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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Thom has one. Pretty slick. [attach]50808[/attach] [attach]50809[/attach] [attach]50810[/attach]
  2. Thanks for this thread, Ricker. I got much the same feeling at Gig"s mait. day a few years ago. His little ones couldn't stay away from Ol' WilderBeast. [ATTACH]50630[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]50631[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]50632[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]50633[/ATTACH]
  3. and don't forget the heels. Oy! Get rid of that image!
  4. Tammy finally get you to model one of her sewing progcts?
  5. It alerts them. It has a audible chirp (quite annoying) and a subsonic chirp for small critters. It gets their attention w/o spooking them. http://www.911phone.net/Alert.htm http://www.911phone.net/Maxsa%20MC2400%20Deer%20Alert%20B.JPG Yup! We be geeks.
  6. Glad ya'll made it home safe. Now, back to the Salt Mine, eh? Thanks for coming down. You guys are part of the Houston Bunch now, so we expect to see you at M&E's & Maintenance Days.
  7. Welcome back!
  8. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Bike%20shots/PonchDash.jpg?t=1284865398
  9. Had a great visit with Randy & Beth! Great folks. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/09112010%20GunkyLump%20visit/DSCF5943.jpg?t=1284379262 http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/09112010%20GunkyLump%20visit/DSCF5973.jpg?t=1284379337 http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/09112010%20GunkyLump%20visit/DSCF5976.jpg?t=1284379370 http://s672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/09112010%20GunkyLump%20visit/?start=0
  10. Hampton Inn Tomball Medical Complex Drive @ 249 bypass. 9/11/10 KSU 08:00 Gonna ride the Montgomery Trace ending up @ Squidleydoodle & Lonnadoodle's.
  11. We enjoyed a nice steak or two w/Randy & Beth tonight. Good to see you guys. [ATTACH]50157[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]50158[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]50159[/ATTACH]
  12. Not bad, Mel. Here's a link to yer pic. ... Ponch
  13. Dang it guys, LilBit & I left Waco about 2:00 pm Today headed home. Serious rain almost all the way. Can't wait til you get here! ... Ponch
  14. Thanks, but I stole the idea from Beer30.
  15. Daaannnggg, Michael. That sure is purdy!
  16. :banana::banana::banana::banana:
  17. Nope, three won't fit. I can get 2 - 1 1/2" gauges on top & 1 -1 7/8" tach on the bottom. Height is the issue. If I were going with a 2 gauge plate, I would use the Smith's dual meter & the Autometer tach and a digital voltmeter else where. BTW, 7k on the tach won't be enough rpm's for you, Dyno Don!
  18. No prob, Don. I just have to make another plate. It has to be 2 1/4" tall. Bubber has a 2 hole plate w/ 2 1/16" gauges. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Gauges/22chrome.jpg?t=1283092861 There's room. I can even put a tach under 2 - 1 1/2" gauges w/o a problem with the "box". I never have to alter the top of the opening. I hooked mine to the hot side of the powerport, not as accurate as coming off the battery with a relay but it was close and no wire to run, my volt metter runs ab 13 volts unless I just started it then shows 14 and drop shortly afterwards Monty uses a relay and power straight from the battery for volts. It works really well and gets about as accurate voltage as you can get without installing the volt meter at the battery.
  19. SunPro & Harbor Freight is I have found besides the Equus. But, the Smith's dual gauge in 52mm (2 1/16") in the Magnolia finish plus one other matching gauge would fit in a 2 gauge plate. I haven't found a tach in that color/size. http://www.gaugeguys.com/images/GD1301-65C078%20DUAL%20GAUGE.jpg http://www.gaugeguys.com/images/Magnolia_amp_30_master.jpg http://www.gaugeguys.com/images/CA1100-03C%20001.jpg
  20. Don't know about the AutoMeter tach, but the Drag Specialties and NOVA MMB tach.'s don't need a controller.
  21. Thanks Oweeeeen & Margareeeet! Great MT Day. Can we plan the next one when it gets hot?? Love your place & animals, especially the big one. Oy, what a horse!
  22. Had to change it to Luby's. The IHOP gets real busy early and is not very friendly to large crowds.
  23. We did the Cody Roundup last September. Great time. We stayed at the Skyline Motel, but lot of the group stayed at the Pondrerosa. Neat Campground. The TeePees looked like a neat idea, but as you can see they are at the bottom of the gorge/canyon/whatever and might be interresting to negotiate that climb and descent on a 800+ lb. dirt bike.
  24. Good luck getting up that gravel road hill from the TeePees if it rains. [ATTACH]49126[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]49127[/ATTACH]
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