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Everything posted by MasterGuns

  1. I've allowed it to collect more dust today.
  2. It is with great sorrow I am letting everyone know that "lonestarmedic" (Joseph B. Slye) passed away early this morning. He was a really great man and always would go out of his way to help anyone needing it. He was a devoted husband and father. He is survived by a daughter and his wife, Maggie. I ask everyone that can assist his wife with urgent needs, mostly financial. Donations can be made to a GoFundMe site established for JB. All one needs to do is google GoFundMe.com and search Joseph Slye. His survivors will greatly appreciate any amount donated. I have run this by Don (Freebird) and he concurs with this posting. Regards, Herb Masterguns
  3. Frank, doesn't adding the washers to the needles lift the needle further out of the jet allowing more fuel and making it run even richer? Or did you also remove the OEM plastic shim and replace it with two washers which then would allow the needle further in the jet reducing fuel and making for a leaner mixture?
  4. Mass produce and export to China.
  5. I'd replace the cdi and recheck. Mount the cdi atop the air box so changing it out only takes about 60 seconds.
  6. Also has A/C, a heater and a great sound system. Rode/drove one about three years back. Base model then was around 21k. The one I drove was made in Tyler, Texas. Very underpowered and hard steering.
  7. Randy, I completely understand your bout with poison ivy. I had the same experience in 1999 when I purchased 3 acres of virgin property covered with brush, and what I found out after my first day clearing out the brush (by hand), poison ivy and poison oak. The first day of work I was in flip flops and shorts. What a dummy I was however I had never been around poison ivy as I spent the last 30 years in the Marines and was in the western pacific. Anyway, after a couple days my lower legs looked I had a really serious case skin rot. The itching was the worst ever. Shots of steroids, all kinds of topical so-called poison ivy medications did nothing to alleviate the itching and oozing. In a last ditch attempt to find relief, I turned to a really old Marine Corps First Aid manual. It said to soak the affected area in hot water at a temp that you could handle. It stated that as soon as the really hot water contacted the affected area the itching would increase a lot. This is the hot water drawing out the histamine from the rash. After a minute or two the itching would subside and disappear. This treatment would also expedite the rash healing and the itching would be eliminated for up to 24 hours. I tried this treatment immediately and it really, really worked. Herb
  8. I had a really good time in Doha as well as on the air base. But I was a Marine, and Marines have a good time no matter where they are. Good luck to you. MasterGuns
  9. The 1990 I just junked had fold down small floor boards (not pegs) mounted in this location. The boards were flat, approx 3" X 4", and had "YAMAHA" stamped into them.
  10. Depends on which Yamaha plant in Japan the bike was manufactured at; either the plant at Kawashima Jo or Yamaguishi Jo.
  11. It was so hot here in Aledo that my temp gauge was up to normal when I turned the key on first thing in the morning. No choke needed then either. Just kiddin.
  12. Actually that is an additional fold down passenger floor board.
  13. And the owner is Jason Harshman, really honest and anxious to provide excellent customer support.
  14. Yes. There is room. Put the wrench on first then a tight fitting hose. But if it were me, I'd change over to a speed bleeder.
  15. It's called comraderie.
  16. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Doesn't the RR ground via its mounting bolts? By having in the fairing wouldn't it be reasonable to assume it not grounded properly. I guess it would depend on how and where it was bolted down. My one and only experience with a RR over heating was when the ground was inadequate.
  17. Damn I forgot I even entered a bid and have not read this thread until just a couple minutes ago. Now paid. thanks
  18. Ahhh
  19. Thank all yall mucho mas. Eck, my phone took a dive last night; continuously was turning itself off then rebooting and therefore I couldn't reply to your text. I now have a new IPhone 6. Semper Fi Herb
  20. I've ridden through Gila Bend when it as green but still 119 degrees. And the only thing moving out there, other than the few vehicles on I8, was Gila monsters.
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