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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Garmin said I had to initiate the pair from the cel phone on some models. Finally got it done and no more dropped calls.
  2. Thanks, Don. I think this will be good. I could not see the "move" button either.
  3. Hunter, Do you want to sell the TD bars?
  4. Brenda, When can we come look at it? It's probaly something minor. I could bring it home with me and we (Squid, Doodle, Monkey Boy and I) can have time to really tear it apart (I mean propperly diagnose it!).
  5. WE miss you LA.
  6. I'll be in Waco The weekend of November 6. I could run up on the 6th and do the install. Let me know pretty quick though as I need to order some parts.
  7. You betcha, offer still stands. I never did a carb tune, but I bet ol' Squid can teach me, or Goose might even come along and teach both of us. Ponch
  8. Yup, he's got about six gallons of the stuff. it don't look like gas, alcohol, turpentine, or anything I've seen.
  9. Hay George, I been working on something you might like. Should look pretty good with your wood grain stuff. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Gauges/BrownTortoiseShell.jpg?t=1286983794
  10. Ventures love higher rpm's. The redline on a stock G2 is about 6500. The Dyna 3000 ignition will push the redline to 8k.
  11. Nova MMB Micro Mini Tachometer http://bikergarage101.com/85025novammbmicrominitachometer.aspx
  12. I recently got a Casio Exilim. The Zumo 550 doesn't like it. It constantly gives the message "Cel Phone Disconnected" followed by "You can make calls now (or something like that)". My G'Zone never did that so I bet it's in the phone.
  13. Welcome back James. Thanks for the pics.
  14. http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=935
  15. Ponch


    I love the questions at the bottom of the listing. Q: I own a Honda. If I wear the helmet will my motor rev faster? Sep-18-10A: I don't think so. In fact, the bike probably won't even start until you take the helmet off. That shouldn't keep you from bidding on this fine item however. It has many other uses. If you take your family camping you could use it for a portable toilet. It should last a family of four about a week before it needs to be emptied. Very good responses.
  16. When the tech Dyno'd Kevin's bike originally, it only showed 44hp at the wheel. Kevin had modified the air boxes to get more flow and that probably accounted for the poor hp.
  17. 98HP @ Rear Wheel
  18. Good point! All's I can say is it handles great. I did some snooping and found the same thing (rim width). I prolly wouldn't go with the ME880 anyway since they are available from other mfg's. It belongs to Kevfish. I don't believe he has ever posted, but he is a supporting member and does read the posts. His motor has a VMax cam, VMax sized valves with custom valve guides, ported & polished heads, totally cleaned out air supply plumbing from the filters (all raised & high points flushed down), modified Air Boxes w/ K&N filters, Dyna3K ignition, maximum jetting on the carbs. and Full Bub exhaust except the pipes are 1 1/2" (guessing, I didn't measure) with custom made adapters at the heads. These pipes match the Bub heat shields perfectly! The AIS is completely removed. Apparantly, the AIS port in two of the heads choke off the air flow to the corresponding valves pretty significantly. These protrusions were totally removed and plugged. This thing runs awesome! All work was done by a race bike tech. in Houston.
  19. I still like the Kumho, but ..... I installed a set of gauges on a Hot Rod 07' Venture over the weekend. He has a 180/70/15 ME880 on the rear. Wow! Rides smooth and sure. I'm thinkin' of trying this out (even if it is a Metzler).
  20. Alternative: Swagelok part # SS-200-2-2. Stainless Steel. It's not shiney, but a little time on a buffer and it could be. Prettier than brass (unless you like brass). It retails for about $12.00. If you want me to get it send $15.00. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Gauges/DSC00022.jpg?t=1286205007 http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Gauges/DSC00023.jpg?t=1286205007
  21. MotorPig or anyone else who has removed a CT: If the tire is in reasonably good shape, I would be interrested in buying it from you. Not a Nexen, though.
  22. Yup! What he said.
  23. Good on ya O'.
  24. You're welcome! Thanks for sharing part of your 2010' Flat A$$ run with us. BTW, the Texas Doohickey with the cork on the bottom is to put in a wine bottle, but I doubt if you have any partial bottles of wine at your house. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2ipq2a1sFEE/SltuaKnXFZI/AAAAAAAAAbQ/S4LSm70fZuc/s320/muttley01.gif
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