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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. I agree. The sizing chart threw me as well. I ordered per the chart and had to return the first set. I then ordered the next size larger (large) knowing they would probably drag the ground behind me. To my surprise, they fit perfectly. I have a 30" inseam and the large size claims they fit 32.5 - 34" inseam. I returned the medium size because they fit my thighs too tight. ... Ponch
  2. White Horse Gear has them in uninsulated leather (which I have) and insulated Nylon. I really like them. I wear snow/ski pants when it's cold. http://www.whitehorsegear.com/apparel?SID=hbiverkrc14i1olgu6dd44s4c4 http://www.whitehorsegear.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/c/p/cpezl_3.jpg http://www.whitehorsegear.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/c/p/cpez_1_1.jpg
  3. Over 2 years on my SilverStar Ultra. I'm pleased with it.
  4. I run mine except in a group ride (don't want to annoy the bike in front of me) or at low speeds when the Gerbing's are on.
  5. We be home. Got in about 7:00. Left about 7:00. No rain. 29 deg when we left. LilBit's heated gear kept her happy. I still can't feel my fingers. 1300 miles total. Had a ball! Shame ol,' Doodle don't come to these things. He might actually enjoy it.
  6. Had a great meal Thursday night. It's a shame ol' Squidly an Lonna an KBran an Beth had to miss it.
  7. Tough luck, Kenny. We're gonna miss you two. I hope you get your stuff back.
  8. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:RAhD65zRYxv5KM:http://i30.tinypic.com/2a5mr9.jpg&t=1
  9. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fnBZhEf9qU4/SVkuWD-9H4I/AAAAAAAAAYg/ZOvV3X9R7vE/s400/texas_cake.jpg
  10. You mean the Mr. Spock wave. How cool is that??
  11. Buddy & Snowflake, We are saddened by your dad's passing, but happy his sufferring is over. It's great that you finally reached your son. Ponch & LilBit
  12. There's several pics on this thread.
  13. I've heard that some customers were dissatisfied with a claim denial and went to Yamaha Corporate. I hope the following is true as this is what I remember. There were a number of denied claims from faulty clutch baskets that got contested and Yamaha came through. Some claim to have talked to a factory rep who got approval.
  14. Mike, I was thinking the mount may be bent when you first posted. If it's bent from abuse, the dealer won't warranty it. If the weld is bad, they better! Dealer will probably claim abuse. I have straightened side stand mounts on other bikes by removing the stand and placing a large adjustable wrench on the mount and bending the mount downwards. You'll might have to remove the exhaust to do it. Keep in mind that if it is bent, the frame may be weakened at the mount and bending it back may weaken it even more. If it was my bike, I would try to straighten it. Ponch
  15. Brenda, Lets plan on Saturday. Let me know what time to show up. I know you work nights, so make it convenient for yourself. Post your address too (or PM it). ... Ponch
  16. Kreg, Gumbo did his awhile back. We'll tear it down for ya! Don can help us if we get stuck. BTW, he's pretty darn good with a hammer.
  17. Letuce know when. I be hungry most all the time an' Doodle can finish whatever I have left over.
  18. Yes, You are!
  19. We been to the races. Here's some pics. http://s672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/10232010%20GatorPlex%20Races/?albumview=slideshow http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/10232010%20GatorPlex%20Races/1023101902.jpg?t=1288033544
  20. Dingy sells the wrenches. jryan; I would like to have your old inner fairing if you want to part with it.
  21. I hope to offer them soon. I have made a few already.
  22. Ponch

    Pic's how to.

    Stop it. I know yer up to something! BTW, Squid's gonna getcha. I'm jus' sayin.
  23. Ponch

    Pic's how to.

    If the pics is from a website like Photobucket or whatever, just right click on the pic and select copy. On your post right click and paste.
  24. Ponch

    Pic's how to.

    There's directions under FAQ above. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/faq.php?faq=vb3_reading_posting#faq_vb3_attachments
  25. http://www.baronscustom.com/images/products/20070111183114.jpg http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/777/index.html These are the risers most of us use. Be aware that the risers cause the bar clamps to contact the dash cover. It doesn't hurt anything and it only does it at full lock.
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