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About big-norm

  • Birthday 06/30/1966

Personal Information

  • Name
    Norman Conklin


  • Location
    Methuen, MA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Royal Star Venture

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  1. Thank you sincerely both for your experiences and reviews of old versus new. I definitely plan on moving forward now.
  2. I own a 2009 Royal Star Venture XVZ1300. I really enjoy the motorcycle and there is nothing wrong with it. My wife also enjoys going on trips with me. She has approved for me to get a new motorcycle. I don’t need a new one but we are blessed that we can get it. HOWEVER , my lovely wife won’t let me keep the 2009 Royal Star if I get a new motorcycle. So the big question is this. Especially for former Royal Star owners, is the upgrade worth it? Do you really love your new Star Venture? Will the heat be too much? i am getting low 40’s for gas mileage in the 09 RSV. Will going to the newer Star Venture be disappointing as far as gas mileage? thanks in advance for any comments or recommendations.
  3. I am very sorry for your loss
  4. https://nh.craigslist.org/mcy/d/bethlehem-2006-yamaha-royal-star-venture/6981469445.html only 14K miles. For only $4,000 it is probably a steal!
  5. I use the FRAM XG6607 for my RSV. It’s been perfect https://www.fram.com/parts-search/XG6607/
  6. what is so crazy to me is that I called my local Yamaha dealership here and I have called about looking at new motorcycles as well as service and I have not received one call back. Not one. Zero zip. In order to do the services on my motorcycle I have actually been using this website to do it myself and get what I need done. I actually went to the dealership and they pointed me over to some bikes and they said, "come back and tell me if you see something." I could not find the salesperson again. I don't need a royal red carpet for my arrival or special treatment but I am surprised at the lackadaisical to someone with cash in hand for sales or service. I am sure the dealerships have thinned out staff just to stay afloat and they are just so busy. They need to take care of the die-hards. I have loved motorcycles since age 12. it is not a hobby or a mid-life crisis toy. I think it is sad that a motorcycle stays in the garage. I want to take them out and put 50K miles on them and then buy new or used ones. My wife does too! I don't need a medal but the dealerships should at least call us back when I want to put one of my bikes in for an oil change because I would rather ride more than spend time in the garage. How silly!
  7. My sincere condolences. I am so sorry for your loss and I will say a prayer for the family.
  8. Thank you for your honest assessment. It is really helpful. I plan on renting one soon to see how I like it.
  9. big-norm

    My gallery

  10. I just installed this light from superbrightleds.com https://www.superbrightleds.com/moreinfo/motorcycle-high-beam-and-low-beam-headlight-bulb/motorcycle-h4-led-fanless-headlight-conversion-kit-with-compact-heat-sink-2000-lumens/3930/8566/?make=105&model=3743&scc_id=1940&year=2009 The difference is phenomenal! i was having trouble seeing at night. I have a 2009 and I have never changed the headlight bulb. It seemed to be getting dim. Well I went ahead and ordered this light and WOW! What a difference. I was on the highway last night and I can not only see far down the road but I can see ALL around me left and right. i ordered the load resistor but never needed it. This bulb was plug and play. I think I read somewhere on this forum that for the 2nd gen the load resistor was not needed. there are bulbs with more lumens and such but there is not a lot of space back there behind the headlamp and I did not want potential interference to the radio. The radio and tunes are critical for me. They are a must have! So this light worked well for me. As you can see in the pic my headlight is really bright! My headlight used to be just as dull as my passing lights on the left and right. I will do the passing lights next.
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