detailed cleaning. Thanks Larry for making this availabe.
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