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Everything posted by retc403

  1. Might be the color of the bike in the picture but that is homely.....................nah, it's UGLY. Yuck. Sorry..don't intend to hurt any feelings. Guess it's in the eyes of the beholder, huh?
  2. The display of support is great. We are all praying for the best and quickest recovery and we know the "BOSS" up high will take care of all.
  3. Well, the pic shows the speedo is on kilometers and looks like just under 190 and that converts to: 190 kilometers (km) per hour is equal to 118.06 miles (statute) per hour. THAT AIN'T VERY FAST. Now I won't ride my RSV this fast but I've seen 160 miles (statute) per hour (equal to 257.50 kilometers (km) per hour) on my Jaguar XJ8. Sure was smooth and felt great. Love the RSV and the Jag. I've also got my Mom's 48 Studebaker Champion Starlight Coupe and it screams along at 70 mph. Love it too.
  4. This past March while eating at Wendy's here in Leavenworth, an older guy with a Santa beard rode in on this bicycle. He was just passing through enroute to OK from northern IA. He said OK to photo the bike but declined to be in the pics. A you can see, we'd had about 5" snow the day before but the temp had climbed to about 45.
  5. I just tried BOTH of these links and got this: albuquerque craigslist > for sale / wanted > motorcycles/scooters This posting has been deleted by its author. (The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.) Never kow if they were sold, a scam or what, being on Craig's List.
  6. I agree with Proud Dad...it is a "fully dressed" STOCK RSV like mine was as delivered new. I added and added and added. Chrome passing lights, trunk rack, bag rails, front fender rail, back rest, rear light bar and pegs, H-D rear lights, plus GPS with phone into the audio system and a trailer hitch. Mine has 13K miles and new tires and I wouldn't let it go for less than $14,500. Sounds high but then I don't want to sell mine. I also can't imagine a dealer having it listed that low. If you want more than what's on this one, keep looking and you'll find a better deal.
  7. Most likely your dealer will be able to access the warranty status through the factory. Rest assured, they will verify the status to be certain they get their reiimbursement. My new 06 RSV warranty was 5yrs, unlimited mileage (SO FAR NO NEEDS) and subsequent year modles have the same. Your dealer will know, IF IT DID GET TRANSFERED.
  8. C'mon, tell us....please, please, PLEASE
  9. I bought one of these UTOPIA backrests made specific for my 06 RSV and love it. It adjusts up/dn & fwd/back. Makes me sit up and not slouch. It was well worth the money. http://www.utpr.com/ http://www.utpr.com/images/bbrfsize.jpg http://www.utpr.com/images/bbrbsize.jpg I see lots of RSVs sporting them. I also wear a BACKALIGN belt as I have 3 bulging disks in the lower back. http://backaline.com/ http://backaline.com/threebelts.jpg With these combined I do pretty darn good. The only thing still needing remedy is the sore tailbone after 150-175 miles. I don't have any butt padding (of my own). I'm considering beads or sheepskin (or both).
  10. We usually have them from early spring to late Aug/early Sept but they didn't show up this year as normal. We've only seen a couple. ALSO, keep in mind, Mo, IA (upper mid-west) you need to stop feeding them by early Sept or they'll not migrate South soon enough and they die from the cold. Enjoy them, we usually do.
  11. Yes, I am expressing my right and you guys are "right on". Thomas Jefferson was not a bleeding-heart nor was he a liberal.....as he said: "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." We are looking at some serious problems coming our way as things are going right now. We got big and the liberals went along with the bleeding-hearts so now we have all these "rights". However, I don't think those rights include theft and criminal damage to property. (Forget the freedom (right) of expression, such as destroying our National Flag.) Based on this, when apprehended, these GUILTY B-------s should be "strung-up" on the Montgomery's new flag pole. Maybe the school teacher could join them for using his/her position as a way of suppressing the heathy mind of her 13 yr old student. Sounds like a nice dressing to thieves. Let'er rip !
  12. Hey "wrong way2"..anybody ever tell you you got a bug in your puter? Can't resist trying to wipe the varmit off my screen. I even thought about gettin my 40 cal Glock after em.
  13. Spose she'd go for the "safety chrome" line or has she already heard that too often?
  14. I spent 40 years as a deputy sheriff (4 on a motor) and lived through 1 knock down and 1 lay down & came out O.K. thanks to a helmet. I worked lots of traffic accidents & I heard all kinds of excuses for not wearing helmets AND restraints. "They are just too uncomfortable, too confining or I can't see" plus countless other "lousy-lame" excuses. I sure got some reactions when I'd respond, How uncomfortable is a lifetime in bed or a wheelchair as a quad or vegie, how confining is a casket or how well could you see with 6' of dirt over your face??????? YES ! THE WIFE I ALWAYS WEAR A GOOD HELMET. And there won't be anyone else on my bike without one. We have a good friend that's a great guy who didn't believe in helmets and just a year ago he went off a curve and now he's still a great guy but 90 percent blitzed. SAD O.K. I'll get off the box. Keep the powder dry
  15. You'll need mapping once up there if you don't have your US Pass Port. They're now required to get back in from Mexico and Canada, thanks to Homeland Security. A good friend goes fishing in Canada a couple times a year and just got his. He said it takes the full process and lots of time to get it. I think the "entry level" Garman only has pre-loaded mapping for the country of sale. Have a good trip.
  16. Truck.... a mechanical device with motive power commonly used to tow or haul a HARLEY...................oops, that 's bad.
  17. You're not crazy.....apparently you have had to spend too much time off the bike and just looking out the window. Idle wheels can cause halucinations and wierd feelings and thoughts. GET BACK ON THE BIKE FAST........you'll be fine in about 15 miles. Sound good to you??? Gir-er-dun. retc403
  18. Wingers & HD use 38 around here (Ks & Mo), but I jump back and forth to channel 29 (as a Venturerider) since I ride with a "mix". keep the powder dry
  19. This might qualify as a trike..........Huh?
  20. Are you counting "per category" ?
  21. This is email for Ks State Captain Terry "Darkhorse" Houck: dh43a@cox.net . He will assist you. You can also contact your nearest American Legion. My condolences. retc403 Jim
  22. I spent 39 years as a deputy sheriff and retired June 30, 2005. Good times, bad times and loved most every minute of it. I was recently asked to "run for Sheriff" and I said "H--- NO. I did my running (for this one, that one). H--- NO". I worked for 5 of them and each was a little crazy but aren't we all ? Makes it easier. Still loved it and miss it. retc403 Jim
  23. OK. I'm off the soapbox and back on the bikes. "Keep your powder dry" Jim
  24. Hey Ruffie, I wasn't banging at you but those that like to smack at cops. Those who never walked into a dark alley in the middle of the night or a crack or meth house with CRAZIES. Never had a close friend/partner shot to death right in front of them. And they think they know it all, just how it is. NOT! Guess I'm just an old grump but I've been there. I put in 39 years and retired with pride and respect. The diabetes got to me, must have been TOO MANY DONUTS, HUH? HA! PILOT, Tell your son "More power" and keep his head up high and do what's right. Don't take anyone's crap and don't put any on anyone. He WILL make it and be proud. Keep his cool and when he's old and retired, then he can be grumpy. He must always remember: "Keep your powder dry". Jim
  25. I got mine for the 06 RSV from Utopia and it's great. No cutting, lift driver seat and bolt on, no cutting and it is a perfect design match in good quality leather. I'm very happy with it. Keep your powder dry Jim
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