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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Interresting idea. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p6FaqqBfFI&feature=related]YouTube - Bushtec trailer with remote latch[/ame]
  2. Jack, here's a thread about antennae replacement. I've seen Perry's and Owen's setups. Both are great.
  3. Here's a wonderful instuctional video on how to propperly remove the lock. NOT [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zxzywkh-QY]YouTube - Bustec First Try[/ame]
  4. I bought the 16 LED 3 way lights for my trailer at Cycle Gadgets in Eureka Springs AR. We were attending the 09 VR International Rally at the Hub. I noticed in November that on the right light, only one row of Amber lights were working. I called HyperLites to see about buying one replacement light. The lady on the phone said "Those things should last much longer. I'll send you a new one". I put it on today and will send the old one back tomorrow. Thanks HyperLites. Great Customer service.
  5. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKdMPRNN06J_sTuTghnuFgGzhTFhY0q23FrEc7wUs0iSSKetbQ&t=1 Happy Birthday Larry!
  6. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_n4mDVLGIMvE/TCzho2QFn7I/AAAAAAAB_WY/FBbmattFMx4/s1600/winter_snow_toilet.jpg
  7. The Hazard relay is on the left side under the fairing. The Hazard flasher relay is on the right side next to the radio. If you have turn signals, it's probably the Hazard flasher relay. I don't think the turn signals will flash with the Hazard relay unplugged.
  8. There are instructions to hook up the electronic flasher relay to the signal canceler/flasher on Custom Dynamic's web site. http://www.customdynamics.com/yamaha_flasher.htm http://www.customdynamics.com/Images/yamaha1.jpg http://www.customdynamics.com/Images/Flasher-Relay-Roadstar.jpg It works!, but you do lose the cancel feature. I would get another one for the emergency flashers as well. It's plug & play.
  9. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/misc/Dadat16.jpg?t=1294066363 Dad @ 16 yrs old. Harley 45
  10. You better get one of them hard hats with mirrors all around. Not only do you have keep an eye on CupCake, but now you better watch out Thom. http://hardhats.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/mirrors.jpg
  11. The Squid & I are allready looking into it.
  12. I think this is it. Good on ya Gumbo! http://image9.autorevo.com/382/pics/2932941_96d039aa-aac3-447f-9073-15db6502bf72.jpg http://image9.autorevo.com/382/pics/2932941_b25120d7-54f2-481d-a36a-f79f1392a311.jpg
  13. Here's some shots of a Souvineer shop close to Port Isabel, Tx. [ATTACH]52513[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52514[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52515[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52516[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52517[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52518[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]52519[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52520[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52521[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52522[/ATTACH][ATTACH]52523[/ATTACH]
  14. Yup! Just be sure to get the motorcycle wheel adapter if using it for the bike. We'll show you how. That will give us an excuse to come see ya.
  15. more cool video [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCFCeJTEzNU&feature=related]YouTube - Silent Monks Singing Halleluia[/ame]
  16. Pillow Top seat (Butler modified), passenger hiway pegs, backrest (for driver) which has a pouch facing the passenger for essentials, gel pad for extra cushion if Rick's mod. isn't enough, drink holder.
  17. Good on ya, Jay. I hope the rest of the recovery is painless. You'll be a new man soon.
  18. Doodle, you mostly ain't right, but that was pretty cool indeed.
  19. I met a guy yesterday who had 120 volt Christmas lights on a power inverter from the trunk.
  20. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/misc/HappybdayLonna.jpg?t=1291174125
  21. Not only that, but Jim (AimHigh) bought a GoodWing. Not a trike, yet.
  22. Ride TEXAS, RoadRunner
  23. Awesome, Mike! Maybe you can enjoy it now. ... Ponch
  24. You mean Cornbread & Chicken Fried Steak. What's a thigh master? :rotf:That sounds like exercize. Me no do ecercize. Hello!! Have you seen me??
  25. Just call them. Some folks don't do email consistantly (odd for an EBay seller, no??) I too had issues with timely responses via email, but they always answer the phone. Every transaction I had with them has been as advertized and prompt delivery. Kudos in general to Pinwall. ... Ponch
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